
Zhang Fan met with voters as an official candidate for district people's congress deputies

author:Information News
Zhang Fan met with voters as an official candidate for district people's congress deputies

A few days ago, Zhang Fan, secretary of the district party committee, met with the voters' representatives in Xinma Village as a candidate for constituency representatives, listened to the opinions and suggestions of the voters, and introduced himself and made a statement. Zheng Shiping and Zhang Yijun, leaders of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, accompanied him.

At the meeting, Zhang Fan had face-to-face exchanges with the voter representatives of the constituency, and gave on-the-spot answers to the questions raised by the voters, and at the same time made a statement on how to perform the duties of the people's congress deputies and give play to the role of the people's congress deputies after being elected.

Zhang Fan said that people's congress deputies are not only a political honor, but also a sacred political responsibility, representing the interests of the people and reflecting the people's wishes. It is necessary to conscientiously perform the duties of deputies, persist in taking the people as the center, always put the interests of the masses in the first place, earnestly listen to the voices of the masses, understand the demands of the masses, reflect the opinions of the masses, and truly ensure that the needs of the people, the people, and the people are effective. Closely link up with the masses in constituencies, solidly promote social development, conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of party congresses at all levels, steadily advance the "14th Five-Year Plan", make every effort to do a good job in all kinds of practical things that the people care about and care about, continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security, and live up to the trust and expectations of the vast number of voters.

(Source: Fuzhou Mawei District People's Government website) [Submission, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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