
When a woman hints at you like this, she is actually saying that she has thought of you to the extreme

author:The era of pen farming
When a woman hints at you like this, she is actually saying that she has thought of you to the extreme

Graph/from network

There is a lyric that reads: Love you in the heart is difficult to open. Girls' love, mostly implicit and introverted, they will express their emotions euphemistically, if boys can't understand the girl's careful thinking, it is easy to miss the fate.

Love is a rare fate, some people can meet, they have exhausted their life's luck, if you can't read each other's minds and miss your lover, it will become a lifelong regret.

Like Margaret Mitchell's classic book Gone with the Wind, she could not understand that behind The image of Brad disguised as a prodigal son, there was a deep love buried, so she never gave her own response, and eventually the love between the two became the regret of countless readers.

In a relationship, women's minds are often more delicate, and they will be careful when expressing their emotions, and use suggestive behaviors to test each other's sincerity.

If you look at it in terms of "missing", usually, if a woman misses you, there will often be such a hint.

When a woman hints at you like this, she is actually saying that she has thought of you to the extreme

01: Carefully ask what you're doing

In the past, the carriage and horse were very slow, and lovers needed to exchange letters, and the ancients would fold a bouquet of plum blossoms and put them in the letter to express their emotions at that time.

Now the communication between people is the most convenient on WeChat, if you miss each other, you can comfort each other through WeChat and video.

If a woman misses a person, her mind will involuntarily come up with his voice and smile, and she can't help but want to get close to understanding each other's every move.

A woman's thoughts are warm, but the expression is implicit. They often don't say "I miss you" bluntly on WeChat, but will tactfully test and ask what you are doing.

Never think a woman asking "Is it?" "What are you doing?" "Have you eaten?" These words are not nutritious and boring, but to understand the hidden meaning of women's words, that is, to miss you.

When a woman hints at you like this, she is actually saying that she has thought of you to the extreme

When Xiao Yun chats with her crush, even if she only asks "Are you here", she will hold the mobile phone and look at the screen intently, expecting the other party's response.

However, in the face of Xiao Yun's annoying suitors, no matter how violent the other party's news is, they will also choose to turn a blind eye, and they will not take the initiative to contact each other.

Each of our time is precious, and if it is spent on things we like, even if it costs a lot of time, it is worth it. If it is used on someone you don't like, one more second is a waste.

If a woman takes the initiative to ask you about your every move, and when she eagerly chats with you, it means that she is "missing" you in her heart, and don't fail to understand her intentions.

When a woman hints at you like this, she is actually saying that she has thought of you to the extreme

02: Tell your time to be free

If a woman takes the initiative to tell you that she has free time, the subtext is to hope that you can ask her out or chat.

Xiaoye is a big beauty loved by everyone in the company, not only has an outstanding image, but also talks very decently. Every time it was almost time for the company to take a Monday off, there were always many male colleagues who asked Xiaoye in advance if he had free time to go to dinner or watch a movie together.

Xiao Yedu refused with a smile on his face, making an excuse that he had made other arrangements.

Xiaoye's girlfriend knows that she deliberately refuses, because Xiaoye will ask her crush every time she takes a vacation if she has time to party or eat together.

When she chats with her crush, she inadvertently reveals that she is about to take a vacation and is bored at home. Once the other party asked her to go out for a walk, Xiaoye would gladly go to the appointment.

When a woman hints at you like this, she is actually saying that she has thought of you to the extreme

Women also want to be able to be with someone they like, even if it's just sitting quietly and reading a book, than eating and playing with people they don't like.

We may like to be lonely, but not everyone is willing to endure loneliness for a long time, if a woman says to the opposite sex: "I really feel idle, if you have time, let's get together?" ”

This does not mean that she is a very idle person, but it must prove that your position in her heart is very important. Even if a woman is idle and bored, she can choose to chase the drama or rest, but she will never easily send such a signal to the opposite sex.

Only when a woman is eager to see you will she take the initiative to reveal her free time, which is exactly one way to express her miss.

When a woman hints at you like this, she is actually saying that she has thought of you to the extreme

03: Open your heart to you and talk about your troubles

Each of us is defensive and is only willing to speak out when confronted with someone close to us.

In the movie "Send You a Little Red Flower", Wei Yihang, played by Yi Qianxi, suffered from cancer and refused to make friends with anyone at first, always resisting the outside world.

But after Wei Yihang and Ma Xiaoyuan gradually became acquainted, the two became good friends who could confide in each other. Wei Yihang was willing to talk to Ma Xiaoyuan about his pressure, and Ma Xiaoyuan was also willing to tell him about his inner troubles.

We only have a sense of dependence on people who are close to us, especially women, who tend to be more sensitive in their hearts and generally do not easily disclose their emotions to another person.

If a woman confides in you about her troubles, it not only shows her trust and dependence on you, but also shows that she wants to chat with you more.

When a woman hints at you like this, she is actually saying that she has thought of you to the extreme

04: Tell yourself that you are unwell and expose your vulnerability

People are often the most vulnerable when they are sick, and we are willing to expose our weaknesses in front of those close to us, eager to be loved and cared for. However, in front of unfamiliar people, they often disguise themselves as strong and do not let others easily see their weak side.

Every woman is not a fool, they know that they should go to the doctor when they are sick, and they should add clothes when it is cold. They know how to take care of themselves, but they also want to be taken care of.

If a woman says to the opposite sex that she is not feeling well, she does not want you to tell her that it is time to go to the doctor, but that you can give care and hurt her a little more.

Women are willing to remove their strong armor and take the initiative to show you the weak side, indicating that she hopes to get your care, and men must not understand it.

When a woman hints at you like this, she is actually saying that she has thought of you to the extreme

When a woman misses a person, she may not be bold and straightforward, but she can express her love from the details. When we miss someone, we want to be with each other all the time, even if we are far away, we hope to be able to contact each other often.

Sometimes when we miss someone, we don't have to say it, but careful people can guess it from their behavior.

Love is mysterious, read each other's minds, grasp the fate of the two, in order to make love continue for a long time.

In the TV series "I Want to See You", the true meaning of love is told: only when you want to see me, our encounter is meaningful. Even if we miss a person again, we must understand that do not pay one-way to please, and the love that runs in both directions has meaning.

When a woman hints at you like this, she is actually saying that she has thought of you to the extreme