
Be careful, your "narcissism" is ruining your relationship

author:Emotional intelligence practitioner

In fact, everyone has some narcissistic traits, here are 9 traits for narcissistic mothers and how they can affect their parent-child relationship:

1, there is an unrealistic perception of their own importance, such as exaggerating their achievements, expertise and abilities, appearing superior. This kind of mother only talks about herself and things about herself, and never asks her children what they think of her.

2. Focus on those fantasies about endless success, power, talent, beauty, and ideal love. This mother believes that her work will bring her widespread acclaim through the power of her reputable service community.

Be careful, your "narcissism" is ruining your relationship

3, believe that you are special, unique, can only be understood by other special people, high status people, and should only be with people like them.

Even if such a mother takes her family to dinner at a restaurant, she treats the clerk like a queen treats her courtiers, acting as if she were a social master of high society.

4, excessive worship is required. Such a mother wants her to receive your praise, gratitude, and compliments for everything she does.

They always want their family to be grateful for her efforts, and they can't stop saying, "Everything I've done for you!"

5. Feel privileged, such as irrationally expecting yourself to receive special preferential treatment. They want others to automatically follow their own ideas. Such a mother feels so important that she has to go through the "VIP channel" in everything.

Be careful, your "narcissism" is ruining your relationship

6, accustomed to interpersonal exploitation, such as using others to achieve their own goals. Such a mother makes only friends who are useful for achieving her own ends.

7, lack of empathy, unwillingness to understand or identify with the feelings and needs of others. Whatever they say to their children, they are constantly correcting, criticizing, or despising others in some way.

8, often jealous of others, or feel that others are jealous of her. Such a mom would say she doesn't have female friends because "most women are jealous of me." ”

Be careful, your "narcissism" is ruining your relationship

9, show arrogance, no one in sight posture. Such mothers feel that their children are much better than those with poor family conditions and should not play with them.

Narcissistic mothers lack empathy and the ability to show maternal love, and their emotional lives appear superficial.

As a result, their children will also lack a true emotional bond, thus feeling that something is missing, growing up in a sense of emptiness and loss of loved ones.

Be careful, your "narcissism" is ruining your relationship

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