
Spanning a thousand years of calligraphy and painting masters gathering, Nanbo launched a special exhibition of "Ten Thousand Waters and Thousand Mountains"

author:Modern Express

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Xia Jue of the Song Dynasty, Huang Gongwang of the Yuan Dynasty, Shen Zhou of the Ming Dynasty, Wang Shimin of the Qing Dynasty, Feng Zikai of the modern era... This is a big "gathering" of famous painters spanning thousands of years.

Masterpieces, stars shining. On January 19, the Nanjing Museum launched the special exhibition "Ten Thousand Waters and Thousand Mountains".

Spanning a thousand years of calligraphy and painting masters gathering, Nanbo launched a special exhibition of "Ten Thousand Waters and Thousand Mountains"

For this exhibition, Nanbo picked out the treasures of calligraphy and painting at the bottom of the pressure box from tens of thousands of calligraphy and painting works, including rare ancient paintings of the Chitose Song Dynasty, as well as modern and contemporary masterpieces by Fu Baoshi, Lin Sanzhi and Feng Zikai.

Spanning a thousand years of calligraphy and painting masters gathering, Nanbo launched a special exhibition of "Ten Thousand Waters and Thousand Mountains"

△ "Creek mountain return to the elbow map"

Pavilions, pavilions, Baqiao, here are scenes of the Song Dynasty more than a thousand years ago

Folded drawing paper, mountains in the distance, pavilions nearby, a boat on the water, more than thirty workers on board nervously operating... The Song Dynasty painting "Jiangtian Louge Tu" is more than a thousand years old and is the oldest work in this exhibition. This painting is neatly written with a neat brush and lightly colored, which is a masterpiece of the Northern Song Dynasty, which can be corroborated with the "Qingming River Map". Wan Xinhua, director of the exhibition department of the Nanjing Museum, said that in the vast history of more than a thousand years, such a painting can be passed down, which is particularly precious.

Spanning a thousand years of calligraphy and painting masters gathering, Nanbo launched a special exhibition of "Ten Thousand Waters and Thousand Mountains"

△ "Jiangtian Pavilion Map"

In addition to the "Jiangtian Louge Map", the Song Dynasty Xia Jue's "Baqiao Wind and Snow Map" is also among them. Recently, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China announced another major archaeological discovery, the Tomb of Emperor Wen of Han was finally found, located in the Great Tomb of Bailuyuan Jiangcun in Xi'an City, subverting the general understanding of historians in the past 700 years since the Yuan Dynasty. In this painting, you can glimpse the Baqiao style of the Song Dynasty.

Spanning a thousand years of calligraphy and painting masters gathering, Nanbo launched a special exhibition of "Ten Thousand Waters and Thousand Mountains"

△ Xia Jue's "Baqiao Wind and Snow Map"

In the picture, the scenery of far and near echoes in the distance, both the ancient temple in the deep forest in the mountains, and the Baqiao Bridge surrounded by flowing water in the ice and snow, on the bridge, an old man riding on the back of a donkey bowed his head and meditated, waddling on the bridge deck, so that people's thoughts inadvertently returned to that era.

With a flanking pen, thick and simple lines, and a technique of dyeing, this painting depicts the environment of trees withering trees, wind and snow, and the cold air in the mountainous overhanging rocks around Baqiao. The Qianlong Emperor once personally inscribed a poem for the "Baqiao Wind and Snow Map", "Donkeys are coldly beaten by the wind and flowers, and the distant mountains are suddenly towering with jade and ruggedness." Who knows the sparse pen, Zheng Xiang's poetry is painted by God. Ugly new righteousness, royal title. This shows the emperor's love.

Treasure of the town! Paintings by Huang Gongwang in the Yuan Dynasty are rarely exhibited

Mountain streams trickle from the dense forest in the distance, on both sides of the stream, the slopes are stacked, the trees are forested, and between the peaks, there is a hermitage standing in it... The exhibition exhibits the "Quiet Map of the Water Pavilion", which is called the treasure of the Nanjing Museum's town courtyard, painted by Huang Gongwang, one of the "Four Yuan Families". Huang Gongwang's ink brush brush is sophisticated, simple and deep, and slightly light on the ink, known as "shallow landscape", and the brushwork of this painting is different from Huang Gongwang's other typical works, in addition to the outline of the mountain stone and the house trees are more with the check method, the texture of the mountain stone is more with a dragging brushwork, thus adding a comfortable and sprinkling temperament to the picture.

Spanning a thousand years of calligraphy and painting masters gathering, Nanbo launched a special exhibition of "Ten Thousand Waters and Thousand Mountains"

△ Huang Gongwang "Water Pavilion Quiet Map"

Wan Xinhua introduced that the Nanjing Museum has collected two paintings by Huang Gongwang. Huang Gongwang is a native of Changshu, Jiangsu Province, who often wanders around Jiangnan, and his ink painting style has influenced the main stylistic trends of landscape painting since the Ming and Qing dynasties, especially in terms of literati interests, which has a profound influence on the creation of landscape painting.

Wan Xinhua told the Modern Express reporter that although there are tens of thousands of paintings in the Nanjing Museum, there are not many tibetan paintings in the Yuan Dynasty, and it is usually difficult to exhibit them systematically.

In the Ming Dynasty, Wu Men caizi "assembled" and was full of elegance

"On the night of October 13th, drunk with guests, starting in the atrium, the moon is picturesque", the exhibition hall hangs the "Atrium Step Moon Map" painted by Wen Zhengming. Wen Zhengming is a native of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, and together with Shen Zhou, Tang Yin and Qiu Ying, he is known as the "Fourth Son of Ming" in the history of painting, and has made great achievements in landscape painting.

Spanning a thousand years of calligraphy and painting masters gathering, Nanbo launched a special exhibition of "Ten Thousand Waters and Thousand Mountains"

△ Wen Weiming's "Atrium Step Moon Chart"

On the screen, Wen Zhengming and the visitors are drunk and travel the courtyard at night, enjoying the moon and chatting, covered in moonlight, which is a work of embracing nature. Its close-up part is a thorny tree standing on the slope of the jungle, two bookchildren stand with their backs against each other next to the bushes, far away from the owner to talk and walk; on the right side of the painting is two tall plane trees, one before and one after each other, under the baking dyeing, you will feel that the forest is dense and dense, and clear and clear; the left side of the painting is six or seven dead trees, far and near, pointing out that it is the middle and late autumn festival. Wan Xinhua told reporters that unlike other literati paintings that are beyond real life, "Atrium Step Moon Diagram" is quite documentary, and its painting method is between "coarse" and "thin", with both penmanship and light and elegant ink.

In this exhibition, Shen Zhou's "Dongzhuang Tu" is also among them. In the four wumen families, Shen Zhou was the elder of the other three and was the teacher of Wen Zhengming and Tang Bohu. Among the four, Shen Zhou and Qiu Ying did not take the Ming Dynasty imperial examination, and Tang Bohu and Wen Zhengming both took the imperial examination. Why didn't Shen Zhou and Qiu Ying take the imperial examination? Shen Zhou came from a family of scholars and doctors who were rich in collections, and felt that he was not suitable for being an official; while Qiu Ying had a very low level of education, and he was born as a painter, not at that level.

Spanning a thousand years of calligraphy and painting masters gathering, Nanbo launched a special exhibition of "Ten Thousand Waters and Thousand Mountains"

△ Shen Zhou's "Dongzhuang Map"

There are no chrysanthemums in the "Answer to the Chrysanthemum"? Confucian aesthetics prevailed in the Qing Dynasty

In the Qing Dynasty, there were many schools of landscape painting, many famous artists, and the number greatly exceeded that of the previous generation. In the early Qing Dynasty painting school and painter group, the "Four Kings" group of painters composed of Wang Shimin, Wang Yi, Wang Jian and Wang Yuanqi is the most eye-catching.

Standing in front of the picture scroll "Answer Jutu", some people can't help but ask such a question, why is there no chrysanthemum in the "Answer Jutu"? Wan Xinhua talked about this interesting origin, "Wang Shimin loved chrysanthemums, and when he was 73 years old, when his friend gave him a pot of chrysanthemums, he spent several days creating the landscape painting "Answering Jutu" as a gift. "The painting is magnificent, surrounded by mountains and forests, and the houses are like houses. The upper right corner is self-titled: "Jia Chen September, Han Su to Jia Ju to see the gift, write this answer, Wang Shimin."

Spanning a thousand years of calligraphy and painting masters gathering, Nanbo launched a special exhibition of "Ten Thousand Waters and Thousand Mountains"

△ "Answer jujutu"

It is worth mentioning that the peaceful atmosphere shown in Wang Shimin's paintings contains Confucian aesthetic ideas. Wan Xinhua said that this is inseparable from the political position held by Wang Shimin, who admired Cheng Zhu Lixue in the early Qing Dynasty, which was manifested in the field of art as the rise of Confucian aesthetic thought, while Wang Shimin gradually embodied the Confucian spirit and aesthetic thought in the continuous "antique" and "imitation of the ancient", and the "Four Kings" school led by him was also favored by the Qing court rulers and gradually occupied an orthodox position.

Draught does not forget to dig wells, modern landscape paintings are full of life

People dressed in different colors of clothing stood in pairs at the well, facing the sign that read, "Don't forget the people who dig the well, always miss Chairman Mao," as if discussing something. This brightly colored painting is in stark contrast to the rest of the paintings in the exhibition hall, and it is the only comic by Feng Zikai in the collection of the Nanjing Museum, "Drinking Water Thinking of the Source", which is painted with a long brush, simple and vivid, with only a few strokes, outlining a loose new artistic conception, full of life.

Spanning a thousand years of calligraphy and painting masters gathering, Nanbo launched a special exhibition of "Ten Thousand Waters and Thousand Mountains"

△ Feng Zikai's "Drinking Water Thinking of the Source"

Curator Wan Xinhua said that taking Feng Zikai's work "Thinking of The Source of Drinking Water" as the end of the exhibition "Ten Thousand Waters and Thousand Mountains" on the one hand echoes the source of the exhibition, "So Many Delicacies in the Rivers and Mountains", on the other hand, it also takes into account the progress made in landscape painting in the historical sequence, and at the same time raises the issue of traditional culture and current social construction to contemporary painters.

Intern Li Hongtaki Modern Express + reporter Hu Yumei Ding Mengsha / Wen Shi Xianghui / Photo

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