
Skipping dinner = losing weight? Don't be silly, doing so amounts to chronic suicide

author:Bright Net

Many people advocate skipping lunch

I don't know,

Not only can you lose weight without dinner

Instead, it hurts!

Let's take a look at the big thing about dinner!

Skipping dinner is a big deal

Many friends believe that skipping dinner can help you lose weight healthily. In fact, most of the water lost by not eating dinner is not only easy to rebound, but also affects our health

There are news reports that a young man did not eat dinner for five years, and one day he ate peppers and had a stomachache, and when he was sent to the hospital, he found that his gastric mucosa had been engorged and eroded, and he also had 2 huge ulcers.

Skipping dinner = losing weight? Don't be silly, doing so amounts to chronic suicide

Originally, the doctor explained that if we do not eat for a long time, stomach acid may cause damage to the gastric mucosa, and over time there will be stomach ulcers and other diseases.

Moreover, when hungry, it is likely that you will not be able to resist the temptation to eat a late-night snack, but instead become fat! We should usually control the amount of exercise and intake, so that weight loss can be more effective with half the effort. Remind everyone, it is best not to lose weight by not eating dinner

Do not eat in the evening and only eat fruit

Can you really lose weight?

The dangers of not eating dinner


Decreased resistance

Our organs need adequate nutrition in order for the body to function properly. If you do not eat dinner for a long time, the body organs lack nutrients, then the resistance will naturally decline.

If there are elderly people at home, their metabolism and absorption capacity are weakening, and they need to supplement nutrition and eat dinner well


Damage to the spleen and stomach

Just like the example given earlier, the young man suffers from stomach ulcers if he does not eat dinner for a long time, which can even lead to stomach cancer if he is serious. This is because when we are hungry, we secrete stomach acid, and if we have too much stomach acid, it is easy to damage the gastric mucosa, which in turn causes a series of stomach diseases.


Affects brain function

The human body's own blood sugar is low at night, if you do not eat dinner, the blood sugar in the body will be lower, the brain will not get sufficient nutrition, and naturally affect brain function.

Especially for children who still have to study at night, they must remember to eat dinner, memory and attention to keep up


Prone to gallstones

Many people think that suffering from gallstones is only related to skipping breakfast. In fact, when we do not eat dinner, we are in an empty stomach, and the concentration of cholesterol in the bile in the body increases, which can easily lead to gallstones. Therefore, three meals a day and dietary rules are the necessary magic weapons for healthy life.


Prone to hypoglycemia

When you're dizzy and exhausted, think about whether you've eaten dinner. If the human body has no energy supply for a long time, the secretion of insulin may be abnormal, which will cause a sharp drop in blood sugar levels and even induce diabetes complications.

Eat less of these foods for dinner

Spicy food

Some friends are not spicy and happy, and often make spicy chicken cubes and pepper rabbits at night. In fact, this is very unhealthy, eat too much salty and spicy at night, we are prone to constipation, indigestion and so on.

Especially for people with diseases such as laryngitis, bronchial inflammation, and high blood pressure, spicy is a forbidden area for dinner

Flatulence food

Some time ago, I ate beans for dinner and couldn't sleep. Checked to know that some foods in the digestion process will produce a lot of gas, resulting in flatulence, such as taro, onions, potatoes, etc., so I remind everyone that it is best to eat less flatulence food for dinner, otherwise you may not be able to sleep.

Greasy food

Everyone knows that eat less heavy oil foods at night. But many people may not understand that the internal organs of animals with high cholesterol content are also greasy foods, such as pork liver, duck liver and so on.

Long-term consumption of greasy food will not only make us fat, but also prone to three highs, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other problems, and even lead to blood clots. If you really eat it, it is best to make a cup of lotus leaf tea one hour after the meal.

Sticky hard food

Sticky hard food refers to indigestible foods such as tangyuan and rice cakes, as well as dry and hard foods that are dry, dry fried and have little moisture. These foods can make the digestive activity become extremely high, and the stomach needs to be gently digested at night, so it is easy to lead to diseases such as acute and chronic gastritis.

Pay attention to five o'clock for dinner

Don't eat too much

Some people eat too much without paying attention, and it is appropriate to eat about seven points at dinner, otherwise it may bring indigestion and other troubles. Especially while eating and watching TV, it is easier to eat a lot unconsciously.

Eat a light diet

At night, we can choose more cooking methods such as boiling, steaming, stewing, etc., and the taste is mainly light. Because there is little activity at night and the digestion ability is weak, heavy food will bring a lot of burden to the stomach and intestines.

This season, make some millet porridge, vegetable soup noodles, etc. in the evening, simple and healthy

It's better to be early than late

Dinner is best eaten between 5 and 7 p.m. Studies have shown that the longer the interval between dinner and sleep, the lower the risk of cancer. But don't be too early, you may be hungry early, it will affect the quality of our sleep.

Do not exercise vigorously immediately

It is recommended that after dinner, you can meet for light exercise, walk slowly, play tai chi, it is very pleasant! However, do not carry out strenuous exercise, such as long-distance running, etc., otherwise it will bring irritation to the stomach and intestines, causing nausea, stomach cramps and other discomfort.

More variety and less energy

Dinner can fill in the gaps in the nutrition of the day, rich and comprehensive, and the diet is balanced. But be sure not to consume too many calories, not only gain weight, but also not good for the digestive system. Staple foods, vegetables, soy products, meat, it is best to shine on the table.

Healthy dinner = three and a half fists

Two fists of vegetables

We often see dark green leafy vegetables, and we don't know that it has many benefits, such as spinach, oil wheat vegetables, hollow cabbage and so on. Dark green vegetables contain lutein, which not only protects vision, but is also effective in preventing heart disease and stroke.

A fist staple

Grains such as wheat and corn, as well as potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc., contain a lot of carbohydrates, can participate in energy supply, and provide energy for muscles and brains.

Half a fist of protein

It is best to focus on protein-rich white meat, such as fish, chicken, etc., which are not only low in fat, but also easy to digest... The benefits are overwhelming.

Of course, it is recommended that the specific situation still varies from person to person, if the grains can be supplemented a little more on the day, and the protein supplement can also eat more protein

Source: Meet a famous doctor

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