
Wuhan's local strawberries are listed centrally, and the public can consume them with confidence

author:Han News

Strawberries are a very popular fruit for many citizens, and around the Spring Festival is the peak period for the concentrated listing and consumption of strawberries in Wuhan.

However, there is news on the Internet that strawberry pesticide residues are more toxic, is this true or false? Can strawberries still be eaten?

Follow in the footsteps of the editor, I will tell you the truth!

Wuhan's local strawberries are listed centrally, and the public can consume them with confidence

Recently, Xiaobian followed the staff of Wuhan Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau and Wuhan Agricultural Testing Center to Jiangxia Strawberry Base to carry out pre-market safety testing of strawberries.

7 strawberry samples were randomly sampled on the spot, and the rapid test showed that all of them were qualified.

The Wuhan Agricultural Testing Center will conduct quantitative testing and sampling of 7 samples on the spot, and will carry out 56 tests of organophosphorus, permethrin and carbamate pesticide residues.

Wuhan's local strawberries are listed centrally, and the public can consume them with confidence
Wuhan's local strawberries are listed centrally, and the public can consume them with confidence
Wuhan's local strawberries are listed centrally, and the public can consume them with confidence

In the lab, the test technician cuts the strawberry into chunks and adds reagents for rapid testing. After about half an hour, the test results showed that all of them were qualified and there were no pesticide residues.

Wang Haisheng, a researcher at the Wuhan Agricultural Testing Center, introduced: Strawberries are generally tested through two processes, one is qualitative rapid detection, sampling 8 to 10 grams, mainly can detect highly toxic pesticides; the other is quantitative testing, sampling more than 3 pounds, can detect 56 kinds of pesticides, basically covering the pesticides commonly used in Wuhan, so this test is very strict and rigorous.

Wuhan's local strawberries are listed centrally, and the public can consume them with confidence
Wuhan's local strawberries are listed centrally, and the public can consume them with confidence

The strawberry sampling activities that Xiaobian participated in the observation are only the tip of the iceberg of the entire daily testing.

The strawberry planting area in Wuhan will reach 38,000 mu in 2021, with a total output of 72,000 tons. It is reported that from the beginning of the ripening and listing of strawberries in Wuhan in November to the present, a total of 620 batches of rapid testing have been rapidly detected, and all the samples are qualified.

The Wuhan Agricultural Testing Center plans to carry out quantitative analysis and testing of strawberries in 120 batches, and all the strawberry samples samples samples sampled from Xinzhou, Dongxihu, Caidian and Huangpi are currently qualified.

A total of 120 batches were rapidly tested in Jiangxia District, and all the samples were qualified.

Wuhan's local strawberries are listed centrally, and the public can consume them with confidence
Wuhan's local strawberries are listed centrally, and the public can consume them with confidence
Wuhan's local strawberries are listed centrally, and the public can consume them with confidence

Testing is not only for strawberries, but now, it has become the norm for Wuhan to organize the testing of seasonal key varieties such as aquatic products, strawberries, and artemisia.

It is reported that Wuhan has not had major agricultural product quality and safety accidents for sixteen consecutive years, and the quality and safety of agricultural products have ranked first in large and medium-sized cities in the country.

In 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs completed 4 routine monitoring and 1 supervision and sampling inspection of the quality and safety of agricultural products in Wuhan, sampling a total of 404 samples of vegetables, fruits, edible mushrooms, etc.; the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hubei Province completed 2 routine monitoring and 2 supervision and monitoring of the quality and safety of agricultural products in Wuhan, and 4 special sampling inspections, and a total of 233 samples of vegetables, fruits, edible mushrooms and tea were sampled, all of which were qualified.

Wuhan's local strawberries are listed centrally, and the public can consume them with confidence

Yu Dongsheng, a first-level researcher at the Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, introduced that in 2021, a total of 3190 samples of municipal agricultural product quality and safety monitoring were completed, and 430,000 batches of rapid testing of agricultural product quality and safety were guided in various districts, achieving full coverage of agricultural product quality and safety monitoring.

Wuhan is vigorously promoting the certificate system for edible agricultural products, realizing the use of smart supervision means to protect the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of the people, and has issued a total of 50,026 agricultural product certificates so far.

Jiangxia District, Caidian District and Huangpi District have successfully established the National Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Zone. Dongxihu and Xinzhou Districts have successfully created provincial-level agricultural product quality and safety zones.

In 2021, Wuhan's agricultural "two products and one standard" agricultural products will be newly certified by 55, reaching a total of 928.

Wuhan's local strawberries are listed centrally, and the public can consume them with confidence

Food safety is guaranteed, and the people are at ease to spend the New Year.

The Spring Festival is approaching, and food safety has attracted more attention. At present, Wuhan is vigorously promoting the implementation of the grid of quality and safety management of street (town) agricultural products. Consolidate the "last kilometer" of supervision, effectively achieve "regional fixed grid, grid fixed personnel, personnel fixed responsibility", and comprehensively ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products in Wuhan.

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Wuhan's local strawberries are listed centrally, and the public can consume them with confidence

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