
A regiment of the Red Army suddenly disappeared, and people searched in Guizhou many times without success, only to be found 67 years later

author:Wise pencil

In the history of the Communist Party of China's arduous pioneering work, the "Long March of the Red Army" is a period of history that many people lament and admire but must not forget. As the saying goes, "The Red Army is not afraid of expeditions and difficulties, and thousands of rivers and mountains are just waiting for idleness." Although the Red Army has sustained this long and arduous journey with tenacious will, the difficulties and bitterness in it are unimaginable to us living in the era of peace and tranquility.

A regiment of the Red Army suddenly disappeared, and people searched in Guizhou many times without success, only to be found 67 years later

The Long March of the Red Army

In the arduous journey through the snowy mountains and meadows, the revolutionary martyrs who lacked materials dug up tree roots, nibbled on belts, and experienced hardships and hardships unimaginable to ordinary people, before finally winning the victory of the Long March. In fact, the lack of materials and the long distance were not the only problems faced by the Red Army's Long March. In the course of the Red Army's Long March of hunger and cold, it often had to face the enemy's pursuit and round-up, and after several desperate battles with the enemy army, killing the bloody road and breaking through the siege, it was necessary to successfully reach the other side of victory and thus change China's future destiny.

In 1934, at the end of the Red Army's Long March, the Sixth Army of the Red Army, which was in Shiquan, Guizhou, received orders to retreat and transfer, and the Red 52nd Regiment was responsible for covering the retreat of large troops to ensure the safe retreat of large troops. However, the 52nd Regiment, which was responsible for cover, suddenly lost track after the transfer.

A regiment of the Red Army suddenly disappeared, and people searched in Guizhou many times without success, only to be found 67 years later

Large red army

After the CPC Central Committee learned of this incident, it immediately issued an order to find out the whereabouts of this dispatched army as soon as possible. Until more than sixty years have passed, this mysterious 52 regiment still has no clues, which makes the CPC Central Committee feel very worried. Where did this 52nd regiment go? Are the soldiers in the regiment dead or alive?

Later, sixty-seven years after the disappearance of the 52nd Regiment, an unexpected discovery led to the mystery finally being solved. Here we may wish to understand, what happened to this legion? Why did they disappear en masse? And how was it found?

Why did the Red Army march?

The root cause of the disappearance of the 52nd Regiment is, in the final analysis, because Chiang Kai-shek's heart is fierce.

A regiment of the Red Army suddenly disappeared, and people searched in Guizhou many times without success, only to be found 67 years later

Old photos of the Red Army

In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek took over the power of the Kuomintang and betrayed Sun Yat-sen's Three People's Principles in one fell swoop, and in pursuit of dictatorial rule, he suddenly raised a butcher's knife against the Communists, turned against them, and took the lead in destroying the political alliance with the Communists. Under Chiang Kai-shek's instructions, the Kuomintang launched the horrific April 12 counter-revolutionary coup, which massacred and arrested communists and revolutionary masses, creating "white terror" throughout the country and forcing the activities of communists to turn underground. Since then, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party have been completely divided.

A regiment of the Red Army suddenly disappeared, and people searched in Guizhou many times without success, only to be found 67 years later

The scum hole that slaughtered the Communists

In order to resist the tyranny of the Kuomintang and the betrayal of the political alliance, the Communist Party launched the Nanchang Uprising and established its own workers' and peasants' armed revolutionary force, which was known as the "Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army" and was the earliest army of the Communist Party.

With the support of military forces, the Red Army, on the one hand, resisted the bloody suppression of the Kuomintang, launched the Autumn Harvest Uprising and the Guangzhou Uprising one after another, used the agrarian revolution to continuously strengthen the armed forces of the Red Army to seize armed power, and cultivated the Revolutionary Base Areas of the Communist Party in various places with the principle of "encircling the cities from the countryside".

A regiment of the Red Army suddenly disappeared, and people searched in Guizhou many times without success, only to be found 67 years later

Revolutionary base areas

Seeing that under the suppression of the Kuomintang, the Communist Party of China not only did not bow its head and concede defeat, but on the contrary intensified, Chiang Kai-shek, who believed that "one mountain does not tolerate two tigers," successively mobilized a major number of troops to encircle and suppress the communist party's revolutionary base areas in an attempt to completely eliminate the revolutionary forces of the Communist Party of China.

However, the revolutionary will and determination of the Communist Party of China to resist will not be easily overthrown; in the first four encirclement and suppression campaigns launched by Chiang Kai-shek, the Communist Party of China won the victory against encirclement and suppression with its tenacious will to resist, but at the time of the fifth "anti-encirclement and suppression," our army suffered a huge blow.

A regiment of the Red Army suddenly disappeared, and people searched in Guizhou many times without success, only to be found 67 years later

Anti-encirclement and suppression

At that time, because the troops were growing rapidly, our army decided to use trench warfare instead of guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare, but after all, the level of equipment and other equipment of the troops was weaker than that of the nationalist army. Coupled with the fact that Chiang Kai-shek, who launched the fifth "encirclement and suppression, did not play his cards according to common sense, suddenly adopted the "fortress doctrine" style of play, and at the same time implemented the "three points military, seven points political" blockade economic protracted tactics, all sides made sufficient preparations to launch a large-scale surprise attack on the Red Army.

A regiment of the Red Army suddenly disappeared, and people searched in Guizhou many times without success, only to be found 67 years later

Therefore, the Red Army naturally could not take advantage of Chiang Kai-shek when it was "hard-fought", and coupled with the fact that the Red Army adopted a frontal position warfare that was not familiar with it, it soon fell into a passive situation and suffered heavy losses. The unfortunate failure of the fifth "anti-encirclement and suppression" led to the Red Army having to withdraw from the base areas and forced it to carry out a strategic shift and carry out the Long March. Fortunately, however, through the failure and lessons of the fifth anti-encirclement and suppression campaign, the Red Army found a more suitable tactical method of warfare, and since then it has opened an invincible mode of combat and gradually moved towards victory.

Red 52 Regiment

According to the instructions of the CPC Central Committee, the Red Sixth Army, with Ren Bishi, Xiao Ke, and Wang Zhen as the main leaders, led the 17th Division, the 18th Division, and a total of more than 9,700 people from the Red Army School to break through from the Xianggan area to the west and start the Long March.

According to the route instructions of the Long March, the Red Sixth Army must explore the road while padding behind, so as to ensure the safety of the Red Army's Long March. To this end, the CPC Central Committee transferred from the Red Sixth Army a very strong "vanguard" -- the Red 52nd Regiment -- to serve as a sharp blade for the Red Sixth Army, to open the way for the Red Sixth Army and ensure the safety of the large troops.

A regiment of the Red Army suddenly disappeared, and people searched in Guizhou many times without success, only to be found 67 years later

Red Army soldiers

This Red 52 Regiment is composed of extremely brave and good warrior elites, and is deeply valued by the CPC Central Committee. Under the instructions of the Central Military Commission, more than 800 people of the Red 52nd Regiment should explore the feasible path of the Long March in advance, and strive to give the main force of the Red Army sufficient time and a clear route to carry out the transfer of the Long March.

At the same time, the Kuomintang army was also monitoring the Red Army. After perceiving the movements of the 52nd Army, the Kuomintang army immediately sent a large number of central troops, and joined forces with local troops along the way to encircle and intercept the Red 52nd Army and the Red Sixth Army with ten times the strength of the troops, preparing to wipe them out in one fell swoop.

This time, the Red 52nd Regiment also lived up to expectations, repeatedly breaking through the enemy's obstruction blockade, allowing the Red Sixth Army to smoothly come to the Guizhou area for rest and preparation for crossing the river from the Xiang River. But what they did not expect was that at this time, the enemy army with 24 regiments of troops was quietly surrounding them...

A regiment of the Red Army suddenly disappeared, and people searched in Guizhou many times without success, only to be found 67 years later

Red army

At that time, the commander of the Red Sixth Army, Xiao Ke, suddenly realized that they were facing the enemy's encirclement and attack, and they were in a dilemma, and the incident was sudden, and the Red Army must immediately break through the siege in order to have a glimmer of life. Therefore, the red 52nd regiment, the most courageous vanguard elite unit of the Red Sixth Army, was obliged to undertake this important mission that concerned the survival of the whole regiment, break through the siege and cover the retreat of the Red Sixth Army!

When the Red 52nd Regiment received the order, it immediately counterattacked the Nationalist raiding army and attracted enemy fire in the rear. In the end, under the bloody battle and cover of the Red 52nd Regiment, the Red Sixth Army successfully broke through the enemy encirclement, while the Red 52nd Regiment needed to get rid of the entanglement with the enemy and gradually move closer to the main force of the Red Sixth Army, while buying time for the safe retreat of the Red Sixth Army.

A regiment of the Red Army suddenly disappeared, and people searched in Guizhou many times without success, only to be found 67 years later

At this time, the Red 52Nd Army was more than half damaged, and only more than four hundred people were left. Just when the Red 52nd Army successfully threw off the enemy army and began to move south to the main force of the Red Sixth Army, it was once again chased and beaten by the enemy, and the exhausted Red 52nd Regiment was exhausted and could only speed up the pace of retreat.

At the same time, Tian Haiqing, the commander of the Red 52Nd Regiment, was also very worried that if he continued to entangle with the enemy, he would not only be unable to catch up with the large troops, but might also expose the whereabouts of the large troops again. Therefore, Tian Haiqing changed the direction of the 52nd Army's march, preparing to divert the enemy by taking a long detour to prevent the whereabouts of the large troops from being exposed. After some strategic adjustment, the 52nd Army decided to walk up the Sleepy Cow Mountain and then over the Laojun Mountain to the south. This will not only throw off the enemy, but also catch up and protect the main force in a safer way.

A regiment of the Red Army suddenly disappeared, and people searched in Guizhou many times without success, only to be found 67 years later

The Red Army went up the hill

However, unexpectedly, the 52nd Army lost contact and "disappeared" out of thin air...

It was not until 67 years later, in Shiquan County, Guizhou Province, that a local old man revealed what he had seen and heard to everyone, thus solving the mystery of the disappearance of the 52nd Army.

The 52Nd Legion mystery is finally solved

According to local elders, they met the Red Army of the 52nd Army on October 17, 1934, when they were pursued by the enemy to the area of Shiquan County and entered the local Trapped Niu Mountain. However, what the 52nd Regiment of the Red Army did not expect was that the terrain of the Trapped Cow Mountain was very complicated, the mountain was as its name suggested, and once it entered, it was difficult to come out again, and the Red Army was also facing such a dilemma, trapped in the Sleepy Cow Mountain and could not get out.

A regiment of the Red Army suddenly disappeared, and people searched in Guizhou many times without success, only to be found 67 years later

Warriors forced to the edge of the cliff

At the same time, the enemy army also carried out propaganda to "suppress bandits" against the masses trapped in Niushan Mountain, smearing the Red Army and inciting the masses trapped in Niushan to lay siege to the Red Army, thus plunging the Red Army into a dilemma. The enemy quickly occupied the nearby high ground and swept and killed the Red Army trapped in the Niu Mountain according to the terrain advantage. In the face of the enemy's strong attack and the siege of the people, the Red Army still insisted on not injuring the masses by mistake.

Unexpectedly, the enemy army used this as a handle, coerced the villagers to stand in front as shields, and used fire suppression to force the 52nd Regiment of the Red Army to the edge of the cliff. At this time, the back of the 52nd Regiment of the Red Army was an abyss. But they faced the people who were coerced by the enemy as a shield, and no one was willing to shoot at these innocent people, but they were unwilling to surrender to the enemy.

In the end, the soldiers of the 52nd Regiment jumped down the abyss without hesitation, and sacrificed heroically. And those who witnessed the warriors' feats of jumping off cliffs were in tears, knowing that the Red Army was an army that truly cared for the people.

A regiment of the Red Army suddenly disappeared, and people searched in Guizhou many times without success, only to be found 67 years later

Monument to the site of the Red Army cliff jumping on Sleepy Cow Mountain

Since then, the people of Sleepy Niu Mountain will come to the cliffside every festival to commemorate those heroic and righteous Red Army martyrs, which has become a local custom and has been passed down from generation to generation, so it has attracted the attention of the local party history department, and after investigation, it was found that this was the 52nd Army that disappeared that year!

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