
The Rosetta Stone event helps unravel the mystery of the cause of the sun's unpredictable eruption


According to foreign media reports, the sun has undergone a multi-stage eruption, which NASA says has revealed new clues that could help scientists solve some of the mysteries that have long plagued them, namely what caused this powerful and unpredictable eruption. NASA is trying to uncover fundamental physics to help scientists better predict this type of eruption in the future. NASA hopes to be able to predict such eruptions because they could lead to dangerous space weather events on Earth.

The Rosetta Stone event helps unravel the mystery of the cause of the sun's unpredictable eruption

The outbreak contains components of three different types of solar eruptions, which usually occur alone. NASA noted that this is the first time such an event has been reported. Bringing together all three types of eruptions gives scientists what NASA describes as the Rosetta Stone of the Sun. The event allowed the researchers to translate each type of eruption they knew and learn about the others, while discovering a potential mechanism that might explain all three eruptions.

NASA scientist Emily Mason, lead author of the new study, said the event was a "missing link." Mason said scientists can see all these aspects of different types of eruptions in one event. Mason also noted that the event showed that the eruption was caused by the same mechanism, but on a different scale. Solar eruptions usually take three forms, including coronal mass ejection, ejection, or partial eruptions.

Coronal mass ejections and jets are explosive eruptions that throw energy and particles into space, but they look very different. The jet is a narrow column of solar material, while the coronal mass ejection forms a huge bubble of energy that expands outward under the impetus and sculpting of the sun's magnetic field. Some of the eruptions started at the surface, but did not produce enough energy to leave the Sun, so most of the material fell to the surface of the Sun again.

NASA scientists observed the latest eruptions with the Solar Dynamics Observatory and the Solar and Heliosphere Observatory probes. Scientists plan to model the Rosetta Eruption and other eruptions to identify the underlying mechanisms that cause these types of events. Finding triggers could help scientists predict hours in advance when a large eruption could threaten Earth and Mars.

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