
The 2021 "Peking University-Zhongda China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" was successfully completed

author:Peking University Dharma Treasure School

Flashing Memories, Moving Forward with Dreams - The 2021 "Peking University-Jones Day China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" and the "Cross-border Legal Lawyer Practice Course" Graduation Ceremony came to a successful conclusion.

The 2021 "Peking University-Zhongda China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" was successfully completed

On the afternoon of January 7, 2022, in the warm winter sun, the graduation ceremony of the 2021 "Peking University-Jones Day China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" and the "Cross-border Legal Lawyer Practice Course" was held. Due to the consideration of epidemic prevention and control, the event was held simultaneously online and offline. Mr. Tang Chenghui, Managing Partner of Jones Day Law Firm Beijing Office, Mr. Xue Qiang, Senior Consultants Mr. Fan Fangran and Mr. Zhu Mimi, Mr. Wu Yichen and Mr. Sheng Jiahui, Ms. Jiang Fan, Administrative Director, Professor Guo Li, Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University Law School, Dr. Li Yuanyuan, Assistant Dean and Director of the Office of Foreign Affairs, more than 30 on-site and more than 80 online students from various universities across the country attended the graduation ceremony. The 2021 "Peking University-Jones Day China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" began in 2018 with the "Cross-border Legal Lawyer Practice Course" jointly opened by Peking University Law School and Zondight Law Firm in the United States, and due to the impact of the epidemic, the course was transferred to online in 2020. In 2021, the course will be upgraded to the "China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" with a more three-dimensional selection and participation and training method nationwide. In the end, a total of 46 students from 24 law schools and 67 Peking University law students participated.

The 2021 "Peking University-Zhongda China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" was successfully completed


Sowing Youth, Drawing the Future Together—— Mr. Tang Chenghui, Managing Partner of Jones Day's Beijing Office, delivered a speech

The 2021 "Peking University-Zhongda China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" was successfully completed

As one of the main promoters of the program, Mr. Tang Chenghui expressed his heartfelt congratulations to the first batch of 113 graduates of the "Peking University-Jones Day China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" present and online, and expressed his gratitude to the leaders and teachers of Peking University Law School for their strong support. She said that Today's China is in an important stage of needing a large number of high-quality foreign-related legal practice talents, and Zhongda is very happy to contribute to China's cultivation of foreign-related legal practice reserve talents. It is believed that in the future, the "Peking University-Jones Day China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" will be able to serve as a sustainable "incubation" platform for international legal talents, and continuously send a globally competitive reserve of practical foreign-related rule of law talents to China and the world. Although it is now in the cold winter of Beijing, but the spring is not far away, this graduation ceremony is not the end, but a party, a moment of joy and harvest. At the same time, Tang Chenghui also looked back on her 20 years of cross-border lawyer career, and in the past 20 years, she has always maintained her original intention. She sparkled and made the students feel the power of role models.


A spark, igniting dreams - Professor Guo Li, Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University Law School, delivered a speech

The 2021 "Peking University-Zhongda China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" was successfully completed

Professor Guo Li said that Peking University Law School and Zhongda Law Firm have come together because of their like-mindedness, and have worked together for many years to promote China's globalization and the cultivation of rule of law talents. From 21 Peking University students in the "Cross-border Legal Lawyer Practice Course" in 2018 to 113 students from 25 colleges and universities across the country in 2021, the "Peking University-Jones Day China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" has undergone four years of continuous polishing, hoping that the plan can form an echelon for cultivating foreign-related rule of law talents, and play a role in the process of rule of law globalization for China. Professor Guo Li quoted General Secretary Xi Jinping's 2022 New Year's message mentioned in the "to the vast and subtle", to encourage everyone, the legal profession needs a craft, all legal people to do "as subtle as possible", from a professional point of view, the pursuit of perfection, but the law is not only a craft, it is also a feeling, how to achieve fairness and justice and how to achieve the rule of law, should become the lifelong pursuit of the majority of legal people. Globalization is still the most important development trend in the world today, and the 113 beneficiary students must take on a greater responsibility, not only to show their talents and abilities on the international stage, but also to make due contributions to China's great power temperament and mission. Professor Guo Li expressed his sincere gratitude to the colleagues of Jones Day Law Firm for their efforts in the program, and it was their meticulous preparation and hard work that made the talent training program a complete success. He borrowed a phrase from Stephen J. Brogan, Jones Day's global managing partner, "To truly help talent cultivation and economic prosperity, globalization ultimately depends on the emphasis and continuous advancement of the rule of law, and this is the common responsibility of each and every one of our legal practitioners"—expressing the confidence and determination of Peking University Law School to work with colleagues in the international legal community to cultivate more outstanding international rule of law talents who transmit China's positive energy.


Thick accumulation of thin hair, not to live up to Shaohua - student representatives spoke

The 2021 "Peking University-Zhongda China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" was successfully completed

Chen Yuexin, a 2019 undergraduate student at Peking University Law School, said that he hopes to become an excellent professional foreign-related lawyer in the future. But the lack of time and experience restricts her choice of career path. Fortunately, in the "Peking University-Jones Day China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" and the "Cross-border Legal Lawyer Practice Course", the partners and senior lawyers of Jones Day Law Firm around the world as lecturers introduced the most basic legal and institutional frameworks in each field and the latest development trends in the policy environment from the perspective of their respective business areas. Mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, data compliance, bankruptcy law and other fields are no longer just flat labels, but an all-encompassing institutional system and vivid and meticulous real cases, which have laid a knowledge foundation for students' self-learning and exploration in various fields. Although the lawyers are told separately in different subject areas, they all share a common professionalism and dedication, and their words all reveal a love and enthusiasm for legal practice. Their moving stories in the field of legal practice are stunning on the first reading, moving in the second reading, and admiration in the third reading. Finally, Chen Yuexin wished that the happiness of the law could always accompany everyone. As a graduate student majoring in international law, Cai Zhiyuan, a 2020 LL.M. student at Wuhan University Law School, has always aspired to become a cross-border lawyer. Participating in the "Peking University-Jones Day China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" and the "Cross-border Legal Lawyer Practice Course", he lamented the breadth of knowledge, high practice and meticulous guidance of lawyers. Peking University Law School, as the top law school in mainland China, and Jones Day as the world's top law firm, combine to show law students a beautiful blueprint for the future of legal people. At the same time, the high legal professionalism and critical thinking ability displayed by the senior lawyers of Jones Day also profoundly affected the participating students. On behalf of all the participating students, Mr. Cai Zhiyuan expressed his heartfelt voice: When we realize our ideals as lawyers in the future, we will not forget the hard work of the teachers in this plan, and will make personal efforts to care for and influence future legal people and realize self-worth.


Starlight, Sparkling - Unveiling "Outstanding Students" and Issuing "Certificates of Completion"

The 2021 "Peking University-Zhongda China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" was successfully completed

Mr. Tang Chenghui and Professor Guo Li presented certificates of completion to the first batch of 12 "outstanding students" of the "Peking University-Jones Day China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program", namely Shi Tianqi, Cheng Wanli, Zhou Bohua, Chen Yuexin and Zhang Wenjia from Peking University, Yang Maoyi from Tsinghua University, Wu Yuchen of China University of Political Science and Law, Cai Zhiyuan of Wuhan University, Zhang Junyi of Shanghai Overseas Chinese University, Huang Shuoyuan of China Agricultural University, Yu Danting of Liaoning University and Yuan Pengou of Macau University of Science and Technology. In the study of this program, 12 "outstanding students" actively participated in the real-time online course, enthusiastically asked questions, and achieved excellent results in the two mid-term and final examinations. It is worth mentioning that all "outstanding students" will receive internship opportunities from Jones Day's Beijing office. Zhongda issued certificates of completion and took a group photo of the more than 30 students present, and sent the certificates of completion to other participating students by mail.

The 2021 "Peking University-Zhongda China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" was successfully completed


Pick up and down, and go home - face-to-face roundtable meeting

During the roundtable exchange, several jones day partners and lawyers shared many insights and experiences of working in Zondaz and engaging in cross-border business, and the students also had in-depth exchanges with the lawyers present on issues such as legal learning, career development planning, and related development prospects that they were interested in.

The 2021 "Peking University-Zhongda China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" was successfully completed

In this semester's "Cross-border Legal Lawyer Practice Course", according to the training plan and curriculum, many courses start at 8:00 in the morning and run through the whole day, and the mid-term and final exams are carried out in the way of 7 consecutive hours of Take-Home Exam. But such hard work is undoubtedly worth it, through the one-semester course, students have experienced the real work and business field of cross-border lawyers in advance, and can quickly master more professional foreign-related legal practice skills to meet the future career.

The 2021 "Peking University-Zhongda China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" was successfully completed

After the successful conclusion of the first phase of the "Peking University-Zhongda China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program", we need to pay more attention to the future development of the plan. During the exchange and discussion, the students made suggestions and suggestions on the curriculum and plan content, and put forward many positive opinions. For example, the fields of intellectual property rights, international arbitration, and company law are added; discussion classes or demonstration classes are appropriately added, students who are willing to express their views or share learning results are selected, and around the relevant themes of teaching, they are assisted by the discussion or display of relevant topics based on the interests and professional foundations of the students, so that the students can show their "learning gains".

The 2021 "Peking University-Zhongda China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" was successfully completed

The students also had some confusion about the planning and development of their careers, and Jones Day's lawyers talked about their experiences and experiences in different fields of practice, and imagined the opportunities and challenges that they might face in the future as legal professionals. The warm and in-depth exchanges have greatly broadened the horizons of students in choosing a career, and students may still be a little confused when facing career choices, but the sharing of lawyers' predecessors has already cleared the clouds for everyone to a certain extent.

The 2021 "Peking University-Zhongda China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" was successfully completed
The 2021 "Peking University-Zhongda China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program" was successfully completed

At the end of the graduation ceremony, the students expressed their gratitude to Peking University Law School and Jones Day for opening the "Peking University-Jones Day China Globalization and Rule of Law Talent Training Program". Cultivating more outstanding talents who are proficient in shaping international rules, calmly handling foreign-related legal affairs, and participating in international cooperation and competition freely is the consistent ambition of Peking University Law School, and it is also the unremitting pursuit of Jones Day Law Firm to cultivate foreign-related lawyers' capabilities, promote and publicize global economicization and rule of law, and help build a community with a shared future for mankind. In the future, Peking University Law School and Jones Day Lloyd will continue to work together to brave the challenges of the epidemic and take an active role in cultivating more foreign-related legal talents who meet the needs of national development and the progress of the rule of law.

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