
How do school children eat breakfast every day? Three suggestions three misunderstandings, do not eat wrong to affect the development and learning of children how to eat breakfast every day? Take a look at the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Infants, Toddlers and Children and Teenagers These children's breakfast mistakes, parents should understand early to avoid

author:Jing's mother said
How do school children eat breakfast every day? Three suggestions three misunderstandings, do not eat wrong to affect the development and learning of children how to eat breakfast every day? Take a look at the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Infants, Toddlers and Children and Teenagers These children's breakfast mistakes, parents should understand early to avoid

Wen 丨 Jing Ma said, original content.

School has started, not only the children are busy, parents are also busier, not only to pick up and drop off the children, worry about the children's things at school, but also have to prepare breakfast and dinner for the children on time, and the dedicated parents also have to match the nutrition of the meal.

After the beginning of the school, my family went to primary school for the first time, the primary school is no better than the kindergarten, there is no additional meal in the morning, and the breakfast at home must be insisted on for a morning, and it is not until 12 noon when school ends that it can eat lunch.

On the first day of school, I was told that I was hungry in the morning and couldn't wait for lunch.

From the next day, I prepared more for breakfast, eggs, milk, staple foods, vegetables and fruits, meat, all prepared, he himself had the experience of the first day, and also ate more appropriately.

A morning at school is not only a laborious one, but also an effort and physical strength. Eating breakfast badly will not only affect the child's growth and development, but also affect the child's learning status and efficiency.

How do school children eat breakfast every day? Three suggestions three misunderstandings, do not eat wrong to affect the development and learning of children how to eat breakfast every day? Take a look at the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Infants, Toddlers and Children and Teenagers These children's breakfast mistakes, parents should understand early to avoid

In April last year, Professor Zhang Wenhong specifically gave advice on the issue of children's breakfast:

For the development of children, breakfast must be eaten well, and the diet structure is very important, must eat high-nutrition, high-protein food, every morning enough milk, enough eggs, in the morning try not to drink white porridge, and never give him to eat those junk food.

How do school children eat breakfast every day? Three suggestions three misunderstandings, do not eat wrong to affect the development and learning of children how to eat breakfast every day? Take a look at the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Infants, Toddlers and Children and Teenagers These children's breakfast mistakes, parents should understand early to avoid

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > how do children eat breakfast every day? Take a look at the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Infants, Toddlers and Children and Adolescents </h1>

In the Dietary Guidelines for Infants, Toddlers and Children and Adolescents, the section on "How children can eat three meals a day" states:

School-age children should have a varied diet, ensure that they are nutritionally complete, and eat a light diet. Three meals include: staple foods, with vegetables, fish and shrimp, eggs, soybeans and their products, milk and its products to ensure nutritional balance.

Special emphasis is also placed on the substitution of pastries, sweets or snacks for meals;

How do school children eat breakfast every day? Three suggestions three misunderstandings, do not eat wrong to affect the development and learning of children how to eat breakfast every day? Take a look at the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Infants, Toddlers and Children and Teenagers These children's breakfast mistakes, parents should understand early to avoid

In the section on eating a good breakfast, a few suggestions were given:

The first point: to have sufficient heat, the energy supply is at least 4 hours.

Staple foods can account for the best 200 grams, and it is best to be a "slow digestion" staple food, pay attention to the coarse and fine collocation, coarse grains account for one-third of the staple food as well.

Staple foods of coarse grains, such as corn and potatoes, porridge can be boiled with mixed grains and beans, cakes can be mixed grain vegetable cakes, rice can be boiled with brown rice and so on.

Such a suggestion is to ensure that the child is energetic in the morning, otherwise the breakfast intake is not enough calories, eat fast digestion of staple foods, to the third and fourth classes, the child will have low blood sugar, drowsiness, affect the brain operation, affect the efficiency of listening to lectures and learning.

How do school children eat breakfast every day? Three suggestions three misunderstandings, do not eat wrong to affect the development and learning of children how to eat breakfast every day? Take a look at the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Infants, Toddlers and Children and Teenagers These children's breakfast mistakes, parents should understand early to avoid

Second point: have good protein, milk, eggs or lean meat.

This is the advice given by Professor Zhang earlier, be sure to give children protein-rich foods to ensure energy.

Milk: The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016 Edition) recommend that school-age children drink more than 300 ml of milk per day.

Therefore, you can prepare a carton of milk for your child every morning, almost 200 ml, and you can drink milk or yogurt in the evening, which can ensure adequate milk intake and meet the needs of children's bone growth.

Children who do not like to drink milk can drink milk powder, yogurt, cheese or other dairy products.

Eggs: You can give your child a white boiled egg every morning, and children who don't like to eat it can also be replaced by omelette, egg cake, steamed custard, egg soup, etc.

Lean meat: such as pork, beef, chicken, etc., sauce meat, cold mix, ribs, stir-fry, etc., you can eat appropriately every morning, but parents do not do too greasy.

In addition, it is also necessary to eat some soy products appropriately, such as soy milk, tofu brain, tofu brain, soybean skin, etc., which can be arranged according to the child's eating habits.

How do school children eat breakfast every day? Three suggestions three misunderstandings, do not eat wrong to affect the development and learning of children how to eat breakfast every day? Take a look at the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Infants, Toddlers and Children and Teenagers These children's breakfast mistakes, parents should understand early to avoid

The third point: vegetables are preferably leafy greens, and fruits should be fresh

Because green leafy vegetables can not only provide vitamin C, vitamin B2, but also dietary fiber, such as spinach, hollow cabbage, oil wheat vegetables, or broccoli, bell peppers, etc., you can change different types of food every day.

Fruit should also have, the principle is fresh, seasonal fruit, different kinds of fruit for eating, such as it is autumn, there are more types of fruit, grapes, peaches, pears, watermelon, fresh dates, blueberries, mangoes, etc., often change to eat.

Don't listen to others say "one apple a day, don't look for me when you are sick", just give your child apples every morning, you will be tired, and it is not conducive to balanced nutritional supplementation and the formation of good eating habits.

In short, the child's breakfast must not be confused, not only to let the child eat full, but also to eat well, not to fall into the pit.

How do school children eat breakfast every day? Three suggestions three misunderstandings, do not eat wrong to affect the development and learning of children how to eat breakfast every day? Take a look at the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Infants, Toddlers and Children and Teenagers These children's breakfast mistakes, parents should understand early to avoid

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > the breakfast misunderstanding of these children, parents should avoid it early </h1>

What kind of breakfast is "not well eaten"? In addition to insufficient nutrition, it also includes food that is not nutritious, and even foods that affect the health of children.

Myth 1: Grab a bite to eat

Because parents want to go to work early, or want to sleep late, they will casually prepare some bread and milk for their children, walk while walking to school; or give their children a few dollars to let him eat at a roadside stall.

Such a practice is not correct, adults are convenient, but in the end the pit is the child, may eat bad stomach, but also malnutrition, affecting the child's class efficiency and growth and development.

How do school children eat breakfast every day? Three suggestions three misunderstandings, do not eat wrong to affect the development and learning of children how to eat breakfast every day? Take a look at the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Infants, Toddlers and Children and Teenagers These children's breakfast mistakes, parents should understand early to avoid

【Jing Mama's Suggestion】:

Children's breakfast must be eaten well, anything is not as important as the child, go to bed early at night, get up early in the morning, make a rich breakfast for the child, and now the conditions are good, there are many semi-finished ingredients, and then process themselves, you can get it done quickly.

Children can eat a rich love breakfast prepared by their parents at home, with good nutrition and good mood.

So, for a good day, start by preparing a breakfast for your child.

How do school children eat breakfast every day? Three suggestions three misunderstandings, do not eat wrong to affect the development and learning of children how to eat breakfast every day? Take a look at the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Infants, Toddlers and Children and Teenagers These children's breakfast mistakes, parents should understand early to avoid

Myth two: only eat foods with low nutrient density and fast digestion

For example, children who do not like to eat milk and eggs, if they only give their children a bowl of rice porridge, eat two mouthfuls of steamed bread, and then eat a few mouthfuls of pickles, this is an unscientific breakfast.

White porridge Has a single nutritional content, belongs to low nutrient density food, and soy milk, the nutrient density is not as good as tofu brain, tofu and dried tofu.

Steamed buns are also, can only provide part of the calories, drink white porridge to eat steamed buns will make children hungry very quickly;

Pickles are even less recommended, pickled foods, high salt, high sugar and multi-seasoning, are unhealthy foods, and it is not recommended to eat for children.

【Jing Ma Zhi Zhi】:

Drinking porridge is OK, but it is more recommended to cook porridge with more ingredients, add some meat, eggs, vegetables, etc., such as mixed grain bean porridge (eight treasure porridge), vegetable lean porridge, seafood porridge, egg yolk chicken porridge and so on.

Steamed buns can be replaced with vegetarian/meat stuffed buns, yakitori, steamed dumplings, etc., or made into wontons.

How do school children eat breakfast every day? Three suggestions three misunderstandings, do not eat wrong to affect the development and learning of children how to eat breakfast every day? Take a look at the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Infants, Toddlers and Children and Teenagers These children's breakfast mistakes, parents should understand early to avoid

Myth three: These breakfasts that you give your children often eat may be wrong

In addition to white porridge and pickles, the foods often eaten in breakfast include ham, fritters, oil cakes, salted duck eggs, peeled eggs, spiced tea eggs, etc., which are also unhealthy breakfasts.

Ham, not only added a variety of additives, but also contains nitrite, which is not conducive to the growth and development of children.

Oil cake fritters, these fried foods, not only too oily easy to make children fat, but also a pot of oil may be repeatedly fried many times, in this high temperature process may also produce carcinogens, more detrimental to the child's health.

Salted duck eggs, peeled eggs, spiced tea eggs, etc., these are salted and cooked food, most of them are very salty, it is easy for children's sodium intake to exceed the standard, and will also develop the habit of "heavy taste" to lay hidden dangers for health.

How do school children eat breakfast every day? Three suggestions three misunderstandings, do not eat wrong to affect the development and learning of children how to eat breakfast every day? Take a look at the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Infants, Toddlers and Children and Teenagers These children's breakfast mistakes, parents should understand early to avoid

【Kyo Mama Branch】

In fact, there are many kinds of breakfast, try to give children freshly made healthy food.

Eggs eat the aforementioned several ways to eat;

Ham should be given less to the child;

Oil cake fritters, fried chicken, etc., should eat less, really want to eat, you can make it for your children at home, more to ensure hygiene and health.

What breakfast does your child eat every day? Welcome to your baby's breakfast

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