
A call from the funeral home, it was a "devil and genius" story

author:Zhanlu culture
A call from the funeral home, it was a "devil and genius" story

Jin Xiaoyu and his father Jin Shengyong

Recently, the "Listening to Life" column of Hangzhou Daily received a special phone call, and on the other end of the phone was a father, who said, "Can you write the story of my son?" My son is a genius, he's in a mental hospital now, and his mom just left today. ”

No one can imagine that such an "ordinary" father has told a story that makes people cry, and the story is full of irrevocable fatherly love, which makes people sigh, and even some people lament God's injustice.


The fate is uncertain, but never gives up

When he was six years old, Xiaoyu played with the neighbor's child, but he did not expect that the neighbor's child put a needle in the toy gun that day, and a shot hit Xiaoyu's eye, and the left eye crystal shattered. One of Xiaoyu's eyes has since become blind, and he can only squint at things. ”

"In high school, he suddenly got bored with school, his mood changed dramatically, and he smashed the electrical appliances at home."

"His mother found out that he had committed suicide by taking sleeping pills and rushed to the hospital with his neighbors to wash his stomach. Fortunately, the medicine was insufficient, and the child was saved. ”

"I went to several hospitals and was diagnosed with manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder."

"If he doesn't go to college, he doesn't work, he can't start a family, we can all accept it – as long as he lives."

Xiao Yu finished reading all the foreign language novels in the library. In 2010, in the ten years that Xiaoyu accepted the task of publishing house, Xiaoyu translated a total of 22 books at the rate of two books per year. ”

A call from the funeral home, it was a "devil and genius" story

"A child has no friends in his life. As a father, I am most fortunate to be my child's best friend and assistant in this decade. ”

"Mom is demented, Xiaoyu is very sad, he said that I can translate the book is my mother's credit. Every time the publisher sent a sample book to Xiaoyu, he rushed to the bedside for the first time and delivered it to his mother and told it to his mother. ”

Every day, Xiaoyu hugged his mother and shouted, "Mom, Mom." ”

"One day Xiao Yu crossed the street and was confronted by a courier who punched out someone's front teeth... Soon, the Seventh Yuan came and took Xiao Yu away. The son cried out to the heavens: Daddy save me, I don't go to the hospital, don't go. ”

"My wife died, but I didn't tell them to let the children think their mother was still alive."

"Last week I went to the hospital to see Xiaoyu and bring him something to eat. Every time I went there to see him, I heard him crying, "Please take me home, Daddy let's go home..."

In this father's narration, we see the deepest love from parents for their children, and we also see the other side of bipolar people. Probably many people's cognition of bipolar disorder patients is that emotions are uncertain, violent tendencies, and depression.

However, in fact, many people with bipolar disorder are also considered geniuses.


A manic heart makes the path to genius

"Manic Depression multi-talent" lists 25 historical celebrities: Beethoven, Van Gogh, Newton, Hemingway... They have typical manifestations of bipolar disorder throughout their lives, and have endured pain beyond ordinary people. They are all talented artists with great imaginations.

The father's son, Jin Xiaoyu, also has an extraordinary talent in translation, and in ten years, Xiaoyu accepted the task of publishing houses and began his life as a translator. Xiaoyu translated a total of 22 books at the rate of two books per year.

Bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar disorder, is also known as bipolar disorder. Patients will experience alternating episodes of depression and mania. Xiaoyu does not go to school, is depressed, does not sleep at night, and even commits suicide, all of which are in the depression period; groundless suspicion of accusing others, manic and restless, destructive behavior, is turned into a manic period.

Kay Redfield Jamison, the author of Bipolar Heart, who lived with bipolar disorder for 30 years, says in the book that each of us is made up in different ways. We can all only wander, live, and realize a small part of its possibilities within the confines of our own character. The experience of living with bipolar disorder for 30 years has made me constantly aware of the limitations and possibilities it brings.

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A call from the funeral home, it was a "devil and genius" story

As a child, When Jemrison looked up at the high, clear sky and saw that it was filled with smoke and flames, she felt an ominous, dark and dead quality that still exists in her heart and in some way blends with the beauty and vitality of life.

That presence formed an integral part of her life, and it was not a struggle for her to recall the endless darkness and exhaustion of those years, and the enormous energy expended in teaching, reading, writing, receiving the sick, and maintaining relationships.

Deeper inside, it was filled with the unforgettable images that accompanied the mere arrival of bipolar disorder: violence, utter madness, shameful behavior, and the brutal emotions she experienced, and their effects on others were unsettlingly brutal.

However, no matter how real and deeply feared these emotions and memories may be, they will always be compensated and offset by the joy and vitality of other emotions and life forces.

Whenever she experiences a splendid and manic passion slowly descending, she will be brought back to the early years of passionate passion by its vitality, as if a person would be trapped in the world of memories because of some strong smell.

Mania injects vivid colors into one's life experience, creating a warm state of mind, just as the haze of war, love, and early memories bring about the emotions.

Because of this, she exchanged her restless but passionate past for a comfortable and comfortable present, and the whole exchange process can be described as bittersweet.

A call from the funeral home, it was a "devil and genius" story


Be kind to yourself and never give up

Life is so complex and fickle that we can only live as it is. Jamieson is still largely subject to the ups and downs of energy, thoughts, and emotions, but now she can navigate the tidal waves.

From the first attack of bipolar disorder at the age of 15 to today's world-class authority, Jamison has used his own efforts to win attention and understanding for more people with bipolar disorder and even mental illness, and knocked the nameplate of "madman" from the marble wall of mental illness.

"Whatever the outcome, it's better to speak out than to remain silent!" Because of Jamison's courage and persistence, not only can help patients to look at themselves correctly, but also greatly change the prejudice held by the whole society against psychological patients, setting off a wave of transcending prejudice and accepting psychological patients.

Since then, Kay Redfield Jamison, the author of "Bipolar Heart", has become a medical hero with bipolar disorder.

God closes a door for us and opens a window at the same time.

Life made this Jin Xiaoyu suffer extraordinary pain, making this family that was not rich even worse, but they did not give up their efforts. Life is very hard, but with the company of family affection, life has a different taste.

No matter what we are going through now, please be hopeful and work hard, believing that opportunities will always be left to those who are prepared, and that those who love you will love you more day after day.

Bipolar Heart: My 30 Years with Bipolar Disorder (Part 2) ¥42.3 Purchase

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