
Han Feng: The original heart is like a rock, never regrets, vows to be a "warm hearted person" for the people

author:Luwang Zibo News

Luwang, January 21 (Reporter Zhuang Jiali) On January 21, the Propaganda Department of the Zibo Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China held a press conference to release the 2021 "Moving Zibo" annual person to the public. Taking root and dedicating to the original heart The first secretary who walked on the road of rural revitalization - Han Feng was elected as the 2021 "Moving Zibo" Person of the Year.

Han Feng: The original heart is like a rock, never regrets, vows to be a "warm hearted person" for the people

Han Feng, a member of the Communist Party of China, is the first secretary of Nanhuang Village, Zhaili Town, Zichuan District. Since June 2015, he has successively served as the first secretary of Ganquan Village, Tatewu Village, Qupo Village and Nanhuang Village in Zhaili Town, Zichuan District, for more than six years, more than 2,200 days and nights, what has changed is one village after another that urgently needs to get rid of poverty and a face from strange to familiar, unchanged is rooted in the countryside, a kind of perseverance and feelings of hard work, hot and strong, resolute and determined, following the clarion call of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization to every piece of rural land he has walked. Infiltrated into the hearts of every mass he had helped.

The masses feel empathy for the suffering and adhere to the original heart of the people

In 2015, when he first came to Ganquan Village as the "First Secretary", the passionate Han Feng was deeply shocked by the embarrassment of his life when he faced the Sun Tonggan family, and this subordinate cadre who was accustomed to a good urban life, the old man's stomach was removed in a large area, his wife's emphysema, and his son's uremia... This was a family that was rapidly falling into the abyss of poverty, and looking at the family's sad and helpless eyes, Han Feng's heart was like hanging a thousand heavy burdens. "Help these suffering masses" haunts his mind every day, and in the two years he has been stationed in Ganquan Village, Han Feng has fought for materials and raised donations for this family, and has done everything he can to help this family on the verge of collapse out of the quagmire. Even in the four years since he left the village, Han Feng still continued to fight for the family's serious illness relief funds and contact the hospital, and whenever he saw Han Feng, the old man would always hold his hand for a long time and be grateful to the old man. During the period of being stationed in Juanpo Village, a father and son in the village suffered from mental disorders, only the mother was left to support the family alone, life was difficult and helpless, the mother wanted to end her life several times, Han Feng looked anxious in the eyes, ran in many ways, entrusted people's feelings, found relationships, and finally coordinated the love enterprise to donate nearly 10,000 yuan to help father and son buy treatment drugs. Her mother said: It was Secretary Han's help again and again that gave her the courage and confidence to live. In Han Feng's experience in the village, such examples are endless: buying cotton clothes for the people in need, wearing reading glasses for the elderly, and buying school supplies for children. Like a man drinking water, cold and warm self-knowledge, his sincerity has been exchanged for the sincerity of the masses. As the village secretary wrote when he left Ganquan Village: "It has been two years of love for Ganquan, and now the dynasty is full of feelings of farewell, the ancient cypress is in the shade of the year, and the neighbors of the countryside are looking forward to the king day by day."

Cut through thorns and thorns without fear of hardships, and always stay in the public side

Poverty alleviation is by no means easy, and it is difficult to completely solve the chores and troubles in the village without the hard work of "running and breaking legs and grinding mouths". On the first day of his tenure in Tatewu Village, Han Feng learned that the villagers had been unable to eat water for more than two years, which surprised Han Feng, knowing that the organic well had equipment and pipes, why did it become a problem? With doubts, Han Feng learned in detail about the ins and outs of the matter: the village well contractor and the village collective had contradictions due to problems such as project fees and equipment maintenance fees, and had twice gone to court, the village was unable to pay the relevant funds, and the tap water in front of him could not flow into the villagers' yards. Villagers have buckets and basins under the eaves of their houses all year round waiting for rain, and in the dry season, some people use tractors to pull water tanks to sell at high prices, and the problem of the masses' draft water is imminent. Faced with a wide range of draft issues involving sharp conflicts of interest, Han Feng began a long and difficult road of communication with the contractor and the two village committees. Sometimes a communication is half a day, or even a long talk all night. After a month of arduous negotiations, the two sides finally shook hands and made peace and released their previous suspicions, but the village committee needed to pay the contractor 160,000 yuan for the project, and the village collective did not have any income. Han Feng also actively coordinated with the enterprise to donate 200,000 yuan to solve the urgent need, looking at the tap water gushing out of the courtyard, the villagers' hearts were happy. As Han Feng recorded in his journal: "Whenever I walk on the road, the smiles on the faces of ordinary people when I greet me let me know that my work has been done in their hearts; when I work in the hot sun, the old lady in her eighties brought me a bowl of water to let me know that they really recognized me." In the past six years, Han Feng has coordinated a total of 9 million yuan of policy funds, 1.6 million yuan of support funds, and helped the village collective increase its income by 850,000 yuan.

It is difficult to have both big feelings and small loves, and the revitalization of the countryside gives up who I am

As a veteran of the "First Secretary" front stationed in the village, there are not only the passionate years of fighting side by side with the masses, but also the painful moments that are inseparable from his family, but in Han Feng's heart, he always knows what is big love and what is small love. In Han Feng's mobile phone, there is such a tear-jerking video, in August 2019, the sudden typhoon Lichma hit the village where he was stationed, communication was interrupted, roads were washed away, Han Feng and the two village committees worked together to transfer the masses, eliminate dangers and overcome difficulties, led his father and fellow villagers to withstand the flood in the flood and rain, avoided mass casualties, and fought in the front line of the fight against the typhoon for more than ten consecutive days. The 5-year-old has not seen his father for many days, and every day when he comes home from kindergarten, he will look up all the rooms and then ask his mother in a choked voice at the door, "Daddy, Daddy." The wife recorded this video and sent it to Han Feng, leaving a message to Han Feng that "it has been a week since the child returned from kindergarten to look for his father in the house", and Han Feng had tears in his eyes when he opened the video. Poverty alleviation is not the end, but the starting point of a new life and a new struggle, in the surging spring tide of consolidating the results of poverty alleviation and effectively connecting with rural revitalization, Han Feng once again chose to stay in the village, leaving the guilt to the family and the enthusiasm to the countryside he loved. Only this time, he was more confident, because his family slowly understood him and became a strong support for the "First Secretary". My son, who is now in elementary school, wrote in the essay "My Dad" that my dad was an ordinary hero who often didn't come home, but my mother and I loved him, and I wanted to be such a person when I grew up.

Xiong Guan Man Dao is really like iron, and now he steps forward from the beginning. In Han Feng's bookcase, medals and awards for the revitalization of Zibo Labor, the advanced individuals in Zibo City's fight against typhoons and disaster relief, the zibo city's advanced individuals who "assume responsibility and vigorously grasp implementation," the example of the first secretary of Shandong Province, and the medals and awards of outstanding communist party members in Shandong Province were quietly displayed. The sun rises in the east, its road is great, the river flows, and the ocean is pouring out. Behind these honors, we saw hope, and saw the vivid scene of hundreds of Han Feng-style "first secretaries" leaning over and throwing themselves into the revitalization of the countryside, which was a more and more beautiful brush stroke, a symphony that sang more and more.


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