
Yue Mouxian insisted on the search for his son: the police's death verdict and the family's refusal to believe

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Xue Shasha Lin Jueyao Trainee reporter He Peiyun Intern Guo Qiulin

Shandong Rongcheng police said that after DNA identification, the highly corrupt body was Yue Yuetong, but Yue Mouxian and his wife did not accept it.

Yue Mouxian is still working around while looking for his son, and his wife is still posting videos on the short video platform, calling her son home.

Their story of finding a son has attracted widespread attention because Yue Mou is infected with the new crown. On January 19, 2022, because of a circulation record of "working in more than 20 places in 18 days", Yue Mouxian was called "the hardest Chinese in the flow". In an interview with the media, he said, "I work hard to get my children back. I worked harder, even if I put my life in it, I still had to get the child back. ”

In the eyes of Yue Yuetong's uncle Yue Qing (pseudonym), Yue Yuetong is an honest and sensible child. He said that after dropping out of school in his second year of junior high school, Yue Yuetong studied acupuncture and moxibustion, worked as a help cook, and then worked odd jobs in a food factory in Weihai, Shandong Province. Yue Yuetong, then 19, wanted to go home because of a stomachache, and lost contact with his family after being sent to a local bus stop by the head of the food factory.

Yue Qing said that Yue Mouxian has been with a three-wheeled motorcycle for all these years and has traveled all over Weihai and has been to Tianjin, Henan, Shanxi and other places. Because his son had worked as a helper cook in a hotel in Beijing, Yue Mouxian came to Beijing to look for a son.

However, according to the police report, Yue Mouxian's arduous search for a son has long been a futile obsession.

On January 21, 2022, the Weihai Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a notice saying that on August 12, 2020, the rongcheng city public security organ received Yue Mouxian's wife from the police, saying that his son Yue Yuetong disappeared at 9 o'clock on the same day, and the public security organs carried out search work through monitoring, trajectory tracking, visits and investigations, and issued search notices, and did not find his whereabouts. On August 26 of the same year, the public security organs of Rongcheng City received a report from the masses, and found the body of a highly corrupt male in a local pond, and no criminal facts were found. After DNA identification and review by the Weihai Municipal Public Security Bureau, it was determined that Yue Yuetong was determined, but Yue Mouxian and his wife did not accept the appraisal conclusion. The remains are stored in the local funeral home and have not been cremated.

The circular said that since 2021, Yue Mouxian and his wife have successively gone to the relevant departments at a higher level to make a search appeal, and the public security organs have repeatedly explained and comforted them and communicated patiently, but the husband and wife have not accepted this fact. In the next step, we will continue to do a good job in legal interpretation and care and support.

Yue Mouxian insisted on the search for his son: the police's death verdict and the family's refusal to believe

Yue Yuetong. Courtesy of respondents

My son is missing

In an interview with The Paper on January 20, 2022, Yue Qing said that his nephew Yue Yuetong was 19 years old when he disappeared. In his eyes, the nephew is honest, down-to-earth, white-looking, and a sensible child.

According to Yue Qing's recollection, after Yue Yuetong dropped out of school in the second year of junior high school, he studied acupuncture with an acupuncture master, and later went to Beijing to help cook in a restaurant. Before his disappearance, Yue Yuetong worked odd jobs at a food factory in Shidao Town, Rongcheng City, Weihai, for about two months. At that time, Yue Mouxian was working as a crew member on a fishing boat in Weihai, and his family settled in Weihai.

One day, Yue Yuetong said that he had a stomachache and wanted to go home. The people at the food factory drove him to a bus stop and asked him to take a ride home, but after that, Yue Yuetong's whereabouts were unknown.

On the night of Yue Yuetong's disappearance, his family received a call from the food factory asking whether Yue Yuetong had arrived home, and the family knew that the child was not in the food factory, nor did he go home, nor did he answer the phone.

After realizing that Yue Yuetong was missing, the family rushed to the food factory and bus stop to look for it. Call Yue Yuetong's mobile phone number, the mobile phone is open, but no one answers. Yue Mouxian was worried that his mobile phone was in arrears and paid for him. The family also sent messages to Yue Yuetong through QQ and WeChat, but did not see a reply.

After that, Yue Yuetong's mobile phone was turned off, and his family could no longer call in.

Yue Qing said his family's request to the police to help retrieve surveillance footage from shops near and across from the bus stop was unsuccessful. Later, the family found surveillance video on a bus passing by at the time, and the surveillance showed that Yue Yuetong, wearing a white coat, got out of the food factory car and walked away with a small bag on his back, and did not go to the opposite side to take the car home. According to China News Weekly, Yue Mouxian said that after Yue Yuetong went missing, he rushed home to find the child, and called the police at the local police station, hoping that the police would find someone by locating his son's mobile phone and adjusting the monitoring, but to no avail.

However, the Weihai Municipal Public Security Bureau said in the above-mentioned circular that on August 12, 2020, the public security organs of Rongcheng City received Yue Mouxian's wife from the police and carried out search work through monitoring, trajectory tracking, visits and investigations, and issued search notices, and did not find the whereabouts of Yue Yuetong, nor did they find valuable clues.

Both Yue Qing and Yue Mouxian said that in 2021, the local government informed them to find the body of a suspected Yue Yuetong, and they had gone to identify it. Yue Mouxian said that the human face is not clear, very fat, round face, and his son is 1 meter 74 tall, very thin, long face. He felt that it was not Yue Yuetong. They asked for an appraisal, but later failed.

Yue Qing said that when he heard the news of his grandson's suspected death, Yue Yuetong's grandfather and grandmother cried and cried at home, "I look sad."

The Weihai Municipal Public Security Bureau said in the above-mentioned circular that on August 26, 2020, the Rongcheng City Public Security Organ received a report from the masses and found a highly corrupt male body in a local pond. The Rongcheng Municipal Public Security Bureau collected the blood samples of Yue Mouxian and his wife for DNA identification and comparison, and after review by the Weihai Municipal Public Security Bureau, it was determined that Yue Yuetong was Yue Yuetong, but Yue Mouxian and his wife did not accept the appraisal conclusion. The remains are stored in the local funeral home and have not been cremated.

The circular said that since 2021, Yue Mouxian and his wife have successively gone to the relevant departments at a higher level to make a search appeal, and the public security organs have repeatedly explained and comforted them and communicated patiently, but the husband and wife have not accepted this fact. In the next step, the public security organs will continue to do a good job in legal interpretation and care and support with the local party committee, government and civil affairs and judicial departments.

On the way to find a child

Yue Mouxian, who is difficult to accept the police conclusion, and his family persist in continuing to search for their son.

Yue Qing told The Paper that his family had been looking for Yue Yuetong. Yue Mouxian was originally a crew member in Weihai, after his son went missing, he did not go to sea to work, in order to find children, has been driving a three-wheeled motorcycle around the country, spending tens of thousands of yuan.

Yue Qing remembered that the eldest brother drove a motorcycle tricycle and searched Weihai City all over again. One rainy day, he was anxious to find the child, accidentally had a car accident when turning, his leg was scratched, and he lost more than 2,000 yuan to the other party.

In addition to Weihai, Yue Mouxian drove a motorcycle tricycle with a notice to find people and went to many places, including Tianjin, Henan, Shanxi and other places.

Yue Qing said he relied on a small truck to pull goods to support his family, and he had been looking for a nephew. He himself has been to Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shaoxing, Wenzhou, Ningbo and other places, and he will find wherever he goes. "In Suzhou, I asked more than 40 factories, and no one had seen them. I pulled the goods and asked where they went. Yue Qing said.

He said that in the past, Yue Mou showed that he could work at sea and earn 50,000 or 60,000 yuan a year, and the conditions at home were acceptable. But in the past two years, in order to find his son, he ran to various cities to do odd jobs, and when he earned money, he looked for his son, and his family's economic conditions were not as good as before.

Yue Qing said that watching the eldest brother's hard work to find a son, his heart was sad and painful, and he took out five or six thousand yuan to fund the eldest brother, which was the total income of him and his wife for a month.

On the way to find a son, the social platform once became a place for Yue Mouxian and his wife to pin their feelings, and they expressed their thoughts about their son on Kuaishou.

Yue Mouxian insisted on the search for his son: the police's death verdict and the family's refusal to believe

Yue Yuetong's parents "shouted" their son through Kuaishou.

On August 27, 2020, Yue Mouxian released the first video of finding a son on Kuaishou, which is a life photo of his son Yue Yuetong. Yue Yuetong in the photo has short hair, a thin face and beautiful eyebrows. Yue Mouxian wrote, "Son, go home, your (your) mother is dying." ”

Since then, Yue Mouxian has posted photos and videos related to his son on Kuaishou every once in a while, and sometimes, he will also take pictures of the stations he passes, or the docks and ships he works on, with the text always saying the following sentences: "Son, where are you?" "Go home!"

"Tong Tong, where are you now?" You tell me. Don't you want Huawei phones, I'll buy it for you and mail it to you. You tell me where you are, you don't want to come, you can, I'll mail you over. On September 19, 2020, Yue Yuetong's mother "shouted" to her son in Kuaishou.

A month later, Yue Yuetong's mother released a video again, showing a brand new mobile phone. "Tong Tong, your mother bought you a new mobile phone, you come back soon."

On the last day of 2020, Yue Yuetong's mother filmed a video of heavy snow on houses, roads and doorposts, with the video caption, "Son, go home!" It's cold, and Mom and Dad miss you! ”

There are changes in the family, and Yue Yuetong's mother will also share them with her son through social media accounts. At the beginning of 2021, the Yue family built a new house, she recorded the room that was still a rough house, and said, "Tong Tong (Tong Tong), you saw that my house was built, you come, let's decorate it on a hot day." ”

Yue Mouxian insisted on the search for his son: the police's death verdict and the family's refusal to believe


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On January 20, 2022, Mr. Yue posted a video in the isolation ward with the caption "Son! When will we be back! ”。 Source: Kuaishou (00:10)

The wish to find a child still accompanies the yue-in-law family. On the afternoon of January 20, 2022, Yue Mouxian posted the latest video calling his son home on Kuaishou. He recorded his room and wrote, "Son! When will we be back! ”

Infected crown

In Yue Qing's impression, after his nephew Yue Yuetong disappeared, his parents and eldest brother were much older. Yue Mouxian, 44 years old, has been unable to hide his sideburns in the video he posted.

"My dad is 78 years old, has emphysema and paralysis, and my mom is 66 years old and has diabetes." Yue Qing said that after the news of the eldest brother's infection with new crown pneumonia spread to the village in his hometown of Henan, his elderly parents were very worried at home and cried.

Yue Qing said that after he received a call from the village cadre, he immediately wanted to rush to his hometown, but due to the impact of the epidemic, he could not go back. At present, the parents of the family are temporarily taken care of by the village cadres and village doctors, "the parents are in the hometown, I still can't go back, and my heart is very unhappy." ”

Earlier, Yue Mouxian was interviewed by the media and introduced that the youngest son was 12 years old, in the sixth grade, and his daughter-in-law watched the children at home, helped people dry kelp, and earned 10,000 yuan a year. The family of six depended on him for odd jobs.

In the spring of 2021, Yue Mouxian came to Beijing to work odd jobs, working until September of that year, when Weihai could go to sea, he returned to Weihai for two months. On November 19, Yue Mouxian returned to Beijing to continue his odd jobs, but half a month later, the news of his mother's fall came, and he returned to his hometown and took care of his family for more than half a month, until December, when he came to Beijing again.

In the more than 40 days in Beijing this time, he ran all over the East Fifth Ring Road and the South Fifth Ring Road in Beijing and earned more than 10,000 yuan.

Beijing means clues to the Yue family. Yue Yuetong once stopped in the city and helped cook in a restaurant in the East Fifth Ring Road. Yue Mouxian said that after he came to Beijing, he inquired about more than a dozen restaurants and small restaurants, and asked his son Yue Yuetong whether he had ever worked as a cook here.

On January 18, 2022, a person with a positive nucleic acid test was found in Chaoyang District, Beijing, who was diagnosed as an asymptomatic infected person with the new crown virus. On 19 January, the infected person turned confirmed. According to the trajectory information, the confirmed case worked in more than 20 different locations from January 1 to 18, working in the early morning for many days. This confirmed case is Yue Mouxian.

Editor-in-Charge: Cui Xuan

Proofreader: Luan Meng

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