
Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

author:Words don't stop
Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

I hope that Demi, who has a bumpy life, a big ups and downs, and stumbles along the way, will eventually get the redemption she expects.


Demi Moore, 56, made headlines these two days because she published her autobiography, Inside Out.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

At present, this autobiography has a rating of 5 stars on Amazon. Readers find Demi Moore's writing really moving

In the book, she mentions that she was raped when she was 15 years old, and her mother sold her daughter for $500.

Demi Moore's mother set the trap herself and gave the keys to the house to a man.

Afterwards, the man told her, "Your mother took me 500 yuan." ”

Demi Moore said: "For so many years I didn't want to believe it was true, even though all the evidence pointed to my mother's doing. ”

In addition, Demi Moore also admitted that she had been an alcoholic, drug addict, and had a bad relationship with her eldest daughter.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

▲ Demi Moore talked about her mother designing herself to be "victimized" in an interview show.

Demi Moore, who was stunning in "Man And Ghost" 19 years ago, seems to have not had a memorable work for a long time.

The most recent movie that Yu Yanjie can remember is 2007's "Flawless".

In the film, Demi Moore plays a depressed diamond company clerk.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

In fact, film critics generally believe that she has no longer had a masterpiece since "Devil's Soldier" in 1997.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

▲ "Devil's Female Soldier" is considered to be illogical and has no common sense

In recent years, although Demi has also had some sporadic film contracts, no one has heard of the films she has played, and she is still a supporting role.

At that time, "Ghost in Love" was the second highest-grossing romance film in history after "Titanic".

In the era of the Internet, The Righteous Brothers' song "Unchained Melody" traveled across the Pacific Ocean and singed through the streets of China.

Demi Moore also became the highest-paid actress in Hollywood.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life
Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

▲ At that time, many of the original Wenqing fell in love with pottery because of "The Love of Man and Ghost"

After the glory of the '90s, Demi Moore was surrounded by all kinds of scandals.

Multiple divorces, alcoholism, playing "big-scale games" with her husband who is 12 years younger...

In 2012, she overdose at a party and was taken to the hospital by ambulance.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

▲ Foreign media described Demi Moore as having a "roller coaster-like life"

In the interview, Demi Moore talks about her ups and downs.

She said:

My children didn't talk to me, all three marriages ended in failure, and I felt nothing but destruction.

I wrote this book to find myself.

I always think about the most basic questions – how did I get to this point, how did it all start?

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

A turbulent and displaced childhood

Demi Moore was born in 1962 in a small southern town in New Mexico.

Her father, who worked in the Air Force, left his pregnant wife two months into the house and never saw his daughter who came into being.

Sister Yu Yan said that between what Demi's mother did, this matter cannot be blamed on Demi's father scum.

Demi's mother married a man named Dan Guynes a few months after giving birth to her daughter.

Demi always said, "I only have one father, and he's Dan Guynes." ”

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

▲ Demi in her childhood was not good-looking, skinny as wood, and her right eye was squinting. She earned money and underwent eye surgery, which fixed strabismus

Dan Guynes has no fixed job and is an alcoholic.

By the time she was 14, Demi had moved with her parents 30 times.

Not only that, but the home is full of violence.

Even so, Demi always said that her stepfather raised himself and regarded himself as his own.

Yu Yanjie said that Demi, who has never lived in a normal family, has a really low judgment system in her heart, which is also sad.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life
Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

At the age of 13, Demi learned that she was not her stepfather's biological daughter. She saw that the time on her parents' marriage certificate was a few months later than her birthday

Demi's mother, also an alcoholic, has tried to commit suicide several times.

Demi recalls that when she was 12 years old, her stepfather taught her to put her small hand in her mother's mouth and dig out the pills she had swallowed halfway.

However, even such a ridiculous and crazy family did not last long.

When Demi was 16, her 37-year-old stepfather committed suicide by sucking carbon monoxide in a car.

By then, he had been separated from Demi's mother for two years.

When Demi, after becoming famous, was asked about her stepfather's suicide, the 28-year-old replied:

I think this man chose the best destination.

I love him and am willing to accept any choice he has.

I strongly believe that some of us have to die so that others can survive.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

▲ Demi and her mother

The suicide of her stepfather exacerbated Demi's mother's alcoholism.

These are all experiences that Demi has talked about in previous interviews.

The appalling sale of her 15-year-old daughter for $500 is the first time Demi mentions it in her new book and in a recent interview.

Perhaps, as Demi herself said, despite the solid evidence, she has been subconsciously reluctant to face the truth for many years.

Unfortunately, Demi's mother died of cancer in 1998 and did not give her daughter and the public a chance to question.

In addition, Demi also mentioned in the new book that her mother often took herself in and out of the bar when she was a teenager, using the beauty of the little girl to find a man for herself.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life
Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

▲ Demi's mother sent her "sexy" photos to erotic magazines everywhere after her daughter became famous, and was also rejected by Playboy

On the other hand, Demi has also boasted that her mother always wants to get the best for her children.

"She always told me to buy the best, most expensive things."

Demi said.

However, this interview comes from 1991, when The Star was in full swing, Demi V.S., who has gone through ups and downs, which is telling the truth, everyone can think for themselves.

When Demi was 15, her mother moved to a low-rent apartment in Hollywood after finding a job at a magazine publisher.

Demi also started working as a model to make a little money.

Demi dropped out of high school after a year of high school and married a rock musician at the age of 17, and her mother didn't care about it all.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

"I don't feel like I deserve to be loved"

Demi Moore had three marriages.

At the age of 17, after marrying freddie Moore, a rock musician 12 years her senior, Demi began a life of drug abuse and alcoholism.

Four years later, 21-year-old Demi ended her first marriage, but somehow didn't change her ex-husband's last name.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

▲ Reddy Moore's face also looks like a serious drug addict

At this time, it was the director Joel Schumacher (later the director of Phantom of the Opera and House of Cards) who pulled her in.

During the filming of Seven Graduates, Demi was as addicted as her character.

Joel Schumacher warned her that if she didn't quit drugs right away, he would fire her.

Demi listened to the director's advice, received rehabilitation treatment, and began to return to normal life.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life
Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

▲ I really can't see that Demi, who still had baby fat at that time, was living in such a chaotic state

In the early days of Demi's acting career, she mostly starred in the object of desire, and the value of existence is to show sexiness.

When I was younger, I felt that my obligation was to "be entertaining" and that my value was inseparable from my body.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

▲ "Apricot Forest Spring Warmth" is Demi's first TV series to play an important role, and Demi was really beautiful at that time

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

▲ 22-year-old Demi starred in "Last Night's Affair"

In 1987, two years after divorcing her first husband, Demi met Bruce Willis.

Bruce Willis wasn't the tough guy he knew later.

The two soon married and had 3 children.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life
Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

The marriage line has improved, and the career has also gone up the ladder.

In 1990, a "Ghost in the Shell" pushed the third-line actor Demi Moore to the peak of her life.

At the time, she was 27 years old and already a mother.

With the success of "Man And Ghost Love", the film came from the source.

At the time of filming "The Striptease," Demi was paid $12 million, making her the most expensive actress of all time.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

"Stripper" tells the story of a former FBI employee who became a stripper in order to take custody of her daughter from her ex-husband

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

In 1992, Demi Moore starred in "Few Good Guys" with Tom Cruise. Demi's eyes lit up, flashing and flashing

During the most complete period of life, the only trouble was Demi's strange mother.

On the same day that Demi Moore and Bruce Willis were married, Demi's mother was arrested for drunk driving.

After that, she ran out of the rehab center where her daughter paid for, selling nude photos of herself and her daughter's privacy everywhere.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life
Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

In 1991, Demi Moore took the epoch-making nude photo of a pregnant woman for the cover of Vanity Fair

In 1991, at the age of 28, Demi announced that she had severed ties with her mother, and she did not visit her until 7 years later, when her mother was critically ill.

"It's a healthier approach for me, my children, and even my mother," Demi said. ”

Demi returned to the family after giving birth to her third child, working as a stay-at-home mom for a while, while Bruce Willis was responsible for earning money to support the family.

"It was the most stable family time of my life."

Unfortunately, such a small fortune soon disappeared.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

▲ None of the children inherited their mother's beauty

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

It's like entering the second half of the downward channel

Demi Moore said in her autobiography:

Early in my career, I was on a true path of self-destruction that quickly brought me to a real point of crisis.

This crisis point came in 1997.

That year, Demi's shaved head for this new film "Devil's Female Soldier" failed twice.

Her mother died and the marriage fell apart.

Like a dividing point, from then on, Demi Moore's life entered a rapid decline channel.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

Demi said: "My love affair with Bruce is like a whirlwind. ”

We built a family vigorously, but in fact, I'm not sure if we know each other.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

▲ Demi Moore shaved her head to star in "The Devil's Soldier", and the performance was also very hard, but the three views of the film are really strange

Interestingly, Demi Moore's relationship with Bruce Willis remained good after her divorce.

In 2006, Demi married her 16-year-old actor Ashton Kutcher, and Bruce even attended his ex-wife's wedding.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life
Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

Regarding Demi's third husband, despite being deeply injured, Demi mentioned in the interview that Ashton Kutcher was full of vigor when he was young, and he was still out of his mind for a long time.

Being with Ashton felt like I was alive again, and I was supposed to live that way, and I didn't have anything to do with it when I was in my 20s.

But in fact, if Demi had read his resume, she would have known that from stealing in high school to binge in college, he was never a baby.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

Demi had just met Ashton, an advertising model for CK and Pizza Hut

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

At that time, the media worked tirelessly on the news that Demi married a little boy, but they were accustomed to Bruce marrying a new wife who was 23 years younger

After that, the news about Demi Moore became more and more bizarre and distorted.

The most bizarre thing is that in order to satisfy Ashton, she finds someone to play a "big-scale game" with.

Demi regretted it so much that she said—

At that time, I just wanted Aston to know that I was very open and I was very good at playing. Who knows that the other party is just using it as an excuse to cheat.

Yu Yanjie said that this is a bit like the plot in "Deadly Woman".

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

▲ I didn't see where this man was handsome

Nothing hit Demi the hardest in the relationship was the miscarriage experience.

At the time, 42-year-old Demi became pregnant again, but miscarried when the child was 6 months old.

I'll never forget the complicated look on the doctor's face, who told me I couldn't hear the embryo's heartbeat.

At the same time, Ashton was kicked by the media again, taking advantage of Demi's absence and cheating on the little girl.

After that, Demi quit for years and relapsed into drug addiction. She began to drink heavily and take drugs again, she could take 20 tranquilizers a day, and her relationship with her children became increasingly distant.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

▲ Due to Ashton's multiple leg splits, the marriage ended in the fifth year

Demi was devastated for a long time afterwards.

In an interview with Harper's Bazaar, she said:

After living for so many years, I was horrified to find that I was really unpopular and that I didn't deserve to be loved. There's something wrong with me.

In 2012, Demi Moore passed out and convulsed after sucking on some "stuff" and was taken to the hospital by ambulance to start withdrawal treatment again.

For now, Demi, who has written a new book, told reporters:

Now I have no career, no love, and physical problems, like my internal organs are slowly declining.

I'm not worried about what my memoirs will cost me, because I don't have anything to hide.

Fortunately, fans and family members have maintained encouragement for Demi's approach.

Book reviews are saying that it's good to see Demi finally open her heart.

Even the eldest daughter, who is estranged from Demi, has expressed a willingness to understand her experience from her mother's perspective.

Demi Moore, who has not been able to marvel at the screen and marry three times, cannot save a roller coaster life

▲ Demi's eldest daughter is also an actress, but far less beautiful than her mother when she was young

Demi Moore, who came from a turbulent background, was thrown high in the air by fate and fell heavily.

Struggling repeatedly in the midst of perks and sinking, the peak of his career of cooking oil by fire has still not changed the direction of self-destruction.

How much of such a roller coaster-like life comes from fate, and how much comes from oneself?

Is the mutilation brought about by the original family really unable to make up for self-help?

Demi Moore, 56, said:

Publishing an autobiography is not about money, but I am not willing to go on with these untreated wounds.

She said that unless I die, I should still seize the opportunity to change the direction of my life before I destroy everything.

The pictures in this article are from the internet


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