
Chen Yan, deputy secretary of the district party working committee, and his party went to the Management Office of Aixi Lake to investigate

author:Charm Aixi Lake

On the morning of January 19, 2022, Chen Yan, deputy secretary of the District Party Working Committee, Xiao Shunlong, director of the Emergency Management Bureau, Tu Xiangyu, director of the Social Development Bureau, and Tang Wen, captain of the Fire Brigade, went to the Aixi Lake Management Office to investigate, accompanied by Jiang Ruijian, secretary of the party committee, and Zhang Liangliang, deputy secretary of the party committee and director.

Chen Yan, deputy secretary of the district party working committee, and his party went to the Management Office of Aixi Lake to investigate
Chen Yan, deputy secretary of the district party working committee, and his party went to the Management Office of Aixi Lake to investigate

Chen Yan and his party first came to a number of clinics on Chuangxin Road to secretly visit and supervise the normalization of epidemic prevention and control management, to understand the situation of scanning codes, measuring temperature, wearing masks, etc. of the people in the jurisdiction, and required that the clinic pharmacies should give full play to the role of sentinel points, timely update the sales and use accounts of the four types of drugs, and once fever patients are found, they should be dealt with in a timely manner in accordance with the procedures.

Chen Yan, deputy secretary of the district party working committee, and his party went to the Management Office of Aixi Lake to investigate

Subsequently, Chen Yan and his party came to Nanchang Hailong Plastic Packaging Co., Ltd. to carry out safety production inspection work, requiring enterprises to strengthen the awareness of safety production management, tighten the string of safe production at all times, strictly follow the rules and regulations to carry out production and operation activities, and eliminate accidents.

Chen Yan, deputy secretary of the district party working committee, and his party went to the Management Office of Aixi Lake to investigate
Chen Yan, deputy secretary of the district party working committee, and his party went to the Management Office of Aixi Lake to investigate

Finally, Comrade Chen Yan held a special dispatch meeting at the Aixi Lake Management Office, at which he listened to the report of the Aixi Lake Management Office on the safety and stability of letters and visits and the prevention and control of the epidemic, fully affirmed the work of the Management Office, and pointed out the direction for the next work of the Management Office:

The first is to find out the bottom number and formulate work measures. Conduct comprehensive investigation and sorting out key areas, key groups, key problems, and key personnel, establish work accounts, seriously analyze and judge the existing unstable factors, and earnestly do a thorough job of counting and clarifying the situation; at the same time, study and formulate stability and control measures according to the actual situation, patiently answer the demands of petitioners, and resolve contradictions and disputes in a timely manner.

The second is to innovate ideas and do a good job in safe production. In view of the difficulty of charging electric vehicles, "three-in-one" places and external wall shedding, the district and department levels to strengthen the linkage of departments, select communities with high degree of cooperation and good mass foundation to carry out pilot transformation, form an operational working mechanism, create a safe production work brand of Aixi Lake Management Office, and quickly promote it in the whole district with points and areas.

The third is to implement the details and accurately prevent and control the epidemic. Make further efforts in the control of key personnel, accurate investigation, and prevention and control of key places, strengthen the normalization of epidemic prevention and control management, accurately grasp the number of personnel outside, strictly implement corresponding control measures, and give full play to the role of big data analysis and judgment to carry out accurate investigation.

The fourth is to uphold the right style and discipline and ensure a clean and honest holiday. We should continue to consolidate the results of the large-scale rectification of the work style of grass-roots cadres, take the lead in observing discipline and stressing rules, strictly implement the spirit of the eight central regulations, resolutely resist the "four winds" problem, set an example of honesty and festivals, and strive to create a festive atmosphere with a clean and healthy atmosphere.