
Yiyang Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision: Debriefing and Honesty", "AnswerIng The Answer Sheet" Courageously Moving Forward "New Chapter"

author:Red Net
Yiyang Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision: Debriefing and Honesty", "AnswerIng The Answer Sheet" Courageously Moving Forward "New Chapter"

Meeting site.

Red Net Moment Yiyang, January 20 (Correspondent Zhang Danlin Huang Lin) January 19,

Focusing on ideological and political construction, work performance, party style and clean government construction, and work style construction, the debriefing staff reported their work in 2021, which not only summarized the achievements, showed the highlights, but also found out the existing problems and gaps, analyzed the causes, and put forward improvement measures and key directions for work in the new year.

In 2021, the reform of the Yiyang commercial system was rewarded by the provincial government's market supervision system for really doing hard work, and the creation of assured consumption was praised by the provincial government for its typical experience and practices. In addition, the Municipal Bureau's special struggle against organized crime and evil, human resources market supervision, consumer rights and interests protection, food safety supervision, law popularization and other work has won the national provincial and municipal honors. The cadres and employees of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau have run the road of reform and development of the market supervision cause and the high-quality development of the city's economy, and have continued to write a new brilliant chapter.

The meeting fully affirmed the achievements of various departments. The meeting pointed out that in the past year, the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau has made new progress in striving for excellence, new achievements in safety supervision, new progress in deepening reform, new strengthening of supervision during and after the event, new steps in optimizing the business environment, new results in the construction of a city with strong quality, and new improvements in the construction of party style and clean government, achieving a good start in the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan". He encouraged all cadres and workers to always maintain the spirit of "breaking through," the momentum of "creating," and the style of "doing," adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress in a steady manner, forge ahead courageously toward the great goal of promoting the high-quality development of the cause of market supervision and control, make new contributions to speeding up the construction of the "five Yiyangs," and greet the victory of the party's 20th National Congress with outstanding achievements.

The meeting demanded that to promote the high-quality development of market supervision, we must always achieve the "five adherences". Adhere to the party's overall leadership, and earnestly run the party's leadership through all aspects and the whole process of market supervision. Adhere to the people-centered, take the people's yearning for a better life as the goal of struggle, improve the well-being of the people in the practical work for the people, make the market supervision work more "warm", and make the people's life more "textured". Persist in reform and innovation, take pioneering and innovating as the specific practice of practicing the new development concept, as a vivid carrier for accelerating integration, breaking the old and building a new one, and stimulating the driving force, and as an important measure for implementing the work deployment of various departments at the higher level. Adhere to the responsibility, with the emotional realm of "success does not have to be in me, merit must have me", with the style of stepping stones to leave a mark, grasping iron and nails, and the spirit of nails, we will promote all work to be done in a down-to-earth manner and walk in the forefront. Adhere to the political ecology of cultivating a clean and healthy atmosphere, persevere in implementing the spirit of the eight provisions of the central government and its implementation rules, unremittingly correct the "four winds", and create a clean, honest, clear, and clear political ecology.

The meeting re-requested and redeployed the relevant work at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, required a solid implementation of the "Year's Pass Guard 2022" action, strengthened law enforcement inspections and emergency duty work, carried out condolence visits and warmth activities, advocated a new trend of happy civilization, and achieved a happy festival, a clean festival, a civilized festival, and a safe holiday. At the same time, do a good job in all aspects of performance appraisal and pragmatically plan the work throughout the year. Pay close attention to the implementation of key points such as safety supervision, reform and innovation, and work style construction, and promote a good start and a good start in all work in the process of really doing solid work.

Members of the leading group of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, municipal management cadres, personnel of the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the bureau, all on-the-job personnel of the bureau organs, and members of the leading bodies of various directly subordinate units attended the meeting. The participants conducted a democratic evaluation of the debriefing staff.

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