
New stocks play in a heartbeat! This list of two times on the first day of the single signing of the highest profit of 57,700

author:Beijing Business Daily

Under the tide of new stock breaks, investors are also quite cautious about the subscription of new shares. On January 20, Chengda Pharmaceutical (301201) officially landed on the A-share capital market, the company's performance on the first day of listing was quite eye-catching, the intraday twice touched the stop, the highest rose by nearly 150%, the stock price touched 188 yuan / share, if calculated according to the first sign, investors can make a profit of up to 57,700 yuan. Under the sharp rise in stock prices, some investors directly called regret and abandoned the purchase after winning the lottery. According to the statistics of the Beijing Business Daily reporter, as of now, 19 shares of A shares have been listed during the year, of which 7 shares have been broken, accounting for nearly 40% of all new shares, and 5 shares such as Vivico Technology have broken on the first day of listing.

New stocks play in a heartbeat! This list of two times on the first day of the single signing of the highest profit of 57,700

On the first day of listing, it was sold off by two institutions

In the context of the continuous breaking of new stocks, the most profitable new stocks of the year came, but they were sold off by institutions on the first day of listing.

On January 20, Chengda Pharmaceutical landed on the A-share capital market, and the company's debut was quite eye-catching, and it touched the stop twice during the session, of which the highest increase was nearly 150%, and the stock price reached 188 yuan / share. As of the close of the day, the stock price of Chengda Pharmaceutical was reported at 128.55 yuan / share, up 76.85%, and the total market value was 12.43 billion yuan.

According to the data, the initial offering price of Chengda Pharmaceutical is 72.69 yuan / share.

According to the calculation of the Beijing Business Daily reporter, if the investor signs Chengda Pharmaceutical and sells at the highest point, it can make a profit of 57,700 yuan, and if it sells at the close, it can also make a profit of 27,900 yuan.

On the evening of January 20, the after-hours trading data disclosed on the official website of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange showed that Chengda Pharmaceutical was sold by two institutions, of which the first and third sales were institutional seats, with the sales amounts of about 33.3558 million yuan and 8.6559 million yuan respectively, and the purchase amount was 0.

It is worth mentioning that under the sharp rise in stock prices, there are also many investors who directly regret it in the stock bar.

According to the data disclosed by Chengda Pharmaceutical, the company was abandoned by online investors to subscribe for 391,900 shares, and the amount of abandonment was about 28.4899 million yuan. Chengda Pharmaceutical said that all the shares abandoned by the company's online and offline investors were underwritten by the sponsor institution (lead underwriter), and the number of shares underwritten by the sponsor institution (lead underwriter) accounted for 1.62% of the total number of shares issued.

According to the data, Chengda Pharmaceutical is mainly committed to providing key pharmaceutical intermediate CDMO services for multinational pharmaceutical enterprises and pharmaceutical research and development institutions, and engaged in the research and development, production and sales of L-carnitine series products, 2018-2020 and the first half of 2021, the company's dividend amount was 0 yuan, 20 million yuan, 20 million yuan and 30 million yuan, respectively, with a total dividend of 70 million yuan during the reporting period.

Chengda Pharmaceutical said that based on the operating results achieved from January to September 2021, combined with factors such as orders in hand and product production, the company expects to achieve operating income of 422 million yuan to 428 million yuan in 2021, an increase of 13.1% to 14.68% over the same period of the previous year. However, it is expected that the net profit attributable to the reporting period will be in a year-on-year decline, about 103 million yuan to 105 million yuan, down 13.14% to 15.04% from the same period last year.

As for the main reason for the decline in net profit, Chengda Pharmaceutical said that in 2020, the disposal of the company's old factory on Hengshan Road led to a higher income from asset disposal, and the company expects to achieve a net profit attributable to the shareholders of the parent company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses in 2021 of 100 million yuan to 102 million yuan, an increase of 18.3% to 21.02% over the same period last year.

Independent economist Wang Chikun told the Beijing Business Daily reporter that the sharp rise in Chengda Pharmaceutical on the first day may be related to the company's business involving new crown therapeutic drugs, the company is a provider of barritinib APIs, and from the scientific mechanism point of view, barritinib has a therapeutic effect on severe new crown diseases. In response to related issues, the Beijing Business Daily reporter called Chengda Pharmaceutical for an interview, but the phone was not answered.

Nearly 40% of new stocks broke during the year

According to wind statistics, as of now, nearly 40% of the new stocks listed during the year have been broken, of which 5 shares such as Maiwei Bio and Weike Technology have broken on the first day of listing.

According to the data, as of January 20, a total of 19 shares such as Vesbolt Hydraulics, Sunway World, Hujiang Materials, and Tamus landed on the A-share market during the year, of which according to the first day of listing, Yike Food performed the best, closing up 212.46% on the day, and only this stock rose by more than 200%. It was followed by VESBOLT Hydraulics, which rose by 168.6% on the first day of listing; the first day of bidding shares also rose by more than 100%, reaching 128.14%.

In contrast, 5 stocks, such as Aojie Technology, Maiwei Biological, Yahong Pharmaceutical, Xinghui Ring Material, and Weike Technology, broke on the first day of listing, closing down 33.75%, 29.6%, 23.41%, 9.12% and 6.07% respectively on the first day of listing.

It is not difficult to see that Aojie Technology has the worst performance. According to the data, Aojie Technology is a platform-based chip enterprise that provides wireless communication and ultra-large-scale chips. According to Aojie Technology, because the cellular communication in which the company is located is a typical high R & D investment field, the early stage needs a large amount of R & D investment to achieve the commercialization of products, the company was established in 2015, the establishment time is still short, the need for large R & D investment to ensure the accumulation of technology and product development, so it is in a state of loss.

From 2018 to 2020 and the first half of 2021, Aojie Technology achieved net profit attributable to -537 million yuan, -584 million yuan, -2.327 billion yuan and -372 million yuan, respectively, and the corresponding net profit attributable to non-attributable net profit was about -538 million yuan, -593 million yuan, -572 million yuan and -352 million yuan, respectively.

As of June 30, 2021, the cumulative undistributed profit in the consolidated statements of Aojie Technology was -3.049 billion yuan.

In addition to Aojie Technology, many new stocks listed during the year, such as Maiwei Biological, Yahong Pharmaceutical, and Sunway World, are also in a state of loss.

According to the data, in the first three quarters of 2021, The net profit attributable to Maiwei Biological, Yahong Pharmaceutical and Sunway Tiandi was about -515 million yuan, -172 million yuan and -0.03 billion yuan, respectively.

In addition, according to the lowest price of the stock price after the listing, Tianyue Advanced and C*Core Technology have also broken, which also means that in the total number of new stocks listed in the whole year, a total of 7 shares have broken, accounting for 36.84% of the 19 shares.

Among the above-mentioned listed new stocks, many stocks have also been abandoned by investors. For example, Tianyue Advanced disclosed the results of the issuance, showing that the company was abandoned by online investors for 21.7835 million yuan, and offline investors abandoned 0 yuan.

It is understood that before the listing of Tianyue Advanced, the company has been in a state of loss, of which the net profit attributable to it from 2018 to 2020 is about -42.14 million yuan, -200.7 million yuan and -642 million yuan, respectively. However, tianyue advanced disclosure of the first three quarters of 2021 results show that the company turned around losses, achieving a net profit attributable to about 53.53 million yuan.

Investment and financing expert Xu Xiaoheng told reporters that with the promotion of the registration system, new stock issuance has been normalized, new shares in the market have long been scarce, since the second half of 2021, the A-share market abandonment situation began to occur frequently, the first day of listing broke the situation is also continuous, which is the embodiment of the increasing maturity of the mainland capital market.

Beijing Business Daily reporter Ma Changchang

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