
The green light is on and you can't go! A driver in Nanchang was fined

author:Bright Net


Mobile phones have long been inseparable from everyone

Convenient for living at the same time

Someone is driving

Also immersed in it and unable to extricate yourself?

The green light is on and you can't go! A driver in Nanchang was fined

Just the other day

There is a driver at Red Valley Beach

Immerse yourself in playing with your phone

While waiting for the red light at the stop

The green light is on and you don't go

Add to the blockage

The green light doesn't go? Distraction driving as a penalty!

On January 13, 2022, during the video patrol, it was found that there was a vehicle at the intersection of Cuiyuan Road in Fenghuangzhong Avenue, and it was not driven at a green light, and it was found that Gan AGG00* played mobile phone during driving and did not look at the traffic signal instructions. The brigade immediately notified the driver Rao to accept the treatment, and fined the driver Zhou 50 yuan and 2 points according to law.

The dangers of driving to play with mobile phones

I believe everyone knows very well

Driving a motor vehicle on the road is a continuous process

Waiting for red lights and encountering congestion are driving processes

So treat distracted driving

Don't take any chances

Many drivers think that looking down at the mobile phone when waiting for the red light will not have an impact on driving, but according to the test, if the driver is preoccupied with waiting for the green light before the red light is lit, and starts the vehicle for the first time after the green light is lit, the process is about 1-1.5 seconds; if the green light is suddenly found to be on when watching the mobile phone, the process will be extended to 2.5 seconds or even longer, which slows down the speed of vehicle traffic at the intersection, thereby aggravating the congestion of urban roads. At the same time, if the driver starts in a hurry, it is not conducive to observing the surrounding situation, and it is more likely to have a traffic accident in case of emergency.

Driving a mobile phone to play the "four deadly sins"

First, reduce security

The driver's control of the speed, the grasp of the distance and the avoidance of obstacles will have a great impact, and it is very easy to make the vehicle operation error or lose control, resulting in accidents.

Second, distraction

Neglecting to observe vehicles and pedestrians on the road, once encountering unexpected situations, will greatly reduce the adaptability and reaction time, which is easy to cause traffic accidents.

Third, the field of vision becomes narrower

Using a mobile phone while driving reduces the driver's ability to perceive distant objects.

Fourth, it is easy to cause traffic jams

Citizens who usually drive may notice that a main road has neither a traffic accident nor a road fence, but it is often inexplicably congested. Traffic police found that similar congestion is mostly caused by driving and playing with mobile phones. Using a mobile phone while driving can trigger the effect of artificial interception on the road surface. Because as long as you play with your mobile phone, the speed of the car will definitely be much slower than the speed of normal driving.

There are thousands of roads

Safety First

Driving without playing with the phone

Do not add to the road congestion

Transferred from | Red Valley Beach Traffic Police

Source: Nanchang Evening News

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