
Walking more helps to live a long life, but pay attention to 3 points, after the age of 55, doing 4 things can also help longevity


As we all know, human life lies in exercise, want to be healthy and long-lived, it is mostly difficult to achieve physical balance without moving, many people are slowly joining the ranks of sports health, especially after those over 55 years old, many middle-aged and elderly people have retired one after another, and the leisure time at home is not as good as going out for a walk.

We can often see a lot of groups of people, walking after meals, walking after meals is indeed one of the good ways to maintain health, but also to remind friends that there are some precautions for walking after meals that deserve our attention:

1. Half an hour or an hour after a meal before proceeding

Some people may be late to eat, very anxious, just put down the dishes and chopsticks and join the large troops. In fact, just after eating and starting to exercise, it is likely that the gain is not worth the loss. The food in the stomach and intestines has not yet been digested, and it is immediately followed by exercise, which is easy to hinder gastrointestinal digestion and affect intestinal health. It is best to wait for the food to be digested after the meal, and then exercise, so that there is no delay.

Walking more helps to live a long life, but pay attention to 3 points, after the age of 55, doing 4 things can also help longevity

2. The amount of walking exercise should be personalized

Many people like to exercise together, but not necessarily everyone's amount of exercise is in line with everyone's physical characteristics, to understand their own physical state, according to their own physical conditions to adjust the amount of daily exercise, do not blindly follow the public, or blindly pursue the number of steps. Sometimes after excessive exercise, it will also affect the health of the knee joint, and finally fall ill due to exercise.

3. Choose the right clothes for walking

For middle-aged and elderly people, the most important thing to pay attention to the choice of shoes, suitable shoes and loose and comfortable clothes are also the necessary tools for movement, just like our ancient combat, before going to the battlefield to arm themselves, so that they can confidently face the enemy. The same is true of walking, and the clothes that fit well can also make us feel confident.

Walking more helps to live a long life, but pay attention to 3 points, after the age of 55, doing 4 things can also help longevity

In fact, in addition to walking sports in life, there are many places worthy of our attention, and even these aspects can make us healthy and long-lived than walking, let's take a look at it!

Nourish qi and blood, thin the liver network

Once people reach the age of 55, the body will slowly show an aging trend, vascular elasticity will become worse, many chronic diseases are easy to find the upper body, therefore, we must pay attention to nourishing qi and blood, protecting the body's essence and blood health, blood can flow unimpeded, all organs of the body can be nourished by nutrition, and the body can be more healthy. In addition, liver health also needs attention, to learn to stabilize the mood, maintain a good state of sleep, so that the liver can be nourished, the body meridians will be unblocked.

The diet should be balanced and mainly light

After the age of 55, the diet should also be improved, too much high-calorie eating habits are easy to bring a great burden to the blood vessels, want to be healthy and light, the diet is best to be light, and then with fresh fruits and vegetables, balanced nutrition, so that a healthy body has a material guarantee.

Walking more helps to live a long life, but pay attention to 3 points, after the age of 55, doing 4 things can also help longevity

Massage the body's acupuncture points

Massage is also a way to maintain health and prolong life, such as frequently massaging the head, which can soothe brain fatigue, promote head blood circulation, and to a certain extent, promote the operation of thinking nerves, and prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. Pressing the shoulders and neck frequently can also stretch the meridians of the body and prevent the phenomenon of bending over and hunching. Finally, when soaking your feet at night, pressing the soles of your feet frequently can also help soothe your body, relieve the fatigue of the day, and also help you sleep.

Sleep is also crucial for people over the age of 55, and the rest that the body gets when sleeping cannot be exchanged for more exercise, so it is also crucial to have a good night's sleep.

Walking more helps to live a long life, but pay attention to 3 points, after the age of 55, doing 4 things can also help longevity

Don't worry about everything

Especially after people are over 55 years old, the guarantee of physical health must be indispensable to an optimistic and upward mentality, treat things with a normal heart, do not easily put it on the heart, if you produce some bad emotions, you must also learn to self-discharge, the body is the capital of the revolution, but also the bottom of a happy life, therefore, good psychological construction is also crucial for health.

Once people are over 55 years old, they have entered another new starting point in life, we must uphold the previous high-quality living habits, but also according to the changes in their own body, to improve, so that their own body more and more healthy, so that people's life will be longer and longer, but also in their later life to think of happiness and health, in order to truly get happy.


[1] "The Three Magic Weapons of Longevity of Centenarians, Insist on Walking and Keeping a Normal Heart". Global Network -Life Times.2015-03-19 14:42

[2] The Secret of Longevity for the World's Longest-Lived Elderly: Let Nature Take Nature with Gratitude. China News Network.2013-06-17 08:26

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