
The darling of humanity in the 21st century! What is the magic of Musk?

As a South African-born child, Musk has done his own miracle in the United States. We always say that a person's success is inseparable from his family and origin, but Musk is not an American at all. His father was an ordinary engineer and his mother was a model. But Musk is still successful in Silicon Valley and is now the world's richest man.

What is the magic of Musk this person?

The darling of humanity in the 21st century! What is the magic of Musk?

First of all, Musk is undoubtedly a hipster in the Internet age. It has been a master computer since childhood, mastered the technology of programming, and developed its own commercial software. In 1992, Musk was admitted to the University of Pennsylvania with a scholarship and began his American dream. For the dream of landing on Mars, Musk has been in college since he was in college, and he believes that the first step to landing on Mars should be to have cheap rocket technology, and Musk has since aspired to become a rocket expert.

At the age of 30, Musk sold his mobile payment software PayPal, which was just a small file that Musk took the time to make, which brought Musk hundreds of millions of dollars. Almost immediately, he invested the money in SpaceX, which no one expected, to work on reusable rocket technology. At that time, people thought that this was a crazy person who had a fever with a little money on his hands.

The darling of humanity in the 21st century! What is the magic of Musk?

By 2010, after countless failures, Musk's starship spacecraft was finally successfully launched, and everyone saw the great value of SpaceX. Coupled with Tesla, the most successful electric car company at present, Musk uses all his efforts to create value, and his ultimate goal is to send humans to Mars.

In the field of brain-computer interface, rail transit and other fields, Musk is also involved. This kind of investment, which now seems like a joke, may become a new industry for humanity in the future, and this is Musk, a person who is always chasing the frontier.

The darling of humanity in the 21st century! What is the magic of Musk?

The magic in Musk is the attachment to the goal. He is always good at details, to make the product perfect, and all this effort is always in the service of an ultimate goal, which is why Musk never loses the motivation to innovate. What do you think?

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