
Spring leeks in the cold season

author:Smell the wind and sit down

If you want to list one of the most homely vegetables, leeks must be one of them.

To ask how many leeks are common, first look at my history of Chinese eating leeks. The Classic of Mountains and Seas records that "the mountain of Danfu has many leeks in its grass", and at this time leeks are probably still regarded as wild grasses. By the time of the "Zhou Li Tianguan" "the beans of the dynasty, in fact, the leeks...", the leeks have been used as sacrifices. "Etiquette · King's System" is known as "Shuren Spring Recommended Leeks", and the commoners have to offer leeks in the spring, which shows that leeks have become dishes on the table in the Spring and Autumn Warring States period.

The homeliness of leeks lies more in its simplicity. During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, in order to show that their people were willing to be poor, leeks in the diet must be standard. The Southern Qi Book of Zhou Yong (周颙傳) says that Zhou Hao was poor and widowed, and Prince Wenhui asked, "What is the most delicious dish?" Zhou Yong said: "Early spring leeks, late autumn and late autumn." This hobby Li Shangyin's poem "Tenderly cut the leeks of Zhou, fat cook Bao Zhaokui" is also recorded. The poor Du Fu "cut spring leeks in the night rain, and the yellow sorghum in the new cooking room" to entertain his friends. Lin Yong's "cooking sorghum cut leeks poor talk, boiled cake pouring onion disease has not tasted" highlights the civilian temperament of leeks.

Such a people-friendly leek has a long history, and it is natural that a large number of fans are harvested because of their delicious taste. Yang Yishiyun "in the mouth of the female yellow return to the algae, the plate of leeks white want to flow", Fang Hui said that "the first feast for the garden vegetables, salty leeks are the most beautiful", all praised its delicious. I'm also a big fan of leeks, and my favorite is still using leeks as a filling. The three fresh fillings mixed with leeks, pork and shrimp are my favorite. Of course, if you like vegetarian food, then I recommend the vegetarian filling of leeks, eggs, fungus, and vermicelli to the extreme; simple leek eggs have a good color and taste, and adding some carrot shreds is another flavor. Saying that he was hungry, he first took the shrimp from the refrigerator and melted it, and in the evening the meat three fresh walked up [than the heart] [than the heart] [than the heart]

Leeks are best based on stubble. Therefore, although leeks can be cultivated throughout the country, growing in Jiangnan and even in the four seasons, the object of poets' songs is often spring leeks, and leeks are the symbol of spring. Wu Qianshi said that "I plan to dial cold vegetables to find early leeks, try to find Yushu Suo Hanmei", Su Shi said that "gradually feel that the east wind is steep and cold, and artemisia annua yellow leeks try spring plates", and also said "spring plates get green leeks, and wax wine sends yellow oranges". A small garden, lit up in the colors of early spring, also delicious a barren winter table.

Now with the vegetable greenhouse, even in the cold winter, I can buy fresh leeks at any time, but I will buy two pots of yellow leeks to plant before the Spring Festival every year, watch it break through the soil, watch it grow slowly, and experience the vigorous power contained in its delicate leaves. The leek is slender and slender, soft and straight, and as a bonsai, it is lush and seems to have the charm of an orchid. Shade the light into yellow leeks, and the sun turns green. Yellow leeks and green leeks are delicious.

Spring leeks in the cold season

There are still ten days Chinese New Year's Eve, when the first leek is cut, the dumplings are wrapped Chinese New Year's Eve, and the fragrance is overflowing.

Leeks, do you like it?

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