
A Czech female singer died after deliberately contracting the new crown ...

author:Beijing News Network

In order not to vaccinate, a Czech folk singer deliberately infected herself with the new crown virus, and did not expect to die of the new crown two days later.

According to the BBC reported on January 20, a 57-year-old folk singer from the Czech Republic, Hana Horka, who has been opposed to vaccinations, also posted on social media that she was infected with the new crown and in the recovery stage, but Hana died two days later.

A Czech female singer died after deliberately contracting the new crown ...

Data chart Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ying

Hana's son, Jan Rek, said he and his father were infected with the coronavirus at the time, but their mother stayed by their side instead of complying with quarantine rules.

It is reported that according to the epidemic prevention regulations of the Czech Republic, access to public places such as movie theaters, bars and cafes requires vaccination certificates or proof of recent infection with the virus. Jane Lake believes that the mother was "deliberately" infected, "so that once she recovers, she can get a pass to enter certain places." "Although both Lake and his father were fully vaccinated, they contracted the coronavirus over the Christmas period.

Two days before her death, Holka also wrote on social media that she was recovering — "Now [I] can go to theaters, saunas, concerts." ”

It is worth noting that both Lake and his father have been vaccinated, but Holka is adamantly unwilling to vaccinate.

"Her philosophy is that she would rather be actively infected with COVID-19 than be vaccinated, but she doesn't think we'll be microchipped or something like that [after vaccination]." Lake stressed that Holka doesn't really believe in the strange conspiracy theories about vaccines.

Lake said there was no point in trying to discuss vaccine issues with his mother because it would make each other too emotional. Instead, he hopes to convince others to get vaccinated by telling his own story.

On January 16, local time, Hana passed away. Just before she died, she said she was feeling better, getting dressed and ready for a walk. But her back suddenly began to hurt and she went back to the bedroom and lay down. Jane Lake said: "After about 10 minutes, it was all over and Mom was suffocating to death. ”

Source: North Evening Online Comprehensive Jimu News Global Network

Process Edit: TF065

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