
Japan, an outlier in An Asian country!

author:Cold sword sharp edge

Is the Japanese Government planning to launch a "nuclear war"?

Japan is reportedly about to dump 1.25 million tons of untreated nuclear wastewater directly into the sea.

According to Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun, Tokyo Electric Power Company produces 14 tons of sewage per day, and the amount of nuclearly radioactive sewage is expected to reach a saturated 1.37 million tons by September 2022. As early as 2015, the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company assured the Japanese people that they would not easily discharge sewage into the ocean, and wrote a letter of guarantee.

Japan, an outlier in An Asian country!

In fact, Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Company privately discharged 11,500 tons of nuclear wastewater into the sea as early as 2011. Some marine life in japan's waters today has been mutated by nuclear sewage. For example, some octopus has been found to have a 9th claw, or even more claws.

If Japan were to do so, it would be said that the whole world would be negatively affected by the discharge of nuclear wastewater, first in the waters around Japan's Fukushima Prefecture, and then in the East China Sea and beyond.

Calculations by a German marine scientific research institute show that within 57 days, radioactive material will spread to most of the Pacific Ocean, and three years later the United States and Canada will also be affected by nuclear pollution.

This practice of Japan is tantamount to creating a global ecological disaster and a complete act against humanity!

In this regard, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has also strongly condemned Japan's approach.

On April 9, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a news conference: "The fukushima nuclear accident in Japan caused the leakage of radioactive materials, which has had a profound impact on the marine environment, food safety and human health. The Japanese government should uphold a highly responsible attitude towards its own citizens, neighboring countries and the international community, thoroughly assess the possible impact of the Tritium-containing wastewater treatment plan at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, take the initiative to disclose information in a strict, accurate, open and transparent manner in a timely manner, and make prudent decisions on the basis of full consultation with neighboring countries. ”

This practice of Japan has completely exposed the selfish and shameless nature of the Japanese nation!

Japan, an outlier in An Asian country!

Second, Japan's right-wing politicians are a gambler, often gambling on the fortunes of the country for tomorrow!

In fact, as an Asian country, Japan is an outlier!

What kind of country is Japan? I think it's an ambitious, aggressive, inhuman, extremely selfish gambler!

Because Asian countries have always been influenced by Chinese Confucianism and Buddhist thought, few countries have launched acts of aggression and war. Of course, this is not a small fight with neighboring countries because of border issues.

Japan is completely different, and its bones reveal its beastly selfishness and cruelty!

Japan is a country that likes to gamble its fortunes on tomorrow. Looking back at history, we can find that Japan has made four big gambles since the founding of the country, winning three times and becoming a world power, but after losing the last bet, it became the power of the United States.

From the Meiji Restoration to the surrender of World War II, Japan's four "gambles" were blinded to Asia with three victories and one defeat, and the soldiers were dissatisfied with the Conquest of Korea, after the annexation of Korea, the soldiers were less than 50,000 to invade China, and after the Sino-Japanese War, the soldiers were less than 100,000 and the Russo-Japanese War was fought. In advance, it seems like a pebble hit a stone, but Japan has succeeded. Therefore, in 1941, Japan dared to gamble on the national fortunes again and launched the Pearl Harbor sneak attack, but sadly lost the last bet, losing the capital won by the first three bets, and becoming an American family and a pig. Although Japan failed, it is undeniable that in the period of winning the gamble, Japan did eat a lot of sweetness, allowing it to easily pass the most difficult stage of primitive accumulation of industrialization, and its national strength and international prestige also increased day by day.

Third, the Japanese invaders are a beast, and they treat humans worse than animals!

What the Japanese aggressors did to the people of China and other countries in Asia during World War II was simply heinous!

After the Japanese invaded China, they did not regard Chinese as people at all, and they called Chinese "Indochina pigs". Japanese soldiers often used Chinese war criminals and ordinary people as live targets for military training. In order to train the courage of the recruits, they let the recruits directly stab the Chinese war criminals and ordinary people who were red and bound their hands and feet with bayonets.

Japan, an outlier in An Asian country!

They kill Chinese like pigs, and even pick out unborn babies with bayonets from the stomachs of living pregnant women. After the fall of Nanjing that year, more than 300,000 Chinese soldiers were killed alive by Japanese soldiers, and thousands of Chinese women were raped and gang-raped.

In northeast China, in order to complete germ warfare, Japan specially set up the infamous "731" germ unit in northeast China, and they carried out live experiments on Chinese, Korean, and Soviet war criminals and ordinary people as "logs", which can be described as tragic inhumanity.

During World War II, Japan committed heinous crimes against the chinese and Asian people!

The reason why after the two atomic bombs of the United States exploded in Japan at that time, although Japan killed hundreds of thousands of people, the United States did not suffer condemnation from the whole world is because the Japanese aggressors were too hated.

Now that Japan is about to discharge nuclear sewage directly into the sea, it wants to once again tie the people of the whole world to the chariot of Japan's national destiny. We must resolutely oppose this and call on all countries in the world to vigorously resist and counter it!

If Japan insists on pulling the people of the whole world to bury them, the people of the whole world must unite and take resolute measures against them! We must make Japan's anti-human behavior pay a heavy price!

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