
General History of the World 2 Cradle of Great Civilizations

author:He Zizhen

The years from 3500 BC to 500 BC are the stages of human civilization development from the Bronze and Bronze Age to the Iron Age, a period in which the cradle of great civilizations was found in Europe, Asia and the Americas.

In the Nile Valley, the ancient Egyptians relied on the fertile soil washed out by the river to grow agriculture. By 3500 BC, the Egyptians had begun to use writing, writing in ink on a plant called "papyrus". Ancient Egypt is best known for their pyramids, the huge and magnificent mausoleums of kings and pharaohs. The supreme ruler of Egypt was the king, who made laws, commanded the army, and led the officials. Egypt has been engaged in agriculture, wood, carving, animal husbandry, pottery, music, textiles and other industries since the time of the Old Kingdom.

General History of the World 2 Cradle of Great Civilizations

Between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, the impact of the Mesopotamian plains is the birthplace of the Sumerians. They also invented their own writing system, using a tube tip pen to engrave the text on a soft clay plate and then bake it dry. The Sumerian script was called cuneiform.

General History of the World 2 Cradle of Great Civilizations

In the lower euphrates, the city of Babylon was established here. In 4000 BC, King Hammurabi of the city of Babylon codified a code and carved it in black stone, which has been preserved for 40 centuries. Babylonian commerce flourished, they exchanged grain, dates, leather, etc. for gold, silver, copper, stone, wood, salt, slaves, etc., they built temples, and founded cities until they were invaded by the Hittites in 1926 BC.

General History of the World 2 Cradle of Great Civilizations

In the 18th century BC, both Egypt and Babylon were invaded by barbarians. Babylon was conquered by the Kassitians, who first came to Babylon as harvesters, then evolved into bandits and eventually became conquerors; Egypt was conquered by the Hyksos from Syria, who came on horseback, drove chariots, and defeated the Egyptians with curved swords made of bronze. The combination of wheels and horses was not only an important transporter of conquest and law, but also a conveyor of commerce and technology, making it possible to create and rule a vast empire.

The Hittite Empire was a great empire built by knights, who established powerful kingdoms in Asia Minor and expanded their territories through wars and alliances.

General History of the World 2 Cradle of Great Civilizations

After Egypt was defeated by the Hykso, an Egyptian prince organized a popular rebellion and achieved results, and the prince also established himself as king, and on this basis began Egypt's outward expansion. Although the Egyptians never really controlled the conquered territories, they forced them to pay tribute, and in the process, civilizations exchanged, which promoted the development of Egyptian art, architecture, religion, and economy.

From 3400 BC to 1200 BC, on the island of Crete in the northwestern part of Egypt, in the eastern Mediterranean region, the Cretan civilization became one of the important civilizations. At that time, the Cretans were skilled in making metal, pottery, etc., and they applied their artistic talents to the manufacture. The Cretans developed rapidly in naval navigation technology and commercial trade, their ships spread throughout the eastern Mediterranean, arriving in Egypt, and as trade expanded, the Cretans absorbed and integrated Egyptian culture and spread it throughout the area around the Aegean Sea.

General History of the World 2 Cradle of Great Civilizations

In Egypt and Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine and other places, the geographical location is important, and it is an important battlefield and commercial channel in history. The Semites and Hebrews survived here. It mainly produces cattle and sheep, wine, honey, olive oil, copper mines, wood and so on. The Hebrews were also known as the children of Israel, they belonged to the nomadic people, lived mainly in Palestine, and their most famous kings were David and Solomon. The Hebrews flourished in commerce, and their fleets reached the Russian state of Pei, bringing back horses, twines, and chariots from Egypt, and ships sailed far to Spain. The greatest contribution of the Hebrews to the world was in the religious aspect, and they insisted on worshipping the one and only, supreme God, Jehovah.

The Phoenicians lived along the coast of Syria, and they did two main things, commerce and colonization. The Phoenicians created colonies in northern Africa, Sicily, Cyprus, and Greece, the largest of which was Carthage. The Phoenicians used the alphabet and are often considered the inventor of the English writing system.

By 1100 BC, iron had appeared, and peoples who used iron could conquer other peoples, iron became an important commodity, and many wars took place between the nations for iron ore.

General History of the World 2 Cradle of Great Civilizations

Border wall in The Assyrian capital of Nineveh

Among them, the Assyrians relied on iron weapons to achieve the expansion of the state and the establishment of the empire. Since the 11th century BC, Assyria has seen a succession of belligerent kings who have assembled seed min almost every year for a war of aggression. They conquered Syria and Egypt, and by the 7th century BC, Assyria was a powerful empire.

Ancient Persia survived on a part of the Iranian plateau from the Caspian Sea in the north to the Persian Gulf in the south, while the rest was called Medea. By 550 BC, Cyrus, the Persian king, had conquered Medea, followed by the conquest of all of Asia Minor, and in 539 BC Babylon had become a vassal state of Persia. Since then Persia has encompassed the Syrian possessions of Missopotamia and Babylon. Persia was the successor of Babylon and Assyria, who inherited cuneiform from Misopotamia and the Assyrians the way of building, army organization, and the way of ruling an empire.

General History of the World 2 Cradle of Great Civilizations

Ruins of the ancient Persian Royal Palace

In ancient times, there was a maritime trade between India and Mesopotamia with ships traveling along the coast, and ancient India accepted the Phoenician alphabet through Missopotamia and gradually developed the Indian Sanskrit language. Indian iron is also foreign, probably due to an invasion of northern India by whites who call themselves Aryans in ancient times. In India, a caste system was established on the basis of skin color and wars of conquest (1. Brahmins or monks; 2. Chatri or nobles; 3. Vedas or peasants; 4. Sudras or serfs)

In the Stone Age, there were already human activities in ancient America, and the earliest inhabitants of the Americas were likely to have reached Alaska from Siberia and gradually survived in the Americas. In 1942, Columbus arrived in the Americas and called the natives of the time Indians, and the Native Americans have been known as Indians ever since.

General History of the World 2 Cradle of Great Civilizations

In the Americas, there were Maya, Toltec, Aztec, Inca and other civilizations. The Maya settled in the Lowlands of the Americas, where they grew corn, built ornate palaces and temples, and made pottery. The Maya also possessed hieroglyphic systems and were well versed in mathematics, astronomy, and calendars, and they predicted the end of the world in 2012. The Toltecs settled in the Mexican plateau, and they also built palaces and pyramids with temples at the top. The Aztecs slaughtered, exterminated the Toltecs, and obtained their place of residence. They lived on a lake-centered island in Mexico City, built artificial islands, and gradually developed into cities, where they used people to worship the snake god. The Incas of Peru had the most elegant civilization of the early Americas, most efficient in agriculture, architecture, and politics, and not cruel in their faith.

General History of the World 2 Cradle of Great Civilizations

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