
Know how to delay gratification in everything and be a long-termist


Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly and doing for a long time.

What is worth doing is those things that are beneficial to personal growth and can enhance our core competitiveness, and these things need us to do slowly, long-term, and always do. Instead of always starting and giving up, and finally not being able to do anything.

Do anything that can only grow exponentially when the accumulation reaches a tipping point. This is the so-called compound interest effect and the periodicity of the law of cognitive learning. From quantitative change to qualitative change, it needs to be accumulated slowly. We need to be patient and not too hasty. Know how to delay gratification and be a long-termist.

A few days ago on Weibo saw a blogger mentioned 10 things that are worth investing but take a long time to return, here combined with their own thinking to share with you:

1. Maintain the body

The body is the capital of the revolution, without a healthy body, everything else is a floating cloud. So no matter how busy we are at work, we must also take a certain amount of time to exercise more, go to the gym, run outdoors, find your favorite way of exercising, and the best one that suits you is.

2. Writing

Writing is a process of output forcing input, and it is an excellent way to force growth, which can improve your thinking and logical thinking ability. Workplace communication, email exchanges, including short video copywriting and integration are inseparable from writing, so writing is also an important skill worthy of our slow improvement.

3. Investment and wealth management

Whether we have enough spare money or not, we can learn the knowledge of investment and financial management, and we can rely on correct and rational investment methods to obtain exponential wealth.

4. Build a family

Buffett once said that the most important decision in life is to find the right partner. So, our significant other is worth the time we spend looking for by our own standards, and the rest of our lives are too long to find the right person.

5. Establish mutual aid groups/teams/studios/companies

As mentioned in the sharing of "lifelong career" before, we can set up a team, set up a studio, establish a stable and profitable system, create continuous wealth, and leverage the time of others to achieve the income of the B quadrant mentioned in the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad".

6. Cultivate logical thinking of independent thinking

Through reading, reading, and learning, we will continuously improve our cognitive level, and gradually cultivate our logical thinking ability of independent thinking, so as to face the uncertainties encountered in future life.

7. Understand yourself more deeply

Learn, and then know the inadequacies. Self-growth is a gradual process, only by refining every day and continuously iteratively optimizing yourself, can you meet a better self in the future.

8. Learn a foreign language well

Whether it is to read foreign literature or travel abroad, it is necessary to learn a foreign language well, and at the critical moment, how useful and useful it is.

9. Learn to program

Programming can help us develop logical thinking skills and abstract thinking skills. If you are interested, you can learn the easy-to-use Python. Some of these scripts can greatly increase our productivity. Recently, in many public accounts, I have seen ads promoted by Python, and the popularity of the programming language can be seen.

10. Cultivate a hobby

In addition to work, we should always do something in our spare time, reading, writing, watching ball games, running, etc., we must cultivate our own interests and hobbies, if we can do some side business in terms of hobbies, it is better, in short, we can not be too idle, we must be busy and enrich our lives.

In summary, they are all things that are worth our long-term time to do, and if we can stick to it, it will certainly be of great benefit to our personal growth in the long run.

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