
Photography Guide: Beware of these 4 mistakes made when taking landscape photos

author:Practical photography tips
Photography Guide: Beware of these 4 mistakes made when taking landscape photos

1: Contains too many details

Have you ever been on a trip, gazing at a magnificent landscape, recording it with a lens only to find that your photos don't stand out? This happens for several reasons.

Including too much focus in your diagram is one of the reasons your photos aren't appealing. Maybe the trees you contain overwhelm the scene and make the view too broad. If so, crop inward slightly and simplify the field of view.

Photography Guide: Beware of these 4 mistakes made when taking landscape photos

2: Quirky vision

A common mistake that some photographers often make is to capture unevenly leveled scenes. Check that the horizon is not straight before shooting.

Photography Guide: Beware of these 4 mistakes made when taking landscape photos

3: Take a picture directly

Another mistake many people make when shooting landscapes is to start shooting without thinking about what they are shooting.

Photography Guide: Beware of these 4 mistakes made when taking landscape photos

Look at the location with your eyes, think about what you want to shoot, and then take a picture. This "see the scene first" approach can help you take better photos instead of just picking up the camera and taking pictures without thinking about what you're taking.

Photography Guide: Beware of these 4 mistakes made when taking landscape photos

4: The theme is not clear enough

Imagine the scenery of your dreams right in front of you. For example, you stand on top of a majestic hill, along a beautiful river, or on top of some rolling hills in the countryside, and then start taking pictures of the beautiful scenery.

When you examine the images you say you take, you'll find that they look boring and lack life. So you ask yourself why didn't they stand out?

A major factor in taking panoramic images is light. If there is no directed sunlight in the photo, the image may look flat and lifeless, with little texture and tone.

Photo below: The sun shines on the mountain, adding warmth to the photo and making it more interesting.

Photography Guide: Beware of these 4 mistakes made when taking landscape photos

In the next landscape photography, I suggest you pay attention to the light and try to take more bright photos of the scene, take a photo without light, and compare it to a photo taken in some light.


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