
From the window of Uncle Tom's cabin, it was a gloomy February morning with a drizzle. People's faces are also gloomy, reflecting the sadness in their hearts. Small table put

author:Purple upturned desk

From the window of Uncle Tom's cabin, it was a gloomy February morning with a drizzle. People's faces are also gloomy, reflecting the sadness in their hearts. The small table was placed in front of the fire, covered with an ironing mat cloth, and one or two clean coarse cloth shirts that had just been ironed hung on the back of a chair by the fire, and Aunt Chloe spread out another shirt to be ironed on the table. She meticulously ironed every fold, every veneer, and from time to time raised her hand to wipe away the tears that were rolling down her cheeks.

Tom sat by, a Bible of the New Testament spread out on his knees, one hand propped his head up:—but neither of them spoke. It was still early in the morning, and the children were still asleep on the rough four-wheeled low-legged bed.

Tom, like all the unfortunate blacks, is tenderly attached to his family (so pathetic). He stood up and walked silently to the low bed to watch his children.

"This is the last time." He said.

Aunt Crowe didn't answer, but ironed the coarse-cloth shirt over and over again that was too flat to be flat. Finally she suddenly slammed the iron down in despair and sat down at the table and "cried loudly".

"It seems that I can only resign myself to fate, but oh my God, how can I do it?" If only I knew where you were being sold, or what they would do to you! The wife said she was going to think of redeeming you in a year or two, but, my God, no one who sold you to the south has ever come back! They are all exhausted alive! I've heard how they made black people work those plantations. ”

"There's the same God out there, Chloe."

"Well," said Aunt Crowe, "even if there is, sometimes God allows terrible things to happen, and that still doesn't comfort me." ”

"I'm in God's hands," said Tom, "and the things he doesn't allow will not happen,—— at least one thing I thank him very much for, and it is I who sell it to the South, not you and the children." Here you are safe,-- whatever happens will only fall on my head; and God will help me,-- I know he will. ”

Oh, the heart of a brave man! Suppress your pain to comfort your loved one! Tom's voice was hoarse as he said all this, and pain choked his throat, but his words were still brave and strong.

"Let us think about the grace we have received!" He continued, his voice trembling, as if he knew he really needed to think about it all.

"Grace!" Aunt Crowe said, "I don't see any grace here!" This is not right, it should not be so at all! The old man should not have made things to the point of selling you to pay off the debt. You've already earned back your worth, twice as much! He owes you your freedom and should have let you go a few years ago. Maybe he can't help himself now, but I still feel that it is wrong to do so. Anyway I think so. A loyal person like you,—— always put his business above his own affairs,—— regard him more important than your own wife and children! Those who only want to get out of their predicament and do not hesitate to sell the flesh and bones of the people they love will be punished by God! ”

- "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

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Uncle Tom's cabin

From the window of Uncle Tom's cabin, it was a gloomy February morning with a drizzle. People's faces are also gloomy, reflecting the sadness in their hearts. Small table put
From the window of Uncle Tom's cabin, it was a gloomy February morning with a drizzle. People's faces are also gloomy, reflecting the sadness in their hearts. Small table put

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