
Talk about the essence of clinic services

author:Uncle Nan said medical

The details of the service are a matter of opinion, and there is no uniform standard around the world. The Chinese nation has an excellent history of civilization, how to interact with people, how to serve the society, and make various norms and definitions.

Although the "Three Principles" are not suitable for the modern social concept, the "five permanents" are still the norms that guide our morality.

"Benevolence, righteousness, and wisdom" are the "five constants" of Confucianism, Confucius proposed "benevolence, righteousness, and etiquette", Mencius extended it to "benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, and wisdom", and Dong Zhongshu expanded it to "benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, wisdom, and faith", later known as the "five constants". These "five constants" run through the development of Chinese ethics, he and the five elements said "gold, wood, water, fire and earth", and the "plum blossom seal characters" created by the ancients Mei Bao Wufu (peace, health, happiness, happiness, longevity) became the most core factor in the Chinese value system. In the Three Character Sutra, "Ren Yi, Li Zhi Xin." These five constants are not to be disturbed. ”

Ren: Refers to good morality. 

Anyone who cannot only think of himself, put himself in the shoes of others, think about others, and do things for himself is benevolent.

The so-called benevolence of doctors, first of all, from the perspective of "benevolence", will always guide the essence of our service. 

Righteousness: Willing to give up when others are in difficulty, can give up, and help others, that is, righteousness.

The source word for "righteousness" is sheep on top, and on the bottom is a man holding a go. There are two interpretations of the sheep above: one is the shape, the upper two points are equally divided, and the middle is also symmetrical left and right, symbolizing fairness. The second explanation is that the sacrificial sheep expresses faith. Below is the samurai holding the go, which can also be my meaning. The source word means: fight for fairness (or faith), and for individuals, I fight for fairness (or faith).

Aren't practitioners doing what is just? Doctors must have a sense of justice!

Etiquette: If you have stooped down, others are tall, and you are polite to others. Therefore, it is a courtesy to respect others 

The essence of "etiquette" is respect, respect, and this respect can make you feel it in a certain way. While I treat you in this way, I also hope that you will treat me in the same way, "coming and going without being rude."

This is not the first of its kind in Japan, it is the inheritance of Chinese culture.

If our society has more etiquette, doctors respect patients, and patients respect doctors, where there are so many doctor-patient conflicts.

Wisdom: Penetrating the common sense of things is wisdom. 

Zi Yue: "Those who know are not confused, those who are benevolent are not worried, and those who are brave are not afraid." ”

Confucius said, "Wise people are not confused, those who are benevolent and righteous are not sorrowful, and brave people are not afraid." ”

Many times doctors have to deal with complex problems and must use wisdom.

Letter: Makoto

Confucius believed that "faith" is the most important and basic ethical principle for handling interpersonal relations, and "faith" includes truthfulness, honesty, treating friends with sincerity, keeping promises, trusting others, winning the trust of people, and winning the trust of the people.

In business, if medical institutions are opportunistic, shoddy, and open-minded, they may make a temporary profit, but they will lose customers, and even risk themselves.

The so-called "Japanese service" we are talking about is actually the "benevolence, righteousness, and wisdom" of Chinese culture, but it has been inherited and carried forward by the Japanese. Japanese service is a kind of affirmation and praise of the world's business atmosphere in Japan.

Japanese service is not only the Service Attitude of the Japanese people who are "humble and courteous", but also integrated into all aspects of the people's life, study, and career. Let's dissect the "Japanese service" and hope to improve the service level of our medical industry.

The first is that "Japanese service" attaches importance to "benevolence" and is based on benevolence. Promote care, environmental protection,

The picture below is a waste sorting data sheet.

Talk about the essence of clinic services

The main points in the above picture are detailed, the guidance is clear, and the anime is cute and makes people fall in love with it. On the other hand, if we don't regularly do some medical service manuals in our clinics, less advertising, and more correct health education, is it more able to express the benevolence of our doctors? Don't use a beautifully printed, atmospheric manual at every turn, just like the grand opening of the advertising book, just a simple small manual, a small wall chart, but also a real consideration for the health of patients.

The picture below shows a staff member helping a disabled person get on the subway.

Talk about the essence of clinic services

The picture below is warm water washing toilet, toilet seat and water flow temperature can be adjusted, imitating the music of the water flow, avoiding embarrassing sounds when going to the toilet, getting up to automatically flush the water settings, saving trouble, and preventing forgetfulness from causing public outrage.

Talk about the essence of clinic services

Just imagine, if our high-end clinic bathroom, can also do some humane measures, so that customers will experience what?

Talk about the essence of clinic services

Will you wipe your patients' feet and bathe them?

Talk about the essence of clinic services

Do you feed patients?

Talk about the essence of clinic services

Don't feel that it is the medical institutions that want to earn your money to provide these services "humbly", but more from the professionalism, the benevolence of the practitioners, and the initiative to provide you with care.

In Japanese hospitals, family members are not allowed to accompany them in the hospital. The care of the patient, including going to the toilet and bathing, is all done by the nurse. Doctors are responsible for every patient admitted to the hospital. Relatives and friends are only allowed to visit and accompany them in the hospital when they can visit, and all the care of patients is left to the doctors and nurses of the hospital. Therefore, in Japan, the relationship between doctors and patients has a high degree of trust, and it is rare for patients' families to quarrel with doctors. Even if there is a medical malpractice, it is handled in accordance with the law, and there will be no trouble with the hospital, because you will be guilty of obstructing business and will be arrested.

Japanese experts have to personally make meticulous preparations before each operation, make detailed surgical introductions to patients and families, personally perform surgery, and after the operation is completed, the entire surgical report, and the medical report, are not written by the assistant, but by themselves. This is the responsibility and obligation that a doctor should assume. When the doctor himself can record and sort out the operation, medication, and cutting situation in detail, he can compare other surgeries he has done, and then for the same lesion, he can constantly correct his own surgical plan.

Some medical aesthetic doctors even remove the thread several times to achieve the best results in order to stitch the thread perfectly, and you will feel that this excellence is almost to the realm of "perversion".

Japanese hospitals also have a good system of "following patients." After each operation, the doctor must actively follow the patient for a long time and establish a regular examination, review and observation system, rather than the patient leaving the hospital and the doctor no longer cares.

Very neat and personal studio:

Talk about the essence of clinic services

Nutritious and exquisite hospital meals:

Talk about the essence of clinic services

In "Japanese service", this spirit of "excellence" is what we need to learn the most. In terms of IQ, there is almost no gap between the East Asian peoples, the great and wise people of ancient China are frequent, and the modern Japanese have won the crown in the scientific and technological circles. The wisdom of the Japanese is not too much used in opportunism, but in the willingness to specialize.

Whether it is the makers of Japanese tofu, radish, rice, soy sauce, and other handicrafts are named "craftsmen", or Japanese electrical appliances, watches, toilets and other manufactured products are named "Seiko Manufacturing", this is from: professionalism, inheritance, excellence. Endure loneliness, be tempted, overcome difficulties, and do one thing with all your heart and soul for decades.

There are also many TV dramas about medical themes in Japan, and if you want to learn from Japan's medical services, you should take the time to watch them and have fun and education. For example, "Doctor-X Surgeon Gate Unknown Son", "Emergency Life", "Black Hemostatic Forceps", "White Tower", "Looking Back and Seeing Him Again", "Life-Saving Ward 24 Hours", "Show Teasing Little Nurse" and so on. In these TV series, although there is an element of artistic processing, many details that are not embellished can reveal the Japanese doctor's dedication to the cause and the benevolence of the doctor.

The core of "Japanese service" is not superficial, but to stimulate the sense of ownership and customer first.

That is to say, everything starts from the needs of customers, experiences the feelings of customers, and determines the content and way of work.

How to inspire "ownership"? That's how you treat your refined work, how you care for your employees in a subtle and considerate way, and you can inspire them to treat customers and infect your colleagues from their own perspective!

When employees reach the point of view of the customer, it is the day when they really think about the enterprise, which is the core.

Don't get too attached to the form and name of the so-called "Japanese service". The focus is on activating employee autonomy and providing customers with considerate, attentive and necessary services.