
There are 6 contraindications to fat loss, and the last one must be done

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

A few taboos that must be seen in fat loss,

If you do it all,

Then the figure will soon lose weight,

See how many you've done?

There are 6 contraindications to fat loss, and the last one must be done


Forbidden to eat too fast

People who lose weight, we must learn the correct eating habits, the brain to receive fullness signals is time-

We must slow down the speed of eating, develop the habit of chewing and swallowing slowly, eat a meal for more than 20 minutes, and keep the meal eight points full, so as to control the amount of food eaten, reduce calorie intake, and help lose weight.

There are 6 contraindications to fat loss, and the last one must be done


All kinds of fried food are prohibited

Although many fried foods are delicious, the calories are very high, and the food nutrition will be destroyed during the frying process, and various harmful substances will be generated, and trans fats will be tried, which will harm health and induce diseases.

Consuming too much fried food can make you obese and have health problems. Usually all kinds of chips, fried chicken, popcorn, fritters, oil cakes and other foods are what we need to stay away from.

There are 6 contraindications to fat loss, and the last one must be done


No breakfast is forbidden

Most people have the habit of skipping breakfast, some people are trying to lose weight, and some people are in a hurry to get up and have no time to eat breakfast. The behavior of not eating breakfast is easy to induce gastrointestinal diseases, and lunch will also be overeating due to excessive hunger, which is easy to support the stomach capacity, which is not conducive to weight loss.

People who lose weight are not not eating breakfast, but to regularly eat three meals, choose low-calorie foods instead of various high-calorie foods, control daily calorie intake, and the ratio of breakfast, lunch and dinner intake is 3:4:3, which can ensure the body's nutritional intake, maintain metabolic motivation, and make you healthy and thin.

There are 6 contraindications to fat loss, and the last one must be done


Prolonged sedentary confinement is prohibited

Sitting for a long time will inhibit blood circulation in the lower limbs, which will induce low back pain, muscle strain, joint aging, obesity and other diseases.

People who lose weight must reduce the time of sitting, get up more actively, walk the value of each day to reach more than 6000, usually develop the habit of fitness exercise, choose the sports they are interested in, such as jogging, square dancing, playing ball, swimming and other sports, more than 4 times a week to ensure exercise, adhere to more than 2-3 months, the figure will naturally slowly slim down.

There are 6 contraindications to fat loss, and the last one must be done


It is forbidden to take various diet pills

There is no shortcut to weight loss, do not buy a variety of diet pills in order to lose weight, diet pills are IQ tax, essentially laxatives, can not lose fat, can only reduce water and waste, but also easy to disrupt the body function, affect the normal secretion of hormones, induce kidney disease, is not conducive to good health.

There are no diet pills, it is officially determined that you can lose fat and fat on your body, if diet pills are useful, why do so many actresses go to the gym to exercise?

There are 6 contraindications to fat loss, and the last one must be done


Don't stay up late and sleep

Staying up late is the culprit that shortens life expectancy and induces sudden death. Staying up late is easy to accelerate the aging of the body, disturb the secretion of hormones, you will appear hungry, easy to get hooked on supper, while the body's metabolic level will also decline, inducing easy to fat physique.

Quit the habit of staying up late, keep going to bed regularly and early, and your body functions can be repaired in time. People who lose weight can ensure adequate sleep, full of energy during the day, work efficiency will be more efficient, the body can unconsciously consume more calories, thereby improving fat burning efficiency.

There are 6 contraindications to fat loss, and the last one must be done

The essence of weight loss is to lift the body's calorie gap,

We need to quit some of the vices of getting fat,

Develop some good habits of life,

In order to slim down,

Stay in shape.

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