
Petitioners ask for warmth, warm winter! Jingyang carried out pre-holiday visits and condolence activities

author:Deyang hot spot
Petitioners ask for warmth, warm winter! Jingyang carried out pre-holiday visits and condolence activities

Sichuan News Network News Sichuan News Network Deyang January 20, 2019 visit fax, condolences and warm people's hearts. On January 19, Xie Bin, deputy secretary of the Jingyang District CPC Committee and mayor of the district, and Wang Jun, deputy mayor of the district, went to Xiaogan streets, schools and enterprises to carry out the condolence activity of "petitioning people to greet the warm, warm through the winter" to send the care of the party and the government to the people in need and expert talents.

Petitioners ask for warmth, warm winter! Jingyang carried out pre-holiday visits and condolence activities

On the morning of 19 January, Xie Kun, chairman of the Jingyang District CPPCC Committee, Pan Yihong, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, and Zhou Botai, vice chairman of the District CPPCC Committee, went to Xiaoquan Town to carry out the condolence activity of "petitioning people to greet warm people and warm up through winter." He successively visited the representatives of model workers, the masses in difficulty, the centenarians and other difficult groups, sent them sincere condolences from the party committee and government, and expressed the good wishes for the New Year.

Petitioners ask for warmth, warm winter! Jingyang carried out pre-holiday visits and condolence activities

The Spring Festival is approaching, and the cold of the year is deep. On January 19, Wu Jian, deputy secretary of the Jingyang District CPC Committee and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Donghu Subdistrict, came to Baoxing Jiayuan Community and Gaohuai Village in Donghu Subdistrict to carry out the "Petitioners Ask for Warmth, Warm Winter" to visit and comfort them, and send them the care of the party and the government.

Petitioners ask for warmth, warm winter! Jingyang carried out pre-holiday visits and condolence activities

On January 19, Liu Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Jingyang District CPC Committee and director of the District People's Armed Forces Department, and Chen Ran, deputy district governor, and their party came to Shuangdong Town to carry out the activity of "petitioning people to ask for warmth and warming up through the winter", effectively sending the care and warmth of the party and the government to the hearts of the people in difficulty, and further narrowing the distance between party members and cadres and the grass-roots masses.

Petitioners ask for warmth, warm winter! Jingyang carried out pre-holiday visits and condolence activities

On the occasion of the Spring Festival, on January 18, Yuan Min, member of the Standing Committee of the Jingyang District CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, and Yang Changping, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, and their party successively went to Baihe Village, Chadian Village, Longju Village, Dezhong Community, Xinzhong School, and XinzhongChang Town in Xinzhong Town to comfort the people in need, veterans, and centenarians, and sent them condolence money and New Year blessings.

Petitioners ask for warmth, warm winter! Jingyang carried out pre-holiday visits and condolence activities

On January 19, Gou Jianwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Jingyang District CPC Committee and deputy mayor of the district, and Zhang Zhuang, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, and their party went to Tianyuan Street to carry out the condolence activity of "petitioners asking for warmth and warming through the winter" to send them the care and warmth of the party and the government.

Petitioners ask for warmth, warm winter! Jingyang carried out pre-holiday visits and condolence activities

Trade unions send warmth, care warms people's hearts. On January 18, Wang Fengwei, member of the Standing Committee of the Jingyang District CPC Committee, director of the United Front Work Department, and chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions, led the condolence group of the District Federation of Trade Unions to carry out the 2022 "Winter Sending Warmth" condolence activity, and successively went to the District Health and Health Bureau, the Outdoor Workers Station in the Nanta Community of Jingyang Street, and the Sichuan Aidale Food Company to visit and comfort the advanced labor models, front-line medical personnel and couriers of epidemic prevention and control, and sent the care and blessings organized by the trade union to the staff and workers.

(Photo and text provided by the Publicity Department of jingyang district party committee)

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