
Wang Daixuan: My adventure of grading titles twice


The first half of my life was extremely unlucky, and the bumps and bumps were extremely unsmooth. But to be honest, the fate of the second half of my life treated me not thinly, gave me some opportunities, and even Caught them all. For example, my two job evaluation encounters are very strange, and sometimes in retrospect, it is simply incredible, as if there is God guiding or helping you in the dark. That wonderful and interesting story, here may as well be told to you.

1. God leads the way

Soon after I was transferred to the Kaixian Normal School, I encountered the first time to give a teacher a title. In the past, when teachers were called "participating in revolutionary work", teachers have always been paid according to the administrative level, because teachers do not have legitimate professional titles, the treatment is not entirely reasonable, and it is not conducive to their professional progress, so the state decided to carry out title reform among teachers. At that time, the senior title in our secondary teacher training was senior lecturer (associate professor), intermediate title was lecturer, and junior title was instructor. Because there are too many old teachers in Kaixian Normal School, and the competition for senior lecturers is too fierce, I saw this situation and consciously said with interest: "Forget it, let the old teachers evaluate first, we will make up a lecturer, and the high evaluation will wait for the next round!" ”

However, one day, a female teacher about the same age as us came to the teaching and research office and said to me: "Wang Daixuan, do you see this situation?" You and I are even having a hard time evaluating an intermediate level! At this point, my mentality was suddenly unbalanced: slowly saying that we have been a young intellectual for more than ten years, that is, we have participated in the teaching team for more than ten years, can we still be like those young dolls, can only be evaluated as a "teacher"?

As a result of this, it seems that the female teacher was sent by God to "start acting." Because I listened to her words, I was really unconvinced, so I turned over all the children's literature works, teaching research papers, and personal monographs that I had published over the years, and carried this thick stack of things and ran straight to the principal's office.

Principal Guan of the school looked through those things one by one, smiled and said to me: "Teacher Wang, in fact, I know your situation completely, these are your grades." Only, you should also be considerate of me. I'm embarrassed too! As you know, we have a place where old teachers are concentrated, there are too many old qualified teachers, many of them joined the work in the fifties, and the high and middle school indicators assigned to us by our superiors are limited. During this time, I was worried all day long, how to put the title on hold this time! ”

Finally, perhaps to send me away, he said, "I'll give you an idea, and you'll take these things to the Education Bureau to see if the bureau leaders can think of any way to solve them." ”

I followed Principal Kwan's instructions to the Education Bureau. The Education Bureau was in charge of title reform by a former primary school principal surnamed Chen, who was about the same age as us and was a classmate of our correspondence university. Of course, Lao Chen was more enthusiastic about me, but he couldn't do anything about it. "Wang Daixuan, you must know that all the title indicators in the bureau went to school, and all of them went down to the school, and none of them in the bureau dared to stay." If you think about it, in the decades after liberation, I have not evaluated the title, the backlog is many, the contradictions are large, and the director is also afraid of the principal below to rip it off! At the end, he also said to me like Principal Guan: "I see how to do it, and you carry this pile of things to the county office to see what they say?" ”

I said, "I don't know where the county vocational reform office is!" ”

Lao Chen then told me that the Vocational Reform Office was in a yellow building on the right hand side after the county government entered the gate, and the office was on the first few floors, and what were the names of the director and deputy director.

I followed the path he pointed out to the county job reform office. I don't know the two leading comrades, but they happen to be there. I said that I was a teacher at the Kaixian Normal School, and this time I came to reflect some of the situation to you, and then I showed me a large package of information.

They opened the newspapers and periodicals that contained my papers and works, especially the personal monograph "Shallow Heavenly River", and carefully looked at it page by page, while asking, "Oh, so much wow?" Did you write it all? ”

I said, "Well, I wrote it all." What I didn't say was, "Am I going to find a secretary to help me write it?" ”

And they asked, "Then how come we don't know anything?" ”

I said, "I usually only care about teaching and writing in school with a brain shell, and I rarely come out to contact the leadership." ”

They said, "Teacher Wang, it's not right for you to do this." In the future, if you publish an article, publish a book, or make a big achievement, you should run to report to the leaders of your units and competent departments, and you must ask them to understand. You see, this time I almost buried you as a talent! ”

They then told me to wait outside, and the two of them went into the office to discuss.

Within five minutes, they came out and handed me a document. When I looked at it, it was document No. 22 issued by the Sichuan Provincial Vocational Reform Office. They pointed to the sixth of them and told me to take a closer look. The content of this sixth article is: "Middle-aged and young intellectuals who have real talents and made outstanding achievements in practical learning may be evaluated in an exceptional manner." ”

They told me that regarding this sixth article, when the county party committee held a meeting to study it, it was determined that we should open a county with a population of more than one and a half million, and no matter what, we must find a representative to reflect this policy, at least one person to reflect it. But they called the Education Bureau, and the answer was that there was no such person in the education department; they asked the Health Bureau, and the health department did not have such a person; they asked the Agriculture Bureau and the Animal Husbandry Bureau, and the answer was the same. It is strange that hundreds of thousands of intellectuals in Kaixian County could not even find a single representative? "We are worried that we will not be able to complete this task, no, Teacher Wang, you have come to the door!"

The two leaders said solemnly, "Just now the two of us have studied it, and we have determined that it is up to you Wang Daixuan to embody this sixth article." You go back to the Education Bureau and Kaishi and say, we will allocate another indicator of a senior title to Kaishi, this indicator can only be used by you Wang Daixuan, and no one may occupy it. ”

Give me a premium indicator? I was overjoyed and my heart pounded with excitement. But I said, "I went back and said they believed it?" ”

"You go back and say it's to let them know about it. Officially, of course, we will announce it at the meeting! ”

Knowing that I had come to the county to compete for a high-level indicator, the Education Bureau and the Kaishi were naturally very happy. But then I heard from a few old teachers that there were several narrow-minded people in the school who had also carried out troublemaking and sabotage. It is said that two leaders of the county vocational reform office also came to the school for this purpose, and criticized them fiercely at the evaluation meeting: "I heard that some people are still unconvinced by Teacher Wang Daixuan? This is very simple, you take out your scientific research results in black and white, and we will give the indicators to you! The county party committee said to find at least one person to reflect the policy, at least one, and there was no cap on it. Why not two? Wouldn't three be better? "At that time, everyone generally did not have the awareness of teaching research and writing articles, and many teachers with senior titles, not to mention the lead printed text officially published by the state, even the internal materials of the school mimeograph could not come up with a sheet, and those few troublemakers naturally had nothing to say.

In this way, I was rated as a deputy high when I first evaluated my title at the beginning of reform and opening up. At that time, I was only forty-two years old, and I was the youngest senior intellectual in Quankai County.

Wang Daixuan: My adventure of grading titles twice

Emei Fir (1996)

2. A chess piece laid out by God in advance

The second time I was rated as a high title, it was more than a decade later, in 2001.

On that day, the school's principal Tang suddenly called me and asked me to come to his office the next day. I asked what was going on, and he said, "You're here to talk!" Anyway, it's a good thing, an absolutely good thing! ”

The next day I went. With a smile on his face, President Tang showed me a document, which was jointly issued by the Chongqing Municipal Personnel Bureau and the Education Commission.

According to the original regulations, the title of teacher of our secondary normal school is the top of the senior lecturer (deputy high). However, in that year, in order to further arouse the enthusiasm of teachers, Chongqing Municipality carried out reforms, and decided to take out eight indicators for the title of zhenggao (professor or researcher) and put them into the city's non-general education system (more than 300 secondary normal schools, secondary professional schools, special education schools, technical schools, etc.). Principal Tang said: "After the study of the school administrative committee and the unanimous approval of everyone, our school will report to you Teacher Wang Daixuan. ”

I calmly read the document and thought about it for a while before I said to President Tang, "I have four points of my attitude. First, I would like to thank the school administration for its trust, support and encouragement to me. Second, more than three hundred schools rated eight, and the probability of success is too low, don't put too much hope on it. Third, all I can do at the moment is to put my own materials in order and not bury myself. Fourth, the evaluation is not angry, anyway, the list is the majority, there are more than 290 people to play companions! ”

Principal Tang listened and said, "Teacher Wang, you seem to lack confidence!" ”

I said, "It's not that I lack confidence, it's this game of chess in front of me!" ”

Originally, I was fully compliant with the conditions set out in the document. For example, the preparation of provincial and municipal textbooks must be more than 50,000 words, and the "Children's Literature" textbook that I participated in compiling was originally 40,000 words in Sichuan Province, and later 80,000 words in Chongqing City, a total of 120,000 words, which greatly exceeded the requirements of the document. Another example is that I asked to guide students to win the second prize at the national level or above and the provincial and municipal first prizes several times in various competitions, and the number of times I guided students to win the first prize in the Chongqing Children's Literature Competition and the Environmental Protection Essay Contest also greatly exceeded the requirements of the document. In addition, I have three personal monographs, children's literature works, children's literature theoretical research, educational theory research, teaching experience summary of nearly one million words and so on. However, things are complicated today. Kaixian is originally a remote and small county far from the main urban area of Chongqing, with your status as a teacher in chongqing's education circles, will people include you in the range of "three hundred percent"? People's schools in "Little Chongqing (Chongqing before the direct administration)" can't take care of it, so how can good things fall on the head of your Kaixian Normal School?

After the material was submitted, I did not hold out any hope. Someone told me to go to the top to "activities", and I said that I had never "moved", and besides, I didn't know where the door of the Chongqing Municipal Personnel Bureau was.

However, one day in early 2002, as if the school was still on winter vacation, I met Principal Tang at the school gate, and he told me very happily: "Teacher Wang, your researcher has approved it!" In total, our teacher training system has only approved two, one is Principal Zheng of Jiangjin Normal School, and the other is Teacher Wang of our Kaixian Normal School. ”

My eyes widened. This good thing actually fell on me? I didn't go to the "event" and didn't take any "relationship", and things would go so smoothly? In addition to the surprise, I thought about it carefully, and I couldn't help but think of the magical role of an article in this matter, and I even thought that it was like a chess piece laid there in advance by God!

As early as 1998, shortly after Chongqing became a municipality directly under the central government, the Chongqing Publishing House decided to compile and print a book reflecting the deeds of outstanding teachers and students in the Wanzhou area of Chongqing, "Three Gorges Red Candle Spring Shoots.", and the Chongqing Municipal Education Commission, the Chongqing Municipal Writers Association, and the Chongqing Publishing House all gave me notices. Because of my status as a writer and teacher, I can write about others and be written by others at the same time. Because I had been the leader of the teaching and research team of the Wanxian District Secondary School Language Center, leaders at all levels had more respect for me and suggested that I write my own deeds. I found a very talented young teacher at the school, Ye Xiangguo, drew up an outline, provided some information, and asked him to write an article entitled "Be a cow for children, I am willing!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the publication of "Three Gorges Red Candle Spring Shoots", it did not have any major impact, and only more than 400 copies of the book were printed, and most of them were only bought by the authors and the authors and their relatives, friends and colleagues.

Later, the Chongqing Municipal Education Commission decided to let me participate in the compilation of the "Children's Literature" textbook in Chongqing, because the task I undertook was relatively heavy, and the editor-in-chief of the textbook, in order to arouse my enthusiasm, took the initiative to invite me to organize an article to be published in the magazine "Teacher Construction" edited by him. The magazine has a column called "Shiyuan Life", which is dedicated to the deeds of outstanding teachers in Chongqing Normal Colleges. He said: "You Teacher Wang is an influential teacher in the former Wanxian area, and we have the responsibility to publicize it!" "After I came back, I casually took Ye Xiangguo's article "Be a cow for the children, I am willing!" An electronic manuscript of the book was passed to him, and he was soon published in Teacher Construction, No. 5, 2000.

However, what people did not expect was that this article was actually favored by the magazine "Teacher Education" sponsored by the State Education Commission and reprinted in full in the 7th-8th issue of 2001. The whole of Chongqing Municipality and even the whole country's normal colleges know that there is such a children's literature writer and teacher Wang Daixuan in the Kaixian Normal School, and even some people have called me from afar to congratulate me.

And all this happened just before I was rated as a high title.

It is said that the comrades of the Teachers' Department of the Chongqing Municipal Education Commission once held the magazine "Teacher Education" and said excitedly: "Look, our teachers in Chongqing Municipality have all been favored by the State Education Commission!" Teacher Wang's deeds are so vivid, so touching, so distinctive, such a teacher does not evaluate the researcher who should be evaluated? ”

Who else needs to "do the event"? This article has opened all the "activities" for me in all departments!

In this way, under the joint intersection of time, location, people and many favorable factors, I was successfully rated as a researcher (professor).

3. Prepare for busy use when you are idle

Reading this, perhaps some young people will sigh: Alas, Teacher Wang, why have all the good things been bumped into by you? Why haven't we ever encountered such a good thing?

I'm going to say, children, you're probably too careless. You have just listened to the story, but you have not noticed the conditions of the characters behind the story. Think about it, after listening to the female teacher's words, Teacher Wang suddenly took out a "thick stack of things" to go to the principal, where did the big stack of "things" come from? Can you hold it? The State Education Commission reprinted the article praising Teacher Wang, and the deeds in the article, the specific and vivid examples bit by bit, were also given by God? Teacher Wang doesn't go to work, okay?

In fact, fate is fair to anyone, but opportunity is only available to those who are prepared. Teacher Wang has worked hard all his life, but he is only "ready to use when he is busy", and finally seized the opportunity with his strength. If the opportunity comes, he will go to "temporarily hold the Buddha's feet", will he be in time?

Written in February 2015

About author:Wang Daixuan (1946— ) Male, from Kaizhou, Chongqing. Member of China Writers Association. The fairy tale "A Snake Who Wants to Sing" won the first prize for good works in the first (1990-1992) children's newspapers and periodicals in China, the novella "After Eating Tangyuan" won the Third (1978-1988) Children's Literature Award of Sichuan Province, and the fairy tale novel collection "Valley of Tears" won the first (1997-2002) Chongqing Children's Literature Award. In 2009, the fairy tale "Birds Escaping from the Cage" was selected by Guangxi Education Publishing House to be included in the middle school textbook "New Language Reader". The novel "Three Gorges Wanderers" Chapter 5, Section 9 was selected by the Higher Education Press in 2013 to be included in the "University Language" textbook. In addition, because of his meticulous service to the ninety-year-old mother, in 2012, he was also named one of the top ten filial piety children in Chongqing, so he was called "filial piety writer".

Wang Daixuan: My adventure of grading titles twice

Author: Wang Daixuan

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