
5 writers, 5 classic books, Chinese accounted for 4 seats! It is worth reading more than 5 times1, "Life" 2, "White Deer Plain" 3, "Alive" 4, "The Kite Chaser" 5, Zhou Guoping's "Philosophy of Life"

author:Poisonous tongue Phineas

The more you read, the faster you read, and the deeper you understand the matter of reading. In the current very impetuous environment, it is really a good experience to be able to calm down and read a book that is not so utilitarian!

In 2021, I read a lot more than last year, and in addition to some professional books, I pay more attention to history, literature and philosophy books. This time, I recommend 5 literary books for everyone to read in the first half of the year.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" >1</h1>

Man and society, the general outcome of all struggles, may be moderation. Instead of being serious, it is better to pick chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and leisurely see the South Mountain. If you have money, you will find a drunk, if you have no money, you will find a sleep, there is no dispute with the world, and you will be at ease with the encounter.

Life cannot wait for others to arrange it, to fight and struggle for it yourself; and whether the result is joy or sorrow, but it is comforting that you have never lived in this world in vain.

In Lu Yao's "Life", we can always see such words, which can not only free us from the complex and stressful daily life, but also purify our hearts.

This book has been read no less than 5 times, but each time I read it, I have a new harvest. From the first time he hated Gao Garin's desperate feelings, to the back even pity Gao Garin, the heartache qiaozhen, envy the honest man and horse tether.

5 writers, 5 classic books, Chinese accounted for 4 seats! It is worth reading more than 5 times1, "Life" 2, "White Deer Plain" 3, "Alive" 4, "The Kite Chaser" 5, Zhou Guoping's "Philosophy of Life"

In this life, there will be several major choices in front of people, but not everyone can grasp the opportunity to counterattack. A lot of people say that's fate, but I think it's just the cognitive level at which you make choices.

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"Life" Road Remote book ¥45 purchase

Some people are more than half a hundred years old but have simple minds, while some people are fledgling but can grasp the underlying logic of life. Reading "Life" will not allow us to immediately become rich and free, but it will certainly make our cognitive level have a great improvement.

After all, life is chosen everywhere, if a person does not even have a basic sense of choice, how can he grasp the important choices of life?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="20" >2</h1>

This is a history depicting the changes in the Weihe River Plain in the 1950s, through the emotional twists and turns of the Bai and Lu families, with Tian Xiao'e's tragic fate as a dark line, telling the life of the low-level people in that era.

The uncut version of "White Deer Plain" was purchased at ¥39

With this work, the writer Chen Zhongzhong even topped the 2006 writer's income list, which made some of his peers sour, saying that he was a writer who ate a lifetime by one work.

5 writers, 5 classic books, Chinese accounted for 4 seats! It is worth reading more than 5 times1, "Life" 2, "White Deer Plain" 3, "Alive" 4, "The Kite Chaser" 5, Zhou Guoping's "Philosophy of Life"

In order to apply for the Mao Dun Literature Award that year, Bailuyuan deleted nearly 20,000 words, but fortunately, Elder Chen retained the original version. The uncut version of The White Deer Plain was immediately welcomed by everyone as soon as it was listed.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="30" >3</h1>

Writers like Yu Hua are becoming less and less in China, and he presents the stories of the people at the bottom in front of the public through the most popular language, and I have watched the work "Alive" no less than 3 times.

Classics just need to be read repeatedly, so I went straight to a set of hardcover editions of "Alive" at that time.

The protagonist Rich and Noble experienced social changes such as the Civil War, the Great Leap Forward, and the Cultural Revolution, and in the case of a very poor life, the relatives around him still left him one by one, and finally only the elderly rich and an old cow were left to live together.

5 writers, 5 classic books, Chinese accounted for 4 seats! It is worth reading more than 5 times1, "Life" 2, "White Deer Plain" 3, "Alive" 4, "The Kite Chaser" 5, Zhou Guoping's "Philosophy of Life"

This work earned Yu Hua the Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres des Arts et de France in 2004. The 120,000-word novel depicts the "tragic" life of the rich and noble, and also makes us more able to appreciate the meaning of life.

Especially in the chapter about the death of the rich son Youqing, Yu Hua cried at the table and even stopped writing for 2 months.

"Alive" by Yu Hua ¥35 purchase

In the book, Yu Hua writes:

I looked at the winding path that led to the city, but I could no longer hear my son running barefoot, and the moonlight on the road seemed to be sprinkled with salt!

Because Youqing raised two sheep before he died, Youqing would run on this road every day to cut the grass for the sheep, 3 times a day, and not once did he fall. Now that Yang has been taken away by the commune and has become the property of the public family, Youqing has also passed away.

Time magazine once commented on the work "Alive": All the disasters that have occurred in China in the past sixty years have happened to Fugui and his family. Although the rich man has lost his relatives, he has the strongest will.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="49" >4</h1>

This is a film that came out in the United States and touched the hearts of readers around the world with a shocking story, and so far the cumulative sales volume of this book has exceeded 40 million copies, which has had a profound impact on the world.

The author, Khaled Al-Husseini, was born into a family of diplomats in Afghanistan, but moved to the United States with his father because of the war and became an American, but he deeply resented the war in his homeland.

The Kite Chaser Chinese Edition is purchased at ¥29

In 2003, he published his debut novel" "The Kite Chaser", which caused a huge sensation.

5 writers, 5 classic books, Chinese accounted for 4 seats! It is worth reading more than 5 times1, "Life" 2, "White Deer Plain" 3, "Alive" 4, "The Kite Chaser" 5, Zhou Guoping's "Philosophy of Life"

Although it is suitable for a book set in the background of war, it depicts human nature very deeply, and a few classic quotes from the book are extracted and enjoyed together:

1, get and then lose, it is better than never get more hurtful!

2, I am very happy that someone finally recognized my true face, I pretended to be too tired!

3) Time is greedy, and sometimes it will swallow up all the details alone.

4) It is better to be hurt by the truth than to be comforted by lies.

But the sentence that touched me the most was Hassan's: For you, thousands of times!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="88" >5, Zhou Guoping's "Philosophy of Life"</h1>

Zhou Guoping is a famous scholar and philosopher in China.

In the early years, I saw many of his works, such as "Man and Eternity", "Baby, Baby", "Lady: Notes of a Father", the essay collection "Their Pilgrimage Road" and so on.

But recently Mr. Zhou Guoping summarized and sorted out his nearly 70 years of life thinking.

5 writers, 5 classic books, Chinese accounted for 4 seats! It is worth reading more than 5 times1, "Life" 2, "White Deer Plain" 3, "Alive" 4, "The Kite Chaser" 5, Zhou Guoping's "Philosophy of Life"

Finally compiled into this "Philosophy of Life", I resolutely started a one. In the words of Zhou Guoping: If you only want to read one of my books, read this one! This is also one of his most satisfying works.

"Philosophy of Life" by Zhou Guoping ¥42 purchase

The book has been sorted out 4 times, and the books completely reflect his life perception from life perception, emotional experience, human heart observation, and then to the spiritual home. The content covers nearly 100 topics such as life, love, sex, marriage and human feelings.

Zhou Guoping's books have always been popular with a wide range of readers, and this book is very easy to read, but without losing depth. Such a book is perfect for our pillow book, not only rich in content, but also deep.

We don't have to be philosophers, but we hope we can all grasp the logic of life and live our true selves!

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