
"Friends, Interpretation"

author:Wine is as expensive as character in a true

It is called "friends", and both sides are the same.

Qi refers to the rise and fall of social status, identity, and value; the same refers to the same birth, family background, and family background. If there is a change, its validity period is one month, otherwise, it can only be a passerby, and it is even more obscure to avoid it.

It is called "friend", and the harmonic pronunciation "has" also.

You have me and I as "friends", otherwise when one party looks up or looks down on the other, it can only be a kind of misfortune, but also a kind of sadness!

Naturally, "friend" is also a combination of "friend" and "being". He not only inherited the sophistication, speculation and cunning character of "friends" and "haves", but also carried forward the delicate relationship between people: simple and complex, clear and dark, scrupulous and fickle. Therefore, there is a classification of friends:

Bloody friends, as written in the book, can insert knives in both ribs for friends, and live and die together.

The sincere friendship that is difficult to find in "Flowing Water in the Mountains" is such as the divine interaction between Yu Boya and Zhong Zi period.

Or a like-minded friend who is a great feat of saving mankind and benefiting the world with one belief, and who ignores the individual.

To be able to live in such a position, to achieve such affection, to have such a friend, life is one or two feet!

The tree-pouring macaque is a drunken and meat friend, commonly known as the "fox friend dog friend".

Greet each other with a smile on your face, without the little man friend you throw back and throw away.

Easy to hide with open guns, difficult to defend against blind arrows, or sinister friends who have fallen into the well.

For his own interests, he will not hesitate to cut off his robe and break his righteousness, and flee in fear of his adulterous friends.

You can't see you well, as long as you are not as good as him, but always ridicule you, look down on you, trample on you, insult your personality and dignity of the snobbish friends.

It really fulfilled that sentence, there are all kinds of birds in the woods, and there are all kinds of people in the world. Cantonese friends are even more promiscuous friends, and this is also the case, people have sold you, you are helping to count the money, you may pit and harm you, but you are too late to teach you.

Just say, multiple friends have multiple paths. But not real-life! Otherwise, how can there be a sigh that friends cannot be said, and more is better than less?

What is inseparable, deeply intertwined? Is there no unbroken feast under the heavens? This is the law of nature. Therefore, friends pay more attention to the degree of vegetable density, and must not be close and seamless!

What is sharing weal and woe? That's just talking, the same willingness can be, how many people can share the suffering? When you really need help, which one is not weighed and the pros and cons are thorough? Or turn a blind eye, see without saying, or avoid and escape!

What lives and dies together? That is even more people's fantasy, only to hear that it is impossible to encounter, let alone have?! Especially in these peaceful times.

And now, with the development and update of the network, there is a new type of friends - netizens!

Netizens, listening to its name will know its body, hanging on the Internet "friends". It's like a "hysteria" hanging on the Internet!

In a virtual world, due to the difference or the same personality, temperament, and sexual interests, it is easier to find a person who is equal to and consistent with your own spiritual interface, which is called "God's friend". Even if it is the same sex or the opposite sex, hiding in the corner of the illusion, talking about heart, love, love and masturbation. There is no concern and scruples in reality, and there is no embarrassment and embarrassment in reality; neither disturbing each other nor hurting each other, why not be happy with each other?

- Probably this is the charm of the Internet!

But, in fact, even if its voice is true or false? It's not easy to be sure, let alone its people: good people and bad people? Gender age? Status? Completely ignorant, or a little bit aware, but not aware of the unreal. So is it difficult to define a friend? Especially online dating, when it appears, even the gender will change!

- This is probably the drawback of the network!

Therefore, in a person's life, friends do not care how many, but how many people care about knowing people and knowing faces?

When you're in the scenery, aren't all friends?

When you are lonely and poor, you can send you a fish or send you a fish, that is the real friend! Worth spending a lifetime together!

On January 13, 2022, wine is as expensive as a true character.

At a construction site in Changzhou, second draft.

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