
Don't be afraid of gallbladder polyps, Chinese medicine teaches you to diarrhea and make gallbladder polyps disappear

author:Chief Physician of the Department of Hepatobiliary Medicine, Li Yunrui

Gallbladder polyps are local organic, fleshy lesions in which the walls of the gallbladder protrude or bulge into the cavity. Although mostly benign lesions, the disease progresses slowly. However, if left untreated, it will also turn from single to multiple, and even cause gallbladder cancer.

Gallbladder polyps are classified in Chinese medicine as "bile swelling", "jaundice", "accumulation of evidence", and the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, Lingshu" says: "The cold qi is outside the intestine, fighting with the Wei Qi, the qi is not honorable, because of the ties, the fetish is inside, the evil qi is arising, and the fistula is born." "It is said that the formation principle of gallbladder polyps is mostly caused by blood stasis.

Here I would like to introduce you to a concept - turbid poison, the concept of "turbid poison", which is one of the academic characteristics of my mentor, professor Li Yougui, the third master of traditional Chinese medicine. Turbidity in the broad sense refers to all unclean things that are harmful to the human body, and turbidity in the narrow sense is both a pathogenic factor and a pathological product. Below, the "turbid poison" I am talking about is in a narrow sense.

The gall is the intestine of the middle purity, and it should be clear and not turbid. Once the liver is lost and the turbidity does not drop, the body's ability to rise and lower turbidity will be abnormal, and the gallbladder will be prone to stasis. Or worry and anger, poor emotions, resulting in liver qi depression, spleen loss of good luck, there will be a rise and fall, damp heat evil poison stagnation guts.

Summed up in one sentence, the core pathogenesis of gallbladder polyps is turbidity and venomy. "Turbidity" and "poison" will transform into each other, glue in the guts, and finally form gallstones.

Therefore, the process of treating gallstones is the process of "turning turbidity and poison". The treatment is mainly based on the discharge of turbidity, giving the way out of the turbidity, supplemented by the dispersion of the network, the dampness and heat, the rational qi and depression, and the interception of the source of turbidity.

In the clinic, I mostly use chai hu as a king's medicine, hard to open bitterly, thin the liver and walk the qi; tulips, incense attached to the unimpeded qi machine; coix kernel, money grass, dandelion to clear heat and dampness; Zhejiang shellfish soft and firm loose knots; turtle nails, oysters, danshen nourishing yin tongluo; white peony soft liver yin; curcuma, red peony and other blood circulation; hot licorice to harmonize various medicines; each drug is added or subtracted with evidence.

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