
"Ruicheng phenomenon" Zhuanghe east

author:Shanxi News Network
"Ruicheng phenomenon" Zhuanghe east

Shang Yuliang, secretary of the Ruicheng County Party Committee, conducted research and guidance in the front line of the project.

"Ruicheng phenomenon" Zhuanghe east

Yu Min, deputy secretary of the Ruicheng County Party Committee and acting county magistrate, conducted research and guidance in the Fenglingdu Economic Development Zone.

"Ruicheng phenomenon" Zhuanghe east

The wheat base has enjoyed a bumper harvest and modern agriculture has flourished.

"Ruicheng phenomenon" Zhuanghe east

The construction of the project is still in full swing, and the transformation and development are on the next level.

"Ruicheng phenomenon" Zhuanghe east

The "People's Home" is about to be put into use, and the feelings for the people are fully displayed.

"Ruicheng phenomenon" Zhuanghe east

Park city push window to see the green, a garden and a scene livable and suitable for travel.

Long Yin Tiao Mountain, Fengxiang River; Ancient Wei Rui City, all the way to the song.

A group of cheerfully beating figures, stretching the pulse of high-quality development; construction projects rising from the ground one after another, raising the happiness index of the people; one after another characteristic parks that push the windows to see the green, witnessing the practice of "two mountains" with green water and green mountains.

The county's regional GDP reached 11.353 billion yuan; the total fiscal revenue reached 906 million yuan; the general public budget revenue reached 451 million yuan; the added value of industries above designated size increased by 17.6%; the investment in fixed assets reached 4.443 billion yuan; the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents was 36,144 yuan and 14,764 yuan respectively, and the target set at the beginning of the year was completed as scheduled... Since last year, the Ruicheng County Party Committee and the county government have adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply studied and implemented the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Shanxi, conscientiously implemented the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress and the 5th Municipal Party Congress, closely followed the all-round promotion of high-quality development, continued to make good use of the "five grasps, one excellent and one promotion" economic work as the main grasp, adhered to the development idea of "ecological consolidation, business efficiency", and took the creation of the Yellow River Basin (Ruicheng Section) ecological protection and high-quality development demonstration zone as the general traction We will make every effort to promote the construction of the "two parks and four districts", and make new progress in reform, development, stability, and party building. In the first three quarters of 2021, Ruicheng has always remained in the first square of the city, the "Ruicheng phenomenon" has been further consolidated and expanded, and the ancient and young Ruicheng has marched along the Golden Light Avenue guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping.

The construction of the project is urgent

The towers are lined with water, the traffic is busy, and the battle is still in full swing. Project construction is the central task of achieving high-quality development. In 2021, Ruicheng will unswervingly grasp economic construction and consolidate the material foundation for high-quality development - the project construction conference is in full swing. Continue to improve the project "Four Libraries", planning 1131 projects with a total investment of 450.9 billion yuan, 320 reserve projects with a total investment of 40.4 billion yuan, 143 construction projects with a total investment of 19.66 billion yuan, and 18 effective projects with a total investment of 2.973 billion yuan. There are 116 newly started projects in the county, with an operating rate of 142.17%.

The competition for investment promotion is fierce. The Standing Committee of the County Party Committee led the team to attract investment, and a number of major projects such as the 1,000-mu new material industrial park with a total investment of 6 billion yuan and the annual output of 5,000 tons of graphite and carbon products of 500 million yuan landed. Aiming at centralized office places such as incubators and high-tech industrial parks in first- and second-tier cities, we continued to carry out "sweeping buildings" investment promotion actions, collecting 93 project clues and docking 61 projects. A total of 35 projects were signed in the whole year, with a total investment of 24.745 billion yuan.

The action of recruiting talents and attracting wisdom has been successful in battle. Focusing on the construction of a "talent highland", we will further promote the "three plans" for the introduction of talents, continue to deepen the special action of "transporting talents and rejuvenating transportation", and do a good job in county-school cooperation and the construction of 12 major bases. At present, 5 expert think tanks such as ecological environmental protection, biomedical industry, carbon neutrality and smart education have been established, and 78 universities such as Tsinghua University, Minzu University of China, Wuhan University, Tongji University, xi'an Jiaotong University have reached cooperation intentions, signed more than 60 cooperation agreements, and landed 35 projects.

The great contest of wealth creation for the whole people is a fist-to-fist competition. Relying on leading backbone enterprises such as Yabao, Xijian, Nanxing, huaneng, etc., we have innovated and established six major industrial development alliances to achieve "group-style" development. In the "help the big, help the small" overall efforts, the implementation of the market body multiplication project, vigorously promote the "hundred enterprises plan", increase the cultivation of small and medium-sized and micro enterprises, the county's market entities increased by 3247 households, the total number of 24019 households, an increase of 15.6% year-on-year, the newly cultivated "small upgrading" enterprises 11, provincial "specialized special new" small and medium-sized enterprises 3.

The business environment competition is exciting. Carry out 4 phases of television and government, report 10 typical cases, expose short and bright ugliness, scrape bones and cure poison; discuss heroes with high quality, optimize the use of idle resources, solve the burden of eliminating development problems, and revitalize and reuse 140 mu of idle factories; industrial projects have achieved full coverage of online examination and approval, and the average time for taking land to start work has been shortened by about 30%; vigorously implement the reform of "commitment system + standard land + full agency" in the development zone, and 9 cases of 608.27 mu of state-owned construction land have been listed and sold in a "standard land" and provided agency services for 8 investment projects The average time limit for completion is reduced by more than 80%.

During his inspection of ruicheng, Ding Xiaoqiang, secretary of the Yuncheng City CPC Committee, spoke highly of the "Ruicheng phenomenon" and publicized it in a high-standard and multi-faceted manner in the Yuncheng Daily, which further condensed the strong joint force of officials from all levels of the county to start a business.

Green development as the background

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, the trees are shady, the scenery is picturesque, and the four seasons are pleasant. In 2021, Ruicheng adheres to the demonstration and creation of ecological civilization as the starting point, and the quality level of regional ecological civilization has been greatly improved - the atmospheric environment has achieved "blue sky residency". The county's comprehensive air quality index ranks in the forefront of the province, with 299 days of excellent days above the second level in the whole year; the water environment has achieved "green water and clear water". The "Action Plan for Consolidating and Improving the Quality of the Water Environment" was issued, the management of sewage outlets into the river was strengthened, and all kinds of illegal discharge behaviors were severely cracked down to ensure that "a flood of clean water entered the Yellow River"; the soil environment achieved "loess restoration". Comprehensively carry out self-inspection of the standardized management of hazardous waste in enterprises, and successfully pass the municipal assessment, with a compliance rate of 100%; the construction of ecological civilization has been upgraded. Focusing on the five-character policy of "cleaning, demolishing, reforming, planting and building", we have made every effort to carry out centralized improvement of urban and rural environments, completed the improvement of more than 5,000 toilets, created 3 beautiful and livable contiguous demonstration areas along the Yellow Line, along the mountain line and along the Xihoudu Line, created 8 beautiful rural demonstration villages, and continued to beautify the urban and rural environment. Park city to create a window to see the green, out of the door is the garden, the big river wonderland, the grace of Rui City, a garden and a scene, lingering. By actively creating a practice innovation base of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", Ruicheng's "light storage and direct soft" rooftop distributed photovoltaic pilot Ruicheng model was successfully selected as a green and low-carbon typical case of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in 2021, expanding the popularity and influence of Ruicheng's ecological civilization construction in the country, and continuing to polish the "ecological Ruicheng" green brand.

Rural revitalization is tall

The gold and silver are paved, the flowers and fruits are fragrant, and the appearance of the village is renewed. The masses are judged by the score of the "examination papers". Since last year, Ruicheng has always taken the solution of people's livelihood problems as the starting point and foothold of all work, on the road of "catching up with the examination" of building a well-off society in an all-round way, Ruicheng has consolidated and expanded its poverty alleviation, the "six chaos" governance has penetrated the hearts of the people, the "everyone holds a certificate and the skill society" improvement project has been comprehensively promoted, the "urban-rural integration" park-running model has won another honor, the "three zeros" creation has achieved remarkable results, and the people's livelihood security has reached a new high.

In order to do a good job in consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, since last year, Ruicheng has actively explored new paths for industrial development to promote rural revitalization, grasping key points, making up for shortcomings, strengthening weak points, shaping characteristics, creating advantages, and comprehensively building a new pattern of rural revitalization and development. The annual grain planting area was stable at 955,000 mu, and it was rated as "National Grain Producing County" for 11 consecutive years; with the "Beidou Seven Stars" as the breakthrough, it completed the transformation of orchards and the construction of a standardization base of more than 50,000 mu, with an annual fruit output of 550,000 tons, an export of 80,000 tons of fruits, and an export value of 89 million US dollars; more than 20 kinds of medicinal tea in 5 enterprises of Yabao Pharmaceutical, Kangshou Tea, Tianren Juye, Huaji Pharmaceutical, and Huifeng Agriculture obtained brand authorization, and the annual output of medicinal tea exceeded 5,000 tons, with an output value of 300 million yuan; Actively cultivate new agricultural business entities, carry out farmers' professional cooperatives and family farm standard improvement actions, Xiong Kun, RunYuexiang and other 5 farms were selected into the list of provincial demonstration family farms in 2021, and Ruicheng was rated as "family farm demonstration county". Vigorously develop agricultural "trusteeship" services, the county has the ability to undertake the trusteeship work of socialized service organizations reached 126, grain trusteeship area of 350,000 mu, On August 30, 2021, Ruicheng County made a typical speech at the provincial agricultural trusteeship site meeting.

Ideological construction is full of vitality

"Hardware" is stronger, and "software" is also hardened. In 2021, the Ruicheng County Party Committee will strengthen the political life within the party as the primary task of consolidating political and ideological construction. The county party committee strictly implements the "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Responsibility System for Ideological Work of Party Committees (Party Groups)," the main leaders of the county party and government take the lead in conducting ideological research and judgment on a regular basis, and the Standing Committee of the county party committee sets up special topics every quarter to study the work in the ideological field and firmly grasp the leadership of ideological work. The county party committee has carried out in-depth study of the central group 15 times throughout the year, held 12 study seminars, and promoted the institutionalization, standardization and normalization of the study of the theoretical central group of the party committees (party groups) at all levels in the county. At the same time, the "Learning to Strengthen the Country" platform will be included in the assessment of the learning effectiveness of party organizations at all levels, and the number of activated people in the structure has reached 39,000, and the per capita points rank first among 13 counties (cities). In the activities of "studying party history, enlightening the mind, doing practical things, and opening up a new situation," the county party committee has carried out in-depth study and education in party history, done a good job in studying and discussing special topics, and made good use of the important carrier of "theme party day," the important resource of red culture, and the important magic weapon of the mass line. In 2021, Ruicheng County will create 11 civilized units at or above the municipal level, of which the county taxation bureau and the county power supply company will be rated as national civilized units; the "star civilized households" will achieve remarkable results, and 1108 five-star civilized households will be selected. Among them, Gao Wenyu won the 8th National Moral Model Nomination Award, and Li Shangshi was elected as one of the top ten figures who moved Shanxi, the only one in Yuncheng, and the flower fell in Ruicheng. Guang Fengli and Zhang Mengzhi were rated as "Good People of Yuncheng" in the first half of 2021, and the creation of provincial-level civilized counties and towns has made great progress. "Chronicle of Yongle Palace" was sung and sung, the afterglow was around the beams, the field was full, and it was difficult to find a ticket. Bag memory warm students, famous in China, nostalgia, determined to serve the country. The county's moral model selection is about to be released, the impact is far-reaching, "Ruicheng County has many good people" worthy of the name, really deserved.

The red flag of party building work flies

Party building is the foundation and prerequisite for doing a good job in all work. Since last year, Ruicheng has carried out in-depth special actions for the creation of "five red flags" demonstration villages for rural revitalization and the creation of "five red flags" demonstration communities for urban renewal, realized the creation of 10 five red flag villages and 2 communities, and completed the annual creation goal on schedule; in the special action of "community whistle blowing, party member registration", a total of 47 activities have been carried out; the "red property" brand has created special actions to truly open up the "last hundred meters" of serving residents; and the creation of 10 organ party building demonstration points such as procuratorates, public security bureaus, and tax bureaus. Promote the overall level of party building in the organs; focus on building four party branches of Tongji Pharmaceutical, Dongmao Plaza, Yangsen Packaging, and Wen's Animal Husbandry, and polish the "two new" organization party building brands. In 2021, Ruicheng clearly established the orientation of "emphasizing hard work and emphasizing actual performance", adjusted a total of 15 batches of 357 cadres, and formed a correct orientation in the county for the superior, the excellent, the mediocre, and the inferior; openly recruited 49 college graduates to enrich the backbone of grass-roots governance; comprehensively carried out the "Five Seedlings Action", selected 20 cadres of organs and institutions to serve in 17 villages, and took multiple measures to do a good job in the construction of the cadre team. By strengthening the party's political construction with a clear banner, persistently upholding the correct style and eliminating discipline and fighting corruption, and grasping the change of rural government in a sound and orderly manner, Ruicheng focused on party building, comprehensively consolidated the grass-roots foundation, and injected new vitality into the transformation and development of the county and high-quality development.

Ten thousand swans are not far away from the ecological fairy town, and the phenomenon of a magnificent Rui city is spectacular when the waves of a thousand miles of rivers crash on the shore. Looking back at 2021, the achievements are encouraging: from reform and innovation to economic transformation, from investment promotion to project construction, from urban and rural construction to the improvement of people's livelihood... Ruicheng calmly responded to the severe situation of multiple difficulties, coordinated the promotion of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and achieved a good start in the "14th Five-Year Plan". Looking forward to 2022, the goal urges people to forge ahead: fully implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee and municipal party committee, take the creation of the Ecological Protection and High-quality Development Demonstration Zone in the Yellow River Basin (Ruicheng Section) as the general traction, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress in stability, always maintain the spirit of "breaking through", the momentum of "creating", and the style of "doing", love Ruicheng, seek common development, and strive to promote the high-quality development of Ruicheng.

Planner: Lu Jing

Text: Zhang Xuejin, Wang Zhao, Cao Fei

Photo: Xiao Yongjie, Yang Xing, Zhang Tuo

(Editor-in-charge: Ma Yunmei)

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