
Li Mingxiao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Beijing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau: The overall financing scale of the Beijing banking industry to support the construction of Winter Olympic venues and supporting infrastructure exceeds 78 billion yuan

author:Beijing Business Daily

On January 20, at the press conference held by the Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on "The Banking and Insurance Industry Fully Serves the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games", Li Mingxiao, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Beijing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, introduced that the Beijing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau guided the banking and insurance industry to tilt credit resources, innovate financial products, and improve service quality in Beijing, so as to add financial strength to the "City of The Two Olympics". Up to now, the Beijing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau has quickly approved the establishment of 4 Winter Olympic bank outlets, reviewed and filed 30 exclusive insurance clauses for the Winter Olympics, and the overall financing scale of the Beijing banking industry to support the construction of Winter Olympic venues and supporting infrastructure has exceeded 78 billion yuan.

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