
Qin Juxiang: Encourage the development of home care to support the cause of old-age care at the doorstep

author:Nine Schools of Observation
Qin Juxiang: Encourage the development of home care to support the cause of old-age care at the doorstep

The Fifth Session of the 13th People's Congress of Jiangsu Province is being held in Nanjing. Qin Juxiang, a deputy to the Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress and secretary of the party committee of Gaodian Community in Tangzha Town, Chongchuan District, Nantong City, said in an interview with Xinhua Net that the government work report is very pragmatic, detailed data, and urging people to forge ahead. The content of the report is very grounded, and it also points out the direction for the development of next year.

Qin Juxiang said that in the context of exploring a new community governance model, Nantong released the top ten brands of "one village (community) one product" new rural community governance in 2021. In addition, it also took the lead in launching a "chain pension" service model based on institutional pension support, community pension as the support, and home care. It breaks the boundaries of home, community and institutional pension, cracks the pain points of pension, and allows more and more elderly people to achieve happy pension at the doorstep of their homes.

Qin Juxiang introduced that in strengthening the people's livelihood protection, Nantong launched an exclusive huimin insurance "medical insurance Nantong insurance" in 2021. In order to further improve the multi-level medical security system, Chongchuan District has launched an inclusive medical insurance "Chongchuan Kangmin Insurance" on the basis of "Nantong Bao", which is of great significance for improving the quality of life of the elderly, which makes the social security network larger, denser and warmer.

In the face of the increasingly severe situation of aging, Qin Juxiang brought two suggestions such as encouraging the development of home care. She hopes to introduce more solid and good policies to support the community to stay at home, provide better services for elderly residents, and support the cause of old-age care at the doorstep. "The small stage of the community can also do a big cause, and in the future, I will continue to work diligently and take root in the grassroots, so that the people have more tangible sense of gain and happiness." Qin Juxiang said. (Sun Shuying)

【Source: Xinhua Net】

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