
Effectively guarantee housing and housing, and these three items are included in basic public services

author:Great River Network

Recently, the General Office of the Provincial People's Government issued the "Henan Provincial Basic Public Service Implementation Standards (2021 Edition)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Standards"), requiring local governments to take the implementation standards of basic public services as the key task of people's livelihood security, rationally plan and build various basic public service facilities, accelerate the completion of basic public service shortcomings, and continuously improve the accessibility and convenience of basic public services.

In terms of housing, the three key areas and urgent areas of public rental housing security, urban shantytown transformation and rural dangerous housing transformation are included in the "Implementation Standards" as the key areas and urgent areas that need to accelerate the completion of public service shortcomings, and the municipal and county-level governments are responsible for guiding social capital investment, the provincial government gives financial support, and the central government gives financial subsidies, effectively solves housing problems for three different types of housing groups, and changes the worry into a safe home.

The "Implementation Standards" make it clear that public rental housing rental subsidies or in-kind guarantees are provided to urban lower-middle-income and below-income housing families that meet the local requirements, newly employed workers without housing, and migrant workers with stable employment in cities and towns. For shantytown residents, in-kind resettlement or monetary compensation is provided. In terms of the transformation of dangerous houses in rural areas, subsidies for the renovation of dangerous houses are provided to poor households in rural areas that are prone to return to poverty and cause poverty, rural low-income households, rural scattered support for special hardship cases, families with large rigid expenditures due to accidents due to illness or accidents due to great reduction in income, families with serious difficulties in basic livelihood, marginal families with low-income in rural areas, and other poverty-alleviated households that have not enjoyed the support of rural housing security policies and cannot solve housing safety problems on their own.

In 2022, our province will continue to adhere to the "housing not speculation", develop the long-term rental housing market, expand the supply of affordable rental housing, solve the housing difficulties of new citizens, young people and other groups, adhere to the transformation of dangerous houses in rural areas, and help rural low-income groups solve housing safety problems. Constantly improve the housing security system, and promote the realization of a more secure housing for all people.