
Time is short, the end is quick, and you want to fight for a long time? How does TCM regulate delay?

author:Wisdom TCM says health
Chinese medicine believes that the kidney hides the essence, the growth and development of the master body and reproduction. Among them, essence is the most basic substance that constitutes the human body and maintains human life activities, and promotes human growth, development and reproduction. Kidney essence, refining qi, kidney essence of the qi for kidney qi, kidney sperm is enough kidney qi, kidney sperm deficiency is kidney qi failure.
Time is short, the end is quick, and you want to fight for a long time? How does TCM regulate delay?

After birth, the kidney essence and kidney qi are gradually enriched, and in the juvenile period, in terms of growth and development, it shows that the hair grows faster and gradually thicker, the rapid change of the replacement of the baby teeth, and the bones gradually grow and the height increases. In youth, the kidney essence and kidney qi are more abundant, manifested as the growth of wisdom teeth, the growth of bones, the human body reaches a certain height, and begins to have the ability to reproduce. In the prime of life, the kidney essence and kidney qi are extremely full, showing a state of strong bones, strong body, black and shiny hair, and full of energy. In old age, with the gradual decay of kidney essence and kidney qi, it shows haggard complexion, tooth withering, hair loss and loss of fertility. Therefore, kidney essence and kidney qi play a very important role in the process of human growth and development. If the kidney essence and kidney qi are insufficient, there will be premature aging, such as hair loss, waist and knee soreness, and decreased intercourse ability.

Time is short, the end is quick, and you want to fight for a long time? How does TCM regulate delay?

Case Sharing:

Mr. Zhang, aged 39. He said that he was unable to maintain his intercourse, it was difficult to maintain, and he felt inferior, and at the same time, he was accompanied by problems such as weak waist and knees, forgetfulness, teeth movement, hair loss, and tinnitus.

Look at its tongue moss and veins: the tongue is pale, the tongue is thin, and the veins are weak

Dialectical: It proves to be kidney deficiency

Time is short, the end is quick, and you want to fight for a long time? How does TCM regulate delay?

It is understood that Mr. Zhang had the bad behavior of "entertaining himself" when he was young, and after marriage, he was no longer restrained, and over time, the kidney essence was overdrawn, and the kidney essence was deficient, which led to a series of problems such as forgetfulness and hair loss.

Time is short, the end is quick, and you want to fight for a long time? How does TCM regulate delay?

Therefore, for this situation, it is necessary to take tonic kidney essence as the main treatment rule, which can be used in this way: ox knee, purple river car, ripe ground yellow, tiandong, yellow cedar, turtle shell, eucommia, mai dong.

Time is short, the end is quick, and you want to fight for a long time? How does TCM regulate delay?

Note: During the treatment period, intercourse should not be too frequent, usually live a regular life, avoid staying up late, and eat more foods that nourish the kidney essence, such as goji berries, yams, guiyuan, longan, etc.

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