
"Pay + Gain"


For us, the life of a human being is only three days! Why do you say that, for me there are only three days, that is yesterday, today, tomorrow! Decadent people live yesterday, hard people cherish today, enterprising people dream of tomorrow.

Life is a practice, and only by truly understanding the three days of yesterday, today, and tomorrow can this life be considered a failure.

"Pay + Gain"

As the saying goes: time only relieves people to be old, do not believe in sentimentality, long hate away from the pavilion, teardrops spring shirt wine is easy to wake up. This sentence comes from the Song Dynasty Yan Shu's Cai Sangzi, who expressed to us: From birth to death, people have to go through this period of time in the human world. But the years are long, and life is easy to grow old. Time is like that, it only knows how to urge people to grow old, and does not believe in the sentimental people in the world. I often feel sad after the parting of the long pavilion and the short pavilion, and after parting, I wet my spring shirt with tears because of my thoughts every time after I drink.

In real life, there are many people who have worked hard for success and then stopped insisting because of repeated failures; but some people persevered and eventually succeeded. Why can the latter reach the pinnacle of success, while the former cannot share in the joy of success? This is not because the former lacks knowledge, ability and opportunity, or perhaps simply because they know the truth of persistence but do not know how to do it; perhaps it is simply because they know the importance of opportunity but do not know how to create it; perhaps it is simply that they know that they have great potential but do not know how to tap it – and these are some of life's: the simple philosophies that are familiar to them are ignored. "The Philosophy of Life That People Must Know in Life" summarizes the important philosophies involving learning, handling the world, etiquette, mentality, etc., and expounds them through vivid examples to help readers understand the truth, combine knowing and doing, and use the philosophy of condensed wisdom to guide their actions, find answers in life, get the results they want, achieve life goals, and succeed.

"Pay + Gain"

Whatever you're going to face today, now that you've come this far, stick to it and give yourself some affirmation that you're stronger than you think. No matter how good you are, some people will dismiss you, and no matter how bad you are, some people will regard you as life. People who are not good to you, you don't mind too much, any blow should not be an excuse for your depravity, you can't change the world, but you can change yourself, choose the right path, and go down firmly! A happy life is never at your fingertips. Strive hard, we can get closer to happiness little by little. What you can't get is tempting, but what we already have is just as good. Pay more attention to these things that we already have, and you will feel happy and satisfied in your heart.

"Pay + Gain"

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