
Two characteristics of a person who will not succeed: intermittent effort, and continuous lying flat

In life, we will all experience such a situation:

The plan you make can stick to at first, but you don't stick to it for a long time, for example, if you plan to read a book, you only turn the first few pages. You plan to run, only to run for a few days and then you can't get up. You planned to practice words, and you bought several copies of the posters, and the result was only the beginning.

Is this a situation you have experienced, obviously well planned, but not really executed. Year after year of planning, but very few have really done it.

So have you ever wondered why this is? Why can others succeed, but they still achieve nothing, there is no growth, the only growth is age.

In fact, we all know why this is, but there are only two reasons: intermittent effort, and continuous lying flat.

Two characteristics of a person who will not succeed: intermittent effort, and continuous lying flat

1. Intermittent efforts

I think you've been through this as well, for example:

Take weight loss, for example, when do you start thinking about weight loss, I think there are two situations, one is when you take the weight on the scale, and the other is when others say that you are gaining weight again.

When you see your weight or when others say you're gaining weight, you think you need to lose weight, so you start to make plans for yourself, start to control your diet, and start planned exercise.

However, have you found that this plan does not last long, may be a week, may be a month, always insist on the time is not long, may be a friend invited you to supper, weight loss has been left behind, but also to find an excuse for themselves "to eat enough to have the strength to lose weight." So weight loss failed.

This is not about you, I have also experienced such a situation, said to lose weight and finally did not stick to it. In fact, we all know that it is very simple to lose weight successfully, as long as you can stick to it, you can succeed.

Two characteristics of a person who will not succeed: intermittent effort, and continuous lying flat

As the saying goes: If there is perseverance, why should three sleep five more; the most useless is to be exposed to ten days of cold in one day. It is said that there is perseverance, and there is no need to get up early and greedy. No perseverance, do a day off for ten days.

It's just that most of us, when dealing with the plans we make, are in a state of intermittent effort, and when we may be affected by external forces, we think about trying to make an effort, otherwise it is "three days of drying nets and two days of fishing."

Indeed, many of us are like this, the slogans are shouted loudly, the plans are detailed, but there are very few who really persist, only ideological persistence, but this persistence cannot last long, only intermittent efforts.

Therefore, if you want to succeed, it is useless to rely only on temporary persistence, and you need to continue to persevere.

Two characteristics of a person who will not succeed: intermittent effort, and continuous lying flat

2. Persistent lying flat

Yes, more of us are constantly lying flat after intermittent efforts, and we will always find the right excuse for ourselves, such as it rains today, wait for the next time, wait for tomorrow.

In short, there are many excuses, and I think the one thing that everyone insists on the longest is to sleep! Because that's what we have to do every day.

The rest of the time, more is lying flat, which is not that we do not work hard, but our efforts are intermittent, only exist for a period of time, and have not been persistent.

It's like a parabola in mathematics that has high and low. Intermittent effort and sustained lying flat are like this parabola, intermittent effort is the highest, and then continuous lying flat has been declining.

If you think about it carefully, this is indeed the case, why we have not achieved the same success as others, in fact, the reason is above these two words, hard work and persistence, but our efforts and persistence are intermittent, and we have not been able to persevere.

More often than not, we just have a plan, but we can't stick to it, otherwise we wouldn't always say "if it was". But there are no ifs in this world, only consequences and consequences.

If you want to succeed, you can't just stay on the top of thinking, but more that you need to actually do it, rather than intermittent efforts, continuous lying flat, you say yes or no.

Wen | Ming floating life

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