
Are there still people yearning for the "Republic of China style"? Want to be a "Republic of China girl"? Look at the situation at that time, the children of the suffering youth of the May Fourth Wind And Thunder Pioneer Army Republic of China

author:Hui Ju said history

When it comes to the Republic of China, some people immediately think of romance and think of the qipao, as well as the vigorous revolution.

The revolution was bought by countless sons and daughters of China in that turbulent period, with bloody sacrifices, and it also bought the peace and security of our country and the people we have now.

Romance is because after the Xinhai Revolution, Dr. Sun Yat-sen advocated frugality, Western weddings came to our East, wedding dresses and suits everything looks so beautiful, and the qipao shows the charm of our Oriental women, Sun Yat-sen also invented the Zhongshan dress straight and without losing the integrity of people.

Are there still people yearning for the "Republic of China style"? Want to be a "Republic of China girl"? Look at the situation at that time, the children of the suffering youth of the May Fourth Wind And Thunder Pioneer Army Republic of China

At that time, the costumes of female students were even more decorated with the youthful sunrise of girls. Everyone thinks that the Republic of China is full of charm and beauty, and now many people learn from the Model of the Republic of China and wear republic costumes to imagine the beauty of the past.

But is that really the case? Let's take a look at the "Republic of China style" at that time!

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="8" > May Fourth Wind Thunder Vanguard Army</h1>

In 1919, the European powers held the Paris Peace Conference in Paris. China, as the victorious power, went to the meeting, and at that time Chinese the people had a string in their hearts.

As a result, the Chinese diplomatic corps dressed up and they encountered a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and the British and American powers wanted to hand over Germany's rights and interests in Shandong to Japan. Although The Chinese diplomat Gu Weijun tried to win thunderous applause, he failed to protect China's interests.

Immediately after that, the Beiyang government went so far as to send personnel to sign a treaty of mourning power and humiliating the country, and our sons and daughters of China were immediately excited.

At that time, China's college students basically came into contact with Articles such as "New Youth" published by Chen Duxiu, and many colleges and universities in Beijing and other universities let go of students' ideas and no longer shackled them, and they participated in the New Culture Movement and the Vernacular Literature Movement.

The failure of the Paris Peace Conference infuriated the youth of the country, who convened a meeting and decided to fight for the unity of our motherland on the basis of reason.

On May 4, 1919, countless young people spontaneously marched to the streets to demonstrate, causing the Beiyang government to refuse to accept the contract and depose Zhang Zongxiang, Cao Rulin, and Lu Zongyu.

Are there still people yearning for the "Republic of China style"? Want to be a "Republic of China girl"? Look at the situation at that time, the children of the suffering youth of the May Fourth Wind And Thunder Pioneer Army Republic of China

The slogan of "Swear to Die and Fight hard, return me to Qingdao" resounded through the clouds, and they were not afraid of the armed oppression of the military and police, and shouted the voice of the sons and daughters of China. Then the Beiyang government was indifferent and sent military police to arrest a large number of young students and torture them.

But the young people were not afraid at all, and still tried to break the mouth and scold the national thief on the basis of reason.

On May 7, young students from schools in Changsha began to march, on May 11, the Shanghai Student Union was established, and on May 14, the Tianjin Student Union was established, and students from Guangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan and other parts of the country joined in, vowing to ask the Beiyang government for an explanation.

They use slogans and actions against the reactionaries, strike against food, strike classes, and they are not afraid of sacrificing blood and not shedding tears.

After the Beiyang government arrested the students, the Shanghai workers began a strike on June 5, and they admired these students, although they were the people at the bottom, but the water could carry boats and overturn boats.

Immediately after the merchant strike, all walks of life began to join in, demanding that the signature be refused and the students be released.

Eventually, the Beiyang government was pressured to release the students from refusing to sign the contract.

The youth at that time lived in turbulent times, they were the vanguard of the revolution, they were full of vitality.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="24" > the suffering of girls in the Republic of China</h1>

At that time, although the Xinhai Revolution overthrew the decadent Qing Dynasty, the thinking of many people did not begin to change. The old social ideas, feudal ideas, are still deeply rooted.

Are there still people yearning for the "Republic of China style"? Want to be a "Republic of China girl"? Look at the situation at that time, the children of the suffering youth of the May Fourth Wind And Thunder Pioneer Army Republic of China

The situation of male superiority and female inferiority has not changed, and the thinking of people in developed cities has kept pace with the times, and they send girls to study, liberate their minds, and let them show their youthful beauty.

However, many places still feel that women are virtuous without talent, and still wrap their feet for girls, not allowed to go out, and accept new things.

The bondage to girls remains, parents arrange marriages, and girls have no choice.

The "girls of the Republic of China" we see are only a dime, and most of the girls still have a tragic fate, are not allowed to eat on the table, and learn three from four virtues.

Girls from poor families were sold to large families as child brides, slaves whose lives could not see the light.

In a movie called "1942", the girl who was a landlord's family was very enviable, but when the Japanese invasion began, the landlord's family began to flee, and they sat in a carriage with enough money and food.

Are there still people yearning for the "Republic of China style"? Want to be a "Republic of China girl"? Look at the situation at that time, the children of the suffering youth of the May Fourth Wind And Thunder Pioneer Army Republic of China

Walking in the crowd of fleeing deserts is particularly eye-catching, and people have cast envious eyes on them.

However, the road was bombed by Japanese planes, killing and injuring the family, and the grain wagon was looted by the panicked crowd and soldiers.

Helplessly, they could only walk on the road, but hunger and cold accompanied the family, and they met the local landlords who bought and sold people, saying that they were exchanging millet for a yellow flower girl, the girl was originally a worry-free life, but now he said to his father: "You sold me, I am really hungry!"

We dare not imagine that the girl was miserable at that time, and her father had no choice but to exchange him for a few pounds of millet. The girl was taken away, she gave the landlord a pat on the back, the landlord told the girl to squat down and press well, the girl cried and said, "Grandpa, I am too full to squat!"

The hardships they experienced in turbulent times are unimaginable, and we live in heaven compared to the good life we have now.

Is the girl living in the big city better? No, although girls in big cities live and their thoughts follow social development, who can guarantee a lifetime of safety in that era.

Are there still people yearning for the "Republic of China style"? Want to be a "Republic of China girl"? Look at the situation at that time, the children of the suffering youth of the May Fourth Wind And Thunder Pioneer Army Republic of China

The reactionary soldiers were unorganized and undisciplined, they robbed money and forcibly defiled the girls.

With the outbreak of Japan's war of aggression, Japan attacked one big city after another, and their evil faces were exposed, burning and looting.

They violated women, some Japanese officers, forced girls to serve them, and when they got bored, they were sent to comfort stations, and they were ravaged by more demons.

They are turned around like commodities, devoid of human dignity. There are also many girls who have no choice but to go to the Qinglou, which is a road of no return, and is bullied every day, using their dignity in exchange for food and clothing.

There are also many girls who have been forced into prostitution, and in that dark era, the lives of these girls make us feel sorry!

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="44" > the son of the young sky</h1>

At that time, the Republic of China Air Force was an enviable identity, and the children of poor families at that time did not have the money and ability to train their children, so most of the People's Republic of China Air Force were young soldiers, full of "Republic of China style".

They come from prestigious families, eat steaks, drink red wine, and dance fashionable dances at night. It was highly sought after by many girls at that time. When everyone thinks they are extravagant, these Republican princes wear suits and leather shoes to impress people.

But there were also some ambitious young people, and zhou Zhikai, a "hero in air combat", was a member of the Qing Dynasty's Erpin Dynasty, when his father was still mining coal. Zhou Zhikai resolutely chose to defend his family and defend the country, and he flew a fighter jet to shoot down six Japanese planes and once destroyed three of them to return safely with one enemy and eight.

Chen Huaimin shot down 21 Japanese planes, and when his planes were about to be destroyed, he chose to crash into the enemy's jade and burn them. He was the first person in history to collide with an enemy plane.

The sons and daughters of China can sing and cry, we are learning the style of the Republic of China in today's prosperous world, girls wear Republic of China costumes and say that they are Girls of the Republic of China, we should not only learn their appearance.

It was a tragic era that we should remember, the times are developing, we should learn their spirit, their youthful vigor, book business spirit, I think this is the soul of the Republic of China.

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