
The Municipal Charity Federation came to Lengshuitan District to carry out the 2022 "Welcome the New Year and Send Warmth" visit and condolence activities


On January 18, Yang Haihe, president of the Municipal Charity Federation, and his party came to Lengshuitan District to carry out the 2022 "Welcoming the New Year and Sending Warmth" visit and condolence activities to send love and blessings to the people in need, and Deputy District Governor Qi Xiaohui participated.

Yang Haihe and his party came to Zhujiadong Village in Puliqiao Town, visited and comforted Yang Xinjiu, Yi Xiaolin, Zhang Yayu, and other people in difficulty, learned in detail about their production and living conditions and the current difficulties, and sent them rice, cooking oil, and condolence money, encouraging them to always strengthen their confidence in life, stick to the sunshine in their hearts, not fear hardships and setbacks, and strive for a beautiful life with their hands.

In the Puli Bridge Center Nursing Home, Yang Haihe inspected the living environment of the elderly such as food, clothing, housing and transportation, communicated with the elderly cordially, and patiently inquired about their physical condition. At the same time, the staff of the civil affairs and charity departments were urged to do a good job in helping and supporting the elderly, solve practical problems for the elderly, and let them feel the warmth and care of the party and the government.

Source: Cold Water Beach District Rong Media Center

Author: Li Ying

Editor: Qu Wenli

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【Source: Cold Water Beach District Rong Media Center】

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