
NSW plans to restart JobSaver, downsizing the distribution and increasing claim limits

author:Australian financial news

The Daily Telegraph reports that the NSW government is working on a slightly smaller but targeted JobSaver scheme to help small businesses weather the "shadow lockdown" triggered by the Omicron outbreak.

The scheme includes a one-time payment every two weeks to SMEs that are currently struggling to operate. In order to ensure that support will be spent in the hardest-hit areas, eligibility will be subject to strict regulations.

The scheme is more targeted than JobSaver, which was launched during the Delta lockdown period, and a smaller number of merchants are expected to benefit from the grant.

Small and medium-sized businesses may be eligible for support, but the amount will be capped, which also means that if the turnover of the merchant business exceeds a certain amount, it will not be eligible.

Finance Minister Matt Kean is understood to submit the supported proposal to the Cabinet Spending Review Committee for final approval.

"We're looking at a range of measures to keep people working and help businesses weather this economic shock."

NSW plans to restart JobSaver, downsizing the distribution and increasing claim limits

Treasurer Matt Kean (Image: The Daily Telegraph)

"Our focus is to ensure we weather economic shocks and bounce back better when this wave passes." Amid a sharp decline in consumer spending, industry representatives have called on the Perrottet government to resume regular JobSaver grants and one-off business support grants.

With consumer confidence plummeting, the state government is working with the federal government to revive the economy, but Kean is ready to act alone when needed.

Kean is preparing to cut red tape, allow companies to reduce obstacles in the hiring process, and alleviate supply chain bottlenecks. But Labour leader Chris Minns said small businesses needed more than just cutting red tape, "they also need financial support, which is the only way I think thousands of businesses can survive." ”

Health officials encourage people to work from home whenever possible and reduce family gatherings to slow the spread of the virus.

Consumer confidence and economic activity have plummeted due to the surge in the number of cases and the fear of isolation.

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