
Apple's attitude has been completely reversed: don't want to upgrade iOS15? Then break more iOS 14

author:Black Cat Review

As we all know, among all mobile operating systems, the system upgrade rate of iOS is the most stable and the highest. Don't underestimate this, the user's willingness to upgrade is strong, which means that Apple can stand on the same front as the majority of consumers, calling on third-party APP developers to adapt to the latest features of iOS and develop in the ideal direction of Apple.

Apple's attitude has been completely reversed: don't want to upgrade iOS15? Then break more iOS 14

As a negative example, Windows 10 only reached 57.83% market share 5 years after its release. As for the Android system, the situation is not more optimistic than Windows, and there are a large number of low-end mobile phones on the market that are still using the old version of Android. If you are an app developer for PC and Android, you are not in a hurry. In short, the system upgrade rate directly affects the ecological prosperity of iOS.

According to Apple's official iOS version distribution map, iOS 15 has only 72% upgrade rate after 4 months of launch, and 26% of users stay in iOS 14. For comparison, last year's iOS 14 statistics in the same period, the upgrade rate was 81%, and the users staying in iOS 13 accounted for 17%. In other words, users' willingness to upgrade iOS 15 began to fall off a cliff.

Apple's attitude has been completely reversed: don't want to upgrade iOS15? Then break more iOS 14

Faced with this grim situation, Apple finally began to worry. Apple introduced a new feature on iOS 14.5: it can provide independent security patch updates for iPhones and iPads - you can choose not to add new features, only install security patches. At the time of the release of iOS 15, Apple also said that it would continue to provide security patch updates for iOS14 for a period of time.

Apple's attitude gave fruit fans the courage to stay in iOS 14, coupled with the obvious increase in bugs in the iOS 15 system, word of mouth mixed, many people really no longer upgrade iOS 15. The good times did not last long, because the system upgrade rate of iOS 15 fell too quickly, and Apple's attitude began to reverse across the board.

Apple's attitude has been completely reversed: don't want to upgrade iOS15? Then break more iOS 14

Don't want to upgrade to iOS 15? Then stop iOS 14 completely. According to the latest news, Apple's personnel revealed to the foreign media that their support for security updates for iOS 14 has basically ended. In other words, if you want to be able to use the iOS 14 system all the time, you will not receive security patch updates next, and the old system is no longer secure.

There is no doubt that in our view, Apple's inconsistent statement is nothing more than trying to force users to upgrade iOS 15 in disguise. The reason we also analyzed at the beginning, the stable system upgrade rate is the premise of the iOS ecological prosperity, and Apple does not want this advantage to change.

Apple's attitude has been completely reversed: don't want to upgrade iOS15? Then break more iOS 14

The question is, why since iOS 15, fruit fans have been less willing to upgrade the new system? I observed a lot of reviews and found that there are three reasons: 1, old users are afraid of being "planned scrapping" after upgrading, reducing fluency; 2, iOS 15 has too many bugs at the beginning, and I want to wait until it is completely stable before upgrading; 3, the new features of iOS 15 are relatively boring, and there is no need to upgrade.

In my personal opinion, Apple's decision to change iOS 14 does not have much effect, and the real effective way is to improve the stability of iOS 15 and add some new humanized features. What do you think about this, welcome to discuss together.

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