
Red Treasure: Entering the Red Pavilion to Study Party History (13) |Today is the 140th anniversary of Lu Xun's birth: he awakened countless "sleepers"

author:Qianjiang Evening News

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News reporter Chen Suping

Red Treasure: Entering the Red Pavilion to Study Party History (13) |Today is the 140th anniversary of Lu Xun's birth: he awakened countless "sleepers"

China, 1918. An era of "wind and rain, chickens chirping". In May of that year, the first vernacular novel in the history of modern Chinese literature, "Diary of a Madman", was featured in New Youth, laying the first cornerstone of China's new literary movement. The name of "Lu Xun" first came into people's vision, and later entered the hearts of the Chinese people.

Mao Zedong described Lu Xun as a great writer, thinker, and revolutionary, "the main general of China's new cultural movement," and the world called him "the soul of the nation."

On September 25, the 140th anniversary of Mr. Lu Xun's birth, the series of reports on "Red Treasures: Entering the Red Pavilion to Learn Party History" jointly launched by the Zhejiang Provincial Federation of Social Sciences and the Qianjiang Evening News came to the Lu Xun Memorial Hall in Shaoxing.

Red Treasure: Entering the Red Pavilion to Study Party History (13) |Today is the 140th anniversary of Lu Xun's birth: he awakened countless "sleepers"

Not limited to the Four Books and Five Classics, he has a wide range of interests and hobbies

"I was born in 1881 in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, to a family surnamed Zhou." In his autobiography, Lu Xun wrote this first sentence.

On that day, inside the Jiangnan Taimen Gate of the powder-walled Dewa, the Zhou family ushered in the birth of the eldest grandson. The grandfather took the name Ah Zhang, the scientific name Zhou Zhangshou, the character YuCai.

In the main exhibition hall of The Lu Xun Memorial Hall in Shaoxing, Lu Xun's 56 years of life and deeds were displayed one by one. Most people in the world are familiar with it, from the Baicao Garden to the Sanwei Bookstore, from the Nanjing Western Affairs School to studying in Japan, Lu Xun is nourished by profound Sinology and influenced by Western civilization. But what is less known is that in his youth, some elderly people who "did not go on the table" profoundly influenced Lu Xun.

Walking into the hall, I saw a series of yellowed photos, these people who appeared in Lu Xun's life, including Zhou Yutian, the "blue grandfather" who loved plants, the nanny mother who bought "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" for Lu Xun, the step-grandmother Jiang Juhua who told stories such as "Water Has No Golden Mountain", and the social drama actors who performed on the temple platform or water platform... In the display case, a New Year painting of "Rats Become Relatives" is eye-catching, which was once pasted by Lu Xun on the head of the bed, which was a cherished object of his childhood.

What books does the young Lu Xun like to read? Tu Yiting, a docent, said: "Lu Xun entered a private school at the age of 7, and at the age of 12, he began to go to the Sanwei Bookstore to receive education in traditional Chinese culture, but he was not limited to the Four Books and Five Classics, drawing nourishment from notes, novels and various folk literature, and extracurricular reading materials were very rich. ”

Later, in Lu Xun's articles, ancient novel works were often quoted, and he also wrote a "Historical Outline of Chinese Novels", which ended the era of "Chinese novels have no history" and laid the foundation for his authoritative position in academic history.

Red Treasure: Entering the Red Pavilion to Study Party History (13) |Today is the 140th anniversary of Lu Xun's birth: he awakened countless "sleepers"

Lu Xun was an advocate of emerging woodblock prints in China. He was late for some reason when he was young, and after being criticized, the word "early" carved on his private school desk is now often jokingly referred to as his original woodcut work.

In addition, Lu Xun also has a sincere love for music. As the main general of the new cultural movement, Lu Xun compiled and created "Good Things Song", "Citizen Science Song", "Nanjing Folk Song", "Speech Dispute" Song" and so on, using the popular language of the city with the folk song genre, giving the Nationalist government and reactionary warlords a spicy satire.

Before the age of 13, Lu Xun's childhood was relatively bright, strong and knowledgeable, full of curiosity about the world, and spent a carefree childhood. His strong interest in novels, woodcuts, and music can be said to have been cultivated in Shaoxing since childhood. Tu Yiting said.

Red Treasure: Entering the Red Pavilion to Study Party History (13) |Today is the 140th anniversary of Lu Xun's birth: he awakened countless "sleepers"

A hundred years after the publication of "Hometown", he awakened countless sleepers

This year, the TV series "The Age of Awakening" was a hit. Lu Xun was undoubtedly one of the earliest awakened people. Faced with a society like a "closed iron house", he wrote a book like a light, cutting through the darkness and awakening countless sleepers.

In the name of Lu Xun, after writing "Diary of a Madman", the pioneer of the May Fourth New Culture Movement and the founder of modern Chinese literature worked tirelessly, and works such as "Hometown", "Medicine", "Storm" and "Blessing" were published one after another.

Red Treasure: Entering the Red Pavilion to Study Party History (13) |Today is the 140th anniversary of Lu Xun's birth: he awakened countless "sleepers"

The early memory is what Lu Xun did not get rid of in his life, and his hometown gave him poetry, and also gave him a keen eye to clearly understand the original face of society and life. In the preface to "Scream", Lu Xun wrote: "Who fell from a well-off family into a difficult situation, I thought that on this way, I could probably see the true face of the world." ”

In 1893, Lu Xun's grandfather, who was an official in the DPRK, was imprisoned for a case of examination fraud, after which his father fell ill for a long time and eventually died, the Zhou family was sharply impoverished, from a young master of a large family to a beggar under the fence, and the young Lu Xun prematurely faced the hardships of life and the cold of the world. Hometown, this affectionate name, in Lu Xun's place, is another heavy word. Two years after his father's death, he left home at the age of 18 and "went a different way, fled a different place, and went in search of a different kind of people."

In January 1921, at the age of 40, Lu Xun completed a novel with strong documentary color, "Hometown". This year, it is exactly one hundred years since the publication of "Hometown".

The narrative structure of "Hometown" is relatively simple, leaving, returning, and leaving again. When the wanderer returned to his hometown, Lu Xun was both attached to and wanted to stay away, full of contradictions. In fact, Lu Xun returned to his hometown in 1919. At that time, he returned to Shaoxing to move and reunited with his childhood friend Zhang Yunshui, the playmate who let Lu Xun know many things outside the "sky in the four corners of the high wall in the courtyard", and was also the prototype of "leaping earth". The water transport told him about the miserable life of the peasants.

Red Treasure: Entering the Red Pavilion to Study Party History (13) |Today is the 140th anniversary of Lu Xun's birth: he awakened countless "sleepers"

"Infinite distances, countless people, all related to me." The world knows that he is sharp and cold, but Lu Xun has his own warmth and enthusiasm. At the end of "Diary of a Madman", there is a cry of "save the children". At the end of "Medicine", on the grave of the revolutionary Xia Yu, "a wreath of flowers". To Ah Q and Kong Yiji, he had the desire to promote their awakening in the compassion of "mourning their misfortunes and angering them". Behind his words, there is a perpetual belief in hope.

In "Hometown", Lu Xun still wrote in a sad state of mind: "I think: Hope is nothing that does not matter, it does not matter what is nothing. This is like the road on the earth, in fact, there is no road on the ground, and the more people who walk, the more it becomes a road. ”

"As long as you can cultivate a flower, you may as well be a rotten grass that will decay..." Lu Xun received letters from more than 1,200 young people in his lifetime, and replied to more than 3,500 letters to guide them in the direction. He wrote the foreword to 54 works by 49 young people. He wrote about his students Liu Hezhen, warmly praising the courageous spirit of patriotic young people in the face of difficulties, and inspiring revolutionaries to move forward even more vigorously. He admired young writers such as Roushi and Yin Fu, and saw the flame of hope passed on in the hands of young people. He hoped that all awakened revolutionaries would persevere to the end, and stressed that we should start small and not be verbal revolutionaries.

Upon hearing the news that the Red Army's victorious Long March had arrived in northern Shaanxi, Lu Xun, who was ill, immediately called the Party Central Committee to congratulate him: "In you, we pin our hopes on the future of mankind and China. ”

Red Treasure: Entering the Red Pavilion to Study Party History (13) |Today is the 140th anniversary of Lu Xun's birth: he awakened countless "sleepers"

New Juvenile Chronicles

At the age of 140, Lu Xun is still young

After more than a hundred years, the old houses and alleys and yellow hoppers in "Hometown" are still poetic, but they are more vibrant.

Before the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, Lu Xun's hometown neighborhood hung up the "Lu Xun Famous Sayings" dao flag, and the Lu Xun Memorial Hall was even more illuminated to celebrate the 140th anniversary of Mr. Lu Xun's birth.

Red Treasure: Entering the Red Pavilion to Study Party History (13) |Today is the 140th anniversary of Lu Xun's birth: he awakened countless "sleepers"
Red Treasure: Entering the Red Pavilion to Study Party History (13) |Today is the 140th anniversary of Lu Xun's birth: he awakened countless "sleepers"

In the memorial hall, the garden plants are mainly camphor, pine, orchid and plum, and at the same time, according to Lu Xun's "Chao Hua Xi Shi", species such as jujube trees, saponaria trees, mulberries, wood lotus vines and raspberries are selected.

Near the memorial hall, children ran into the Baicao Garden, where they experienced the fun of Lu Xun's childhood, looking for He Shouwu, and looking for cicadas on the osmanthus tree in 215. There are often long queues at the entrance of the Sanwei Bookstore, where children can take a private school class to read the "Three Character Sutra", write brush characters, and bookmark the word "early". Tourists most like the scenic calligraphy and painting activities, or use the brush in their hands to draw Lu Xun's wind objects, or splash ink and write down the famous sayings and aphorisms of Lu Xun, a great writer.

Not only in Lu Xun's hometown, in Shaoxing City, Lu Xun Primary School, Lu Xun Middle School, Lu Xun Road... A child, who may have just read Lu Xun in a textbook, walks out of school and will frequently "meet" Lu Xun in the streets and alleys. This one-word beard board brush head of the hometown, for shaoxing people, has long been a kind existence.

"On the 140th anniversary of his birth, the voice of this national fighter echoed in our ears, polishing our thoughts and inspiring us to continue our efforts." Spanning a hundred years of vicissitudes, in the eyes of the new generation, the spirit of Lu Xun is still not outdated.

Red Treasure: Entering the Red Pavilion to Study Party History (13) |Today is the 140th anniversary of Lu Xun's birth: he awakened countless "sleepers"

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