
Can dysmenorrhea also cause infertility? Qin Shuocai: Beware that endometriosis is at work

Can dysmenorrhea also cause infertility? Qin Shuocai: Beware that endometriosis is at work

Liu Xiaoran is consulting her condition.

Red network moment January 20 news (correspondent Hu Wenjing) dysmenorrhea has always been a word that contemporary women talk about but can't get around, many female friends in life have dysmenorrhea, but their attitude towards pain is often to endure it first, and they can't help but take painkillers. However, "pain" is not only a manifestation of dysmenorrhea in unmarried women, but also may be a sign of many "unicident", and endometriosis is one of them.

Endometriosis can easily lead to infertility, and the infertility rate in normal women is about 15%, while the infertility rate in women with endometriosis can be as high as 50%. Progressive dysmenorrhea is the most prominent feature of endometriosis, which can occur before, during and after menstruation, and is often overlooked, as is the case with the infertile patient below.

Liu Xiaoran (pseudonym) is 25 years old this year, and began to prepare for pregnancy after marrying her husband in early 2019, and 2 years have passed, Liu Xiaoran's stomach has still not moved a bit. The couple was puzzled, and during the 2 years, they also went to many hospitals for treatment, but still fruitless. After talking about this matter with friends, she accidentally learned that Zhuzhou Renhe Maternity Hospital has a specialist specializing in infertility in the local area, and she went to Zhuzhou Renhe Maternity Hospital with her last hope for medical treatment.

The person who received Liu Xiaoran was President Qin Shuocai, who had the reputation of "sending children to Guanyin". Through the examination, it was found that Liu Xiaoran's fallopian tubes and ovulation function were normal, and her husband's semen test results also showed passing. At this time, Qin Shuo was keenly aware that Liu Xiaoran's condition might have other reasons. Through laparoscopic exploration, Qin Shuo discovered that Liu Xiaoran's infertility was originally a curse caused by endometriosis. Due to the ectopic endometriosis to the pelvic cavity, the normal structure of the pelvic cavity is destroyed, resulting in extensive pelvic adhesions, affecting the normal peristalsis of the fallopian tubes, so that the fertilized egg cannot successfully reach the uterine cavity, and eventually triggers infertility.

Find the cause, and the symptomatic treatment is naturally much simpler. Qin Shuocai performed ectopic lesion removal for Liu Xiaoran under laparoscopy, isolating the adhesions around the pelvic cavity and fallopian tubes, and then adopted "pelvic immunoperfusion therapy" and combined with traditional Chinese medicine internal administration for consolidation treatment. In less than half a year, good news came from Liu Xiaoran's stomach, and she successfully became pregnant. After pregnancy, Liu Xiaoran regularly came to the hospital for pregnancy tests, and the results of various examinations showed that the fetus was developing normally.

Qin Shuocai introduced that Liu Xiaoran's illness is not without warning, and she has a long history of painful menstruation before she married. At that time, she thought it was just ordinary dysmenorrhea, so she relied on taking medicine to alleviate it, and never went to the hospital to do relevant examinations. After marriage, there was also pain when she had sex with her husband, but the symptoms were mild, and they were also ignored by the couple, until they were diagnosed with endometriosis because of years of infertility, Liu Xiaoran realized that the original dysmenorrhea at that time was a signal sent by the disease to himself.

Qin Shuocai reminded that when most women have dysmenorrhea, as long as it does not seriously affect work and life, it is generally not paid much attention, and many patients are like Liu Xiaoran, ignoring the reasons behind dysmenorrhea. If the time of dysmenorrhea lasts from the first two days of the beginning to the entire menstrual period, even during non-menstrual periods, there will be symptoms of pain, and from time to time accompanied by different degrees of sexual pain, then it should be taken seriously, it is likely that endometriosis is at work. It is recommended that if you have the above abnormal symptoms, you should seek medical examination and treatment in time to avoid affecting normal fertility in the future.

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