
Seize the new opportunities of RCEP to promote high-quality development with a high level of openness

author:Red Net

Author 丨 Shen Yumou

Vast and boundless, sails but trade winds. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) officially entered into force, marking the launch of the world's largest free trade area, which is a milestone in the mainland's opening up to the outside world and an important support for service and integration into the new development pattern. Hunan actively integrates into RCEP, which is conducive to promoting low-cost and free circulation of commodities and allowing consumers to enjoy more benefits; it is conducive to enterprises reducing operating costs, expanding the international market, consolidating industrial cooperation, and enjoying high-quality services; it is conducive to Hunan and RCEP member countries to carry out all-round, wide-ranging and in-depth economic cooperation, and promoting high-quality development with a high level of openness.

First, the ideas are docked to clarify the direction. The overall level of trade facilitation in RCEP exceeds that of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement, which not only simplifies customs clearance procedures, but also encourages all parties to strengthen information exchange and cooperation on standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures, which will greatly reduce trade costs and shorten logistics time. Hunan should seize the opportunity of the standard-to-table, deeply study the rules, regulations, management and standards of RCEP, and introduce the Hunan comprehensive docking RCEP action plan to achieve market communication, rule connection and industrial integration. Carry out country-specific analysis around supply and demand information, market entities, industrial development, policy environment, legal risks, etc., firmly grasp the complementary needs of both sides, based on the "people have me without me, people are strong and I am weak" excellent imports, based on "people without me, people have my excellent" to expand exports, reduce enterprise costs, and enjoy the opening dividend. Using various platforms and media, multi-level thematic training, publicity and interpretation are carried out to help enterprises familiarize themselves with and master the content of RCEP. Establish a cross-departmental coordination and linkage mechanism for RCEP, strengthen departmental and city-state collaboration, and work together to promote the implementation of policy initiatives.

Second, trade docking to expand the market. After the implementation of the RCEP, more than 90% of the trade in goods in the region will eventually achieve zero tariffs, and countries will fulfill their commitments to trade liberalization in goods in a relatively short period of time. Hunan should establish a comparative list of RCEP national commodity tax reductions, form a directory of import and export commodities that can be reduced by RCEP, provide enterprises with guidelines for inquiring and comparing preferential tariffs for commodities, and help enterprises enjoy the fruits of RCEP tariff reductions. Adhere to the "one country, one policy" to open up the international market, promote the export of machinery and equipment, mechanical and electrical products, electrical and electronic products, chemical products, textiles and clothing, agricultural products and other advantageous products to RCEP member countries, promote the import of iron ore, copper ore, aluminum ore, coal and other bulk commodities from ASEAN countries, and expand the import of automobiles, beauty, food and other consumer goods from Japan and South Korea. RCEP stipulates that for express goods, perishable goods, etc. to achieve the release of goods within 6 hours after arrival, Hunan should expand the export of hunan tea, xiangguo, xiang mushrooms, xiang rice, xiang oil and other characteristic agricultural products and aquatic products, tropical fruits and other imports, driving the province's agricultural products to achieve high-quality and efficient development. The Commitment to the Opening Up of China's Trade in Services under the RCEP clause has reached the highest level of existing ftAS, and should seize the opportunity to make up for the shortcomings of trade in services, promote the transformation from trade in goods to "trade in goods - trade in services - investment", explore the integration and development of trade in goods and trade in services, advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, accelerate the development of digital trade in services, and encourage and support foreign investment in high-end service industries, especially in the fields of telecommunications, education, medical care, finance, and law. With the high-level use of foreign capital, promote the agglomeration of global high-end elements to Hunan.

Third, the platform docking to improve the energy level. The effective implementation of the RCEP will effectively improve the openness of various national platforms such as the Pilot Free Trade Zone, the Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Test Zone, and the Customs Special Supervision Zone, promote the efficient gathering of resources such as enterprises, technologies, talents, and funds to the platform, and enhance the hub value of the important hinterland of Hunan's "Belt and Road". Implement the quality improvement and upgrading actions of the pilot free trade zone, increase stress testing and institutional innovation, give full play to the advantages of location, industry, innovation and business environment, enhance the level of openness, manufacturing and market energy, and promote the transformation of government functions, the reform of the investment field, the opening up of the financial sector, and the optimization of production factors in the benchmarking RCEP standards, and accelerate the realization of the characteristic strategic positioning of "one industry, one park, one corridor". Adhere to the "three-life integration" and "three-state coordination", promote the "five zero" park model, strengthen cooperation with the industrial parks of RCEP member countries with the "enclave" co-construction model, and promote the construction of "five good" parks. Expand the layout of "Silk Road E-commerce" in RCEP member countries, give full play to the function of cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones, and explore and promote the models of industrial parks and enterprises in the province through joint construction, self-construction of overseas industrial parks and overseas warehouses in RCEP member countries. Deepen the pilot of market procurement trade mode, explore "market procurement + cross-border e-commerce", based on agricultural products, Chinese herbal medicines, plastic products, ceramics, bags and other characteristic industries, and encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to explore the market of RCEP member countries online. Smooth the international logistics channel, continue to strengthen the construction of the four-hour aviation economic circle with Changsha Huanghua International Airport as the hub, the Jianghai intermodal relay route with Yueyang as the center, the China-Europe express train with changsha railway freight north station as the central hub, the railway-sea intermodal transport centered on Zhuzhou, and the western land-sea gateway with Huaihua as the center, so as to create a new engine for Hunan to integrate into the "circle of friends" of RCEP.

Fourth, the service docking excellent environment. The RCEP has made clear provisions on trade facilitation, intellectual property protection, legal and regulatory procedures of parties and dispute resolution, and the benchmarking table will greatly optimize the business environment in the province. Promote trade facilitation, enhance the function of a single window for international trade, carry out AEO credit cultivation and certification, and promote the integrated linkage of "customs clearance supervision + trade services" at ports. Strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights, promote the revision of the Patent Regulations of Hunan Province, establish intellectual property assistance workstations, strengthen overseas intellectual property disputes and rights protection assistance, and promote the settlement of domestic and foreign intellectual property professional service institutions in Hunan Province. Optimize financial services, benchmark RCEP new financial services, financial information transfer and processing rules, improve the level of foreign exchange services, expand the scale of cross-border RMB settlement, increase the promotion of "three single financing", expand the coverage of export credit insurance for small and micro enterprises, and help Xiangpin and Xiangqi enterprises go to sea. Provide high-quality legal services, guide enterprises to handle commercial disputes in RCEP member countries in a timely, efficient and stable manner, rely on the "four-body linkage" response mechanism of trade frictions of the Ministry of Commerce, and help enterprises timely warn and respond to investigations such as "two antis and one guarantee" in RCEP member countries. Pay attention to the competitive pressure and impact brought by the effectiveness of RCEP to labor-intensive industries, guide and support enterprises to improve the added value of products, and promote transformation and upgrading. Explore the construction of RCEP enterprise service centers, create a "one-stop" trade and investment service platform that provides professional services such as business, law, taxation, customs, finance, logistics, etc., and build a business environment that is pro-business, safe, prosperous, and prosperous.

Fifth, the main body docking to promote cooperation. In the RCEP, "small and medium-sized enterprises" are separately written, highlighting the important position of enterprise entities in the agreement, and the effectiveness of the agreement will effectively promote small and medium-sized enterprises to enter the mainstream of regional supply chains, better connect domestic and international markets and two kinds of resources, and create new competitive advantages in industrial cooperation. Make full use of the rules of origin to build a strong industrial chain, after the RCEP took effect, China, Japan and South Korea reached a free trade relationship for the first time, Japan and South Korea have a strong manufacturing foundation, Hunan should focus on the "3+3+2" industrial cluster and 22 advantageous industrial chains to accurately attract investment, promote Japan and South Korea's world's top 500 companies, industry leaders, headquarters economy, chain master enterprises and other "group into Hunan", joint Japan and South Korea advanced technology enterprises to break through the "card neck" key core technology, to the digital chain, intelligent supply chain transformation, Enhance the vitality and strength of the main body of the enterprise in the solid chain strong chain replenishment chain. Promote the transformation of traditional advantageous industries, lead the transformation of emerging industries, and support the transformation of the service industry, drive the overall leap of the three industries with innovation, support the development and growth of pilot enterprises, and cultivate specialized new "little giants" and "hidden champions" enterprises. Improve the level of investment facilitation, resolutely implement the reduction of the negative list of foreign investment access, deepen the opening up of the manufacturing industry, implement the national treatment of investment by RCEP member countries, and strengthen the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investors. Vigorously tap the advantages of foreign businessmen's resources, give full play to the role of hunan merchants conference, Hunan International Chamber of Commerce, overseas Hunan chamber of commerce and other bridges, continue to improve the construction of overseas service networks with overseas Hunan business associations, commercial representative offices and branches as the fulcrum, actively promote the establishment of consulates in Hunan by ASEAN countries, and promote the realization of unimpeded trade, industrial connectivity, market integration and Xiangxin communication between hunan businessmen outside the province and abroad.

(The author is secretary of the party group and director of the Department of Commerce of Hunan Province)

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