
Let us bless the world

author:Representative of farmers in Wulian County

Bless the trees outside my window,

They're going to be green again,

Bless the elderly and children,

Be sure to bless them first,

Blessing words, sounds, language,

These are the reasons for our survival and happiness.

Bless people of the same gender as their mothers,

Happy Birthday To Damei!

Bless the colors I see,

Red, blue, yellow, purple...

Blessings shine on us every day,

Blessings cover us every day.

Bless every book I have ever read,

Bless every pen I've ever used.

Bless those who love me and those who do not love me,

Bless what has been experienced and what has not been experienced.

Bless the air and bless the breath,

Bless the spring rain and winter snow,

Bless what we can think of and what we have not thought of,

Bless so much purity and purity,

Also bless so much floating earth and dust.

Bless every name and figure I see.

Blessings later and before,

Bless the sorrow and loneliness,

Bless all the windows in the middle of the night with light,

Bless what I remember, what I forget.

Bless my warmth and pride,

Bless also those who are evil, despised and disgusted,

Don't expect them to be kind,

But expect them to be forgiven.

Blessings brilliant and dim,

Blessings pass, stagnation and sentimentality,

Blessings to the tears,

Bless the imagination and the truth,

They nourish us,

Bless the once simple happiness,

Nurtured the grass, green to the end of the world.

Bless the clouds and the sky,

Bless our walking feet and shoes,

Bless the wildflowers, the crops, the earth and the wee hours of the morning,

Blessings last, moisturize and endure.

Bless sweet, happy, bitter and many feelings,

Blessing age,

It allows us to grow, confident and peaceful.

Birthday wishes,

It allows us to dive moderately,

And learned deeply, forgiveness and gratitude.

Wishing the Winter Olympics success and success,

Wishing your family good health,

Bless the country with peace and justice,

Wishing the world peace in 2022.

Blessings: Those angels in white who are struggling on the front line and those who struggle...

Let us bless the world
Let us bless the world
Let us bless the world
Let us bless the world
Let us bless the world
Let us bless the world
Let us bless the world
Let us bless the world
Let us bless the world

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