
Foreign Ministry: Malicious smear of the Beijing Winter Olympics is unpopular and will not succeed

author:China Youth Network

Beijing, January 19 (China Youth Daily) -- According to Russian media reports, on January 18, local time, Sergei Nareshkin, director of the Russian Federation's Foreign Intelligence Agency, revealed to the media that the Russian side already had a large amount of information about the malicious smear activities launched by the United States and its allies against the Beijing Winter Olympics; in this action, the US State Department played a major role. Naryshkin also said that the malicious smear of the Beijing Winter Olympics is completely contrary to the Olympic spirit and the motto of Olympians that "sports have nothing to do with politics."

In this regard, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a regular press conference on the 19th that as Director Naryshkin said, the practice of sabotaging and smearing the Beijing Winter Olympics harms the interests of athletes from all countries and the international Olympic cause, completely violates the Olympic spirit, and is even less in line with the mainstream public opinion of the international community. This approach is not only very narrow, but also completely wrong, doomed to be unpopular, let alone successful. At present, the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics have entered the sprint stage, and China has made preparations. We are confident that by hosting this Winter Olympics, we will inject more unity, confidence and positive energy into the international community.

Source: China Youth Daily client

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